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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. another reason why we love him so much, I hope he gets better soon (feel for him right now).
  2. I think it's his new "look" or maybe he had been auditoning for Reservoir Dogs or The Godfather or something :naughty: Aww even Mika has days when he looks minging but even Mika minging is sexy somehow lol
  3. so it does, but it makes him look ill too, or maybe he jsut has really greasy hair on this pic
  4. OMG lmao thanx Bexxy I hadn't seen that the MIka-madness obvioulsy took over me cos I normally HIDE from camera's NOT make stupid faces at them, heh heh, saw you too even though it was difficult to spot you ha ha oh and mini Mika too Oh I wish I could do that gig all over again. (ps, I think you should KEEP going as a ladybird cos he knows you as the lady bird, if you change your costume he may not recognise you, unless you go as a lollipop girl dressed as a ladybird lol).
  5. THANK YOU BABS, dunno how I missed this on tv guess it's cos I can't get my big ass off MFC and the next pic is for all those in the "know" especially Yup I have called it "evidence" I'm hoping this will lighten and brighten up MFC once more
  6. you mean there were OTHER artists in the running for it too..how odd no one else comes close pffft.
  7. OOoooo we MUST find out when it is and I am sure we will ALL record it, I know I will try my best to as long as I know when it's on. Luckily I ran away from all the cameras so you wont have to endure my mug getting interviewed, and even though I was at the front I am sure they will airbrush me out and replace me with a rather attractive geranium or something. aww I just had a flash back of when the camera guys were being really friendly and canny with us and one gave me his popcorn cos I was starving, it was minging but I ate it cos I felt guilty that he gave me it lol. Kata, Vally and Yop were all ducking down behind me using me as a shield and spraying appley booze into their mouths but wearing alot of it as perfume also ha ha what a laugh that was. Oh and our Grace Kelly suite at the Hilton Hostel...it was a sight to behold, do you remember girls when we saw Mika's feet and then Martins outside our windows on the balcony, er scaffolding lol they were such pervs pfft trying to spy on us in our rooms just cos ours was better than theirs. Memories...like the corners of our minds...misty water coloured memories...of the way we were...
  8. But everyone KNOWS Mika's "troops" are bigger than YOURS anyway. :bleh:
  9. "c'mon then *puckers up* gimme a big juicy snog then MWAH!! dam it where'd she go pfft!"
  10. :roftl:congrats I just did that too the other day
  11. I like to try to work ppl out too but my own interpretation/theory w/e of "Stuck in The Middle" I wouldn't post here in case I over stepped the mark or something. But I guess it's hard not to think what's behind in there, I do it with everyone I think I must be a ppl watcher, not in a stalking creepy kinda way though lol.
  12. Bexxy: I agree about the guessing forever part and the being kept in the dark, maybe if they ever take their heads out of the sand or where it is they keep their heads these days, they may realize that THEY DO owe some ppl an apology, it would be nice to think they could somehow even make it up to some of them but I doubt that will happen. I hope you DO get to give Mika the Bday project next gig and I'm sure you will tell him all about Avoca's story in it all, she deserves at least THAT much. Don't know what else to say guys cos it's all gone rather poopy in here over the weekend, it's not been it's usual self the MFC and that is very sad indeed.
  13. "gasp! I didn't want to cancel guys I'm so so sorry" "PLEASE forgive me I couldn't help it I was ill, don't leave me, I love you ALL" come on ppl give the guy a break :crybaby:lets feel some lurrve (as Darius would say..wth is Darius)
  14. Mika has the cutest bone I have ever seen
  15. thanking you kindly ma'am (I'm trying to reach my 1.000 post by tonight.. think I may be able to manage it if I waffle and stop reading ever one else's st0ofs lol.
  16. I don't "DO" much tv im on here too much, so is VH1 on tv or radio? (feels so ancient for not knowing)
  18. *swoons* tall men way to go, way to go I got a tall man fetish
  19. woah I have jsut spotted this thread they vanish so fast, i want in woo h oo, I can play with words quite well as I write a spot of the old poetry st0ofs from time to time and I have been told my singing is really really really the most awful thing in the world lol, nah I hadn't really but I am willing to make a fool of myself again all in the name of Mika let me know the details soon plz.
  20. Thats what I noticed first love em I'm a crazy sox kinda gal, I always try to buy ppl crazy sox and would love to find some for Mika do you think he would give me a dodgy look if I did any one know what size feet he has lol, they sure look big my son is 6ft 4" and he is a size 13 so Mika must be about that too.
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