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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. :naughty:especially the 2nd one, gonna have a go myself:wink2: now
  2. :punk:I was sat with tv on as background noise like I often do while I'm on MFC or the pc in general and just in a world of my own as usual when an advert for LICM came on:biggrin2: I went all hyper lol soon had me sitting up and taking notice as I havn't seen an ad for Mika's cd's on tv ever let alone on channel 4 so yeey woo hoo etc etc blah blah.
  3. I can't hear it pfft oh well, sounds like nothing new I guess/hope lol. EDIT~ aha opened it in Explorer instead and the controls for the player appear under the pic of Mika YEEY!! I think the bearded lollipop girls would be scary for me lol but they are his favourites lol probs cos they are SOOO bizzare heh heh.
  4. arrrrrghhhh ohhh mgnmmmgph!!!!! flies....zipper!!!.....ow ow ow!!
  5. :drinks_wine:shchshandey fur meee pleez giggle giggle HIC!
  6. VS the pic looks excellent BTW :thumb_yello:
  7. Well I guess when you're randomly groped by a perv on a bus or just for walking down the street with your mate in the afternoon it makes you more protective of your body, unless your the type who DOES "ask" for it, guess it takes all sorts to make a world. Maybe I'm showing my age and groping people is acceptable these days.
  8. :eek:I hope that's not just some random fan groping his butt, if it is then he should be ashamed of himself that is.....disgraceful behaviour, if a guy did that to a female singer:eek: well it wouldn't be acceptable and it shouldn't be for a guy either pffft. (it's invasion of ones personal space, privacy...why it's totally taking advantage I would be angry if I were Mika.
  9. Heh heh it's hilarious how we get a bit of a thrill when his music comes on when were aren't expecting it, I hovered about the cd department of Tesco the other week when they played Love Today, and was walking out of Superdrug only to frog march straight back in when I heard (knock knock..I wanna talk to you) lol, there are more occasions too but I can't remember them all but I still get a little thrill when I don't expect to hear him. :naughty:
  10. yeey :naughty: I'm loving my new job #26 Sparkly1- #1 piston Polisher/Nut Tightener
  11. LUUUUCKY Lucky girl, I know how you feel I would also have died, I was bad enough when I met him too, I just kept thanking him about 20 times for stopping for a piccy and sig cos I felt like he needed to be off cos the paps were there and someone said "no paparazzi" or something I think. I didn't even give him the little prez I had for him cos I went all silly and it can't be right at my age lol. :naughty:
  12. hmm why do they want info are they too lazy to find st0of out themselves
  13. ooo interesting and nutty thread lol I have a doctorate in piston polishing so I have to be his #1 piston polisher plz ps I also have experience in nut tightening if that is also required I can double up and do both.
  14. Well I guess they are kinda fashionable in UK right now, perhaps not in bright colours for guys, but in lots of shops for girls they are. But lets face it, YOU CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE ALL OF THE TIME SO YOU MAY AS WELL PLEASE YOUR SELF!
  15. I opened it in Mozilla firefox and it worked fine for me, a bit slow but Im used to that lol.
  16. not at all, this is what THEY do best, take others ideas and rip em off at a rare rate of knots for half the price, gone on for years.
  17. Well like I said in the rest of the post,
  18. Oh superb lyrics who sings it and whats it called, I'm a lyrics kinda gal.
  19. yeah and my daughter gets tonsillitis a lot and I just keep thinking of air con and how that environment (like in planes etc) will be full of nasty bugs (look I'm a mum and one who was always stopping the kids from walking on walls...Get down from there or you will fall and break your arm and then you will die in terrible agony etc etc you get the picture lol). I've always tried to think of all the avenues, but I just wish they would if they could just say what the problem is and go into a little more detail and not just keep repeating this ENT st0of because it is certainly suspicious to say he is going to have it in 3 weeks time etc it just doesn't stack up, they really ought to sort out their story if they plan on cancelling more gigs.
  20. Oh flaming 'eck not this palarva again, am I being a bit too motherly if I have had thoughts along the lines of...maybe he feels out of his comfort zone doing gigs that are not all his own fans, because all the ones I have seen televised etc like the dancing one, the T4 one even...he hasn't seemed himself, yet SH he was awesome, TBA he was said to have been awesome too, or perhaps the reason he WAS a bit not himself on the dancing one was because of his health again, maybe he DOES have a recurring problem and maybe flying sets it off. those first pix of him in Tokyo he didn't look himself. (I wanna give him the benefit of the doubt I guess).
  21. Ha ha I always thought it was little TART likes to tease for fun,
  22. ditto I was looking at his shorter hair thinking mmmm nice, and how he looks sexeh the way he wears his white shirt. I wonder if it's cos it was America and they get a bit funny about what you can and can't say on tv and some of those lyrics suggest the oldest profession in the book and of course other suggestive st0of, so they may have made him change how he sang it as it's a family show and that may have upset him in some way, threw him off a bit. He still looked too sexeh for his shirt though, god I had to control my drooling. (I also thought Luke wasn't there, poor guy hidden at the back, aww poor Luke Who, we love you too Luke).
  23. :eek:WHAT!! but thats the best bit LIVE, when he does that it gets right inside my bones and sends me into a frenzy I LOVE IT, I think there are more who love it than dont so I hope he NEVER stops doing it, taking his shirt off, well thats ok too. :fish:
  24. I find it odd how they bring out the album with it on first then release it later, I guess some of those who are interested in BG will get it on the album then they get more songs for their money, spose it's a good idea as it will get them listening and getting used to different styles of his music, so hopefully more future fans for him.
  25. oo great idea, I wanted to be in the last one too but sadly it died. So erm, I can mail you a few things I have on video and you can just edit out the bits you want as some of it goes on for ages lol. Let me know how and where etc, when you giving it to him? It was good to see you at SH btw, I recognised you from you pix, I was the sparkly nun btw.
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