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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Oh I love happy Ending too well I love them all so it's hard to choose but my vision of the video would be... a nicely lit room with Mika at the piano and it shows the life story of a 40 something year old woman...(hmm wonder who that will be ) it's quite a sad story as the lyrics suggest, but the woman is happy to divulge her saddest life secrets to Mika just so she can have him sing to her in the same room, just the 2 of them. I love it when a lyric is like one of your missing jigsaw pieces don't you? I feel as if I feel as if I'm wastin' And I'm wastin' everyday
  2. Welcome welcome welcome have fun
  3. I'm sorry to make you puke Mika it's ok for you to say that when you look like a Greek god have the voice of an angel and the talent of 1000 ppl all rolled into one guy, but you have it all, and I can't just say I like your music, I do I love it all, not one song I don't like yet, but I find you as a whole the most attractive, infectious, totally adorable person on this planet. Obviously I don't know you (but I'm willing to find out just give me a ring), but we do get a feel for Mika the person via interviews, meeting you and hearing how you are when our fellow MFCers meet you. So far MIKA your the dogs b........ 'ol fruit (hope that didn't make you puke quite so much.
  4. lol by gum so it was, dunno how I managed to get to end or it, good points and from all though and I just want to add this, it makes me feel a little uneasy when ppl have a "go" at Mika about it all cos we don't know the facts and probably never will, yeah it would stop us all having these gigantic conflabs about it, but it's not likely to happen as Sariflor says he isn't likely to go into details about how many pills the doc suggests he takes a day etc, and I guess he shouldn't have to, we aren't his family after all, though I get the feeling some ppl think they are near as dam it to being, (yeah in dreams lol). I do think he has some great fans though who are prepared to travel across oceans and spend their life savings on another Mika gig, (not sure I could get away with that, I have a family who are demanding, or who knows how my obsession could get out of hand ), in a perfect world it would all be hunky dory but this is real life and no body ever says life its easy...and I think I will just naff orf now before I prattle on and waffle for England. Peace love group hugs to you all etc etc blah blah xxx. :flowers2: especially to Mika he's too sweet and lovely to be ill and LETS MAKE HIM A SCARF lol PS Sariflor you puppy is faberoonie and cutie.
  5. :naughty: you lot crack me up some days, I'm hoping you have all taken you chill pills, caffeine, earl grey, chocolate or just your daily dose of LiCM, whatever it is that floats your boats and makes you all yellow mellow
  6. :crybaby:This is terrible, I have only just started to read the news as I have been at work today. I wonder what Mika would say if he knew just how much time effort not to mention the hard earned cash that has been more or less wasted by some of his loving and loyal fans, it really seems so unfair, the disappointment is immense for these people, I wish there was some way of making "THEM" sit up and take notice of the upset "THEY" have caused some of best fans a guy could have. (also I don't want to rule out if there IS some medical or physiological reason that Mika couldn't do these festivals then I wish him well, but it sure looks suspicious that they are only festivals getting the chop).
  7. Yeah I'll make the hubby bog off for the weekend and we can have a shin dig at mine tis only an hour away from the gigeronie hahahha (do you think my hubby will naff orf, how can I tempt him, ideas on a postcard plz)
  8. ps, when I met him (Kata, Yup, Yop,Sara, Bexxy and a fair few others were there too it was very briefly after a 1-2 hour wait I can't remember how long it was as I was frozen stiff, he came nearer and I melted, I didn't faint surprisingly but I did feel ridiculously nervous and could hardly speak to him, I was first to see him coming our way and was in disbelief that it was really him but his white jeans gave it away (hehe), think I muttered about a piccy and a sig and that my pen lights up then I just thanked him like 20 times like a total idiot. (though I do like to concentrate and think about his hand on my shoulder and wishing I was 10 years old again lol), it's a disgrace I should be ashamed of myself, but hells kitchen I am NOT mwahahahaha!!
  9. no they stink and leave ghastly white marks on your brickwork, I think apples or melon or any fruit really might be quite a sophisticated and preferred choice of ammunition.
  10. it wasn't YOU Avoca was it...the pervy hand in Japan?? on his royal butt-ox!!
  11. 36% yeey just voted and it went up to 36% woopie, who cares if it's over or now he is OUR sexiest man for ever and ever.
  12. yep I was rejected at school and bullied but in those day's we didn't know it as bullying it was many years ago. we were very very poor, scruffy, neglected as my parents would rather spend their time and money at the pub or the bingo hall, so we rarely had clean clothes or even nice clothes, we had hand me downs and there were 6 of us. My dad was a bully too (still is and I have been rejected by my parents for about 25 years now too, oh and all my siblings) because I spoke up and wouldn't live the fantasy lie they liked to create of a happy loving family. so yeah I aint seen my parents for 25 years and they havn't seen my children who are now grown up, my view now...their loss not ours, I survived without them.
  13. "ARRGH! tell me when she's put them away again FGS!!" or "96,97,98,99,100 coming if your ready or not"
  14. Thanx for posting the interview, it was so much fun to read, I had a huge grin on my face nearly as big as Mika's while reading it. I even think it's funny if he makes story's up just for sheer devilment :naughty: shows he has a naughty streak when he gets bored. He would be such a great daddy, making sandcastles that work, my hubby used to make huge moats near the shore and put the kids in the middle and they had so much fun waiting for the sea to demolish it while their dad tried to fight against the sea...ahh happy memories Hey Yup do you think his speedo's comment is due to him reading your "evidence" thread?
  15. OMM OMM how cute (not normally my type of dog but now I won't be able to see one without thinking of MIKA :wub2: Come VS get to work....entice our labradoodle (named Alice too of course) lol over to his room
  16. I love him really, even his germs and orientation it's just Mika, I like what he is very much indeed. (feels guilty now lol.)
  17. "like I'm gonna show you lot any evidence" (cockadoodledoo!! where? over there>>>>>)
  18. :naughty::roftl: waaah hahahahaha love it!!
  19. "right altogether now, you put your right arm in, your right arm out, in out in out and shake it all about...."
  20. :naughty:good one, Mika sighs for man U ha ha
  21. *thinks* "hmmm I wonder what cup size I would be*
  22. "cross my heart, I really DO have an intermittent bad throat" *runs away even further to hide from the rotten fruit*
  23. "yes yes I SWEAR I am not gay" *runs away and hides before she gets pelted with rotten fruit of the melon and appley kind*
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