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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. woooOOOoooOp PARRRRTEEEEYYY IT IS THEN mwahaah PS I'm a lightweight tho lol

  2. OMG the height of miming when he even has to get Luke to mime the right piano notes for him!!! Bit like this one when he even got the whole audience to mime, but why he didnt get them (us) to mime to a more in tune audience I'll never know http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRCXyewbtZw
  3. you made me break my diet, ruddy slim fast, fruit n veg for daaaays (shh that ages in the land of dieting) and now I gotta go eat CHOCOLATE or summit
  4. bravo Hurrah well said that man etc etc (especially the refrence to a ringing object) spot on:thumb_yello:
  5. gasp I thought you were a proper Eastender, you really have lost your accent so fast, you sound like you ought to be on Eastenders.... you could be the new Peggy Mitchell "get outa my fan claaaab!!!"
  6. oh is this another point to YOU? I think NOT did your mother never tell you if you don't have anything good say then just stfu! looks to me like you aint got anything valid to say here that I am interested in so gonna IGNORE!!
  7. well said Hurray bravo etc etc, this is what I was worried about, cos ppl who aint even seen him live will jump on 4Xegghead's band wagon and help it roll down a very fast hill, I just hope there is a pile of horse plop at the bottom for them to fall into though they will probs come out smelling sweeter than when they went in (sorry still angry at them).
  8. if I'm invited (& I'm traveling with Mikafish) then hell yeah I love to boogie, er I mean parteeey ..on a saturday night (sorry just been watching T.rex on you tube lol).

  9. I deleted my comments got a bit hot headed, but I'm not sorry I just deleted them so you can rap my knuckles too Debs and send me to the naughty step, I felt indignant on Mika's behalf since he seemed to feel it himself by those tweets eh made.
  10. hasn't this already been posted cos I have already read it somewhere tonight,
  11. so he's a mimimg, one-footed, lip-syncing expensive prostitute just the type I go for bigtime
  12. I feel the same about Mika's voice, it's just beautiful, (it's so pure on the cd verson of TB ) and also...it was meeee who commented bout the supporting each other n Mika
  13. I see the opposite here, I think we have all rallied round and are supporting each other in our support for Mika
  14. not to mention singing new songs so fast we can't make out the words, OH and on Jooles Holland at Xmas.. remember the famous CHICKET? I am sure he didn't lip sync on that tv performance since he doesnt say CHICKET on the cd!!
  15. HURRAH!!! well said. what also annoyed me is that he put a stop to comments abd left only the negative ones that agreed with HIM there for all to see, how VERY up your own ar*se can one untalented uncredible moron get!
  16. I'm not fussed on the re-mix, I kinda don't get re-mixes, probs cos I don't go out clubbing, so I find them kinda bleh
  17. why do I feel dissapointed that there isn't something on the "B" side if you like, like in the good old days, that I havn't heard before? I used to like going to the record shops, rushing home with it and discovering some fab new unheard song on the "B" side...THOSE were the days.
  18. I totally agree, and also how he comes much more alive when he has an audience, and an fully supportive audience to, when he does tv for exapmle without an audience... I often feel like something is missing for him, after seeing him live a fair number of times, well...you can just see the difference can't you.
  19. I acctually saw MIka's first response tweet (that he immediatley deleted) about this and I tweeted him back in FULL support since I have seen him live about 12 times and been either IN or very near the front row on 3/4's of those gigs, and I was totally indignant for Mika for this guy to accuse him of mimming, because when I have seen him live he most certainly has NOT mimmed. I am afraid I went and tweeted this stupid man and hurled a bit of abuse his way:blush-anim-cl: (he deserved it), he does appear a bit full of his own self importance. I take what you say on board Sari, I have yet to see the new songs live, but the ones I saw live off the SFS ep all sounded real enough to me, and as you know I was front row for those too. I can understand him having to use some backing vocals if it's his own voice cos he can't do it all at the same time, and like you I would rather see him carry on as he has done so successfully so far by doing as much as he can without it incuding any cute little imperfections. ( I did wonder if he would do that when I heard how he starts the begining of Relax when he gets changed out of the spacesuit etc, but I havnt read that he has yet so I hope not). I'm glad though that his ppl went to his defence (like we did too).
  20. I still like the vid (mostly) and I like this behind the scenes one too, but I DO feel as though the video is just a rough copy, you know... not fully finished yet, it feels like it needs tidying up in places.
  21. HOW VERY DAAAAARE YOU CALL MIKA UGLY AND EVIL pah call yourself a decadent fan indeed
  22. yeey niice, it must have been a cold night though KP even had a pretty sparkly scarf on to "keep warm"
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