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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. aww thats cute, I'm in the process of doing one too, but I'm at a standstill with it, sometimes it takes me ages to finish a poem cos parts of it just pour out real easy then it's not quite right and then I get pfft grr with it lol. I'll post it as soon as it's done though.
  2. "Ah here comes my pink soft top, can we drop you off anywhere on the way, he is big enough for two,"
  3. WTF is that! you expect me to wear THAT! what is wrong with armani pfft this is crap, but er..yeah thanks MFC fan duuur!! *pulls an ugly face* (I know that is hard to imagine but I am sure he can make him self look a teeny bit unnatractive now and then if he tries really really hard).
  4. I hate my fans especially the ones weirdo ones on MFC (thats ALL of them btw) they are pervy annoying ugly scum and I wish they would just bog off!
  5. I still sing into my hairbrush in the mirror but not to Prince anymore..no waay to Grace Kelly *wiggles head in a smug fashion*
  6. I'm inviting every MFC member to my birthday party, it's fancy dress..toga style hehe hehe
  7. PMSL get in line get in line, pffft. I can see it now after gigs, sign the item, arm round you for a hug and nice piccy and HUUUGE smile, blanket thrown over you for discretionary purposes and voilĂ ....baby made....NEXT! world domination of mini Mika's is THEEEE way forward.
  8. What an honour for johnny Depp, well Mika IS gonna beat him after all in the sexiest guy vote thing, I voted yesterday AGAIN lol and it went up to 35% now woo hoo the others are waaaaaay behind, and if they win him now then it's a fluke and I won't believe it. *runs off to vote again lol*
  9. "OUT OUT I say, begone oh dam ghost of thine self" (he would make a great thesbien with that hair and his eccentricities lol, I have a soft spot for both).
  10. :biggrin2:I'm liking this one lots ha ha
  11. never mind the caption, (though it is a good one lol). don't you just LOOOVE that pic, how he gets down to their level for the pic and is laughing his head off, (maybe the kids thing is just my motherly instincts or femaleness coming out lol). he is such a natural, he seems to be able to relate to everyone (like a certain princess did) and make them feel comfortable. HE IS THE HEIGHT OF ADORABLE ADORABLENESS with a huge amount of ADORABILITY thrown in for good measure.
  12. personally I think he has been defrosted for having his own thread on MFC (the audacity of it, mind you the security annoyingly did do a sterling job at SH didn't they Blue), so now we know what to do when we want rid of an annoying squirt :roftl:
  13. oh oh I love his version of "Everybody's talkin' too, I like it better than Harry's, you can feel what he is feeling while he sings it, and also "Over My shoulder" of course is hauntingly beautiful, (you could hear a pin drop when he sang it at SH, or did I just go into my own world), as is "overrated" and "Intoxicated" I like to stop what I am doing and soak up the atmosphere of his more emotional songs, but then "Stuck in The Middle" although more upbeat, draws me in due to the lyrics, I am very very interested in the lyrics of songs due to witting a spot of poetry now and then myself I guess. I like all of Mika's songs that I have heard so far and all for different reasons and some of them I only thought were ok on first hearing, like "Ring Ring" and "Relax", but now they are up there with my faves lol. I love how he sings "Grace Kelly" and "Love today" live, the anger comes out in "Grace Kelly", it's full of "up yours" (well that is what I hear when I hear it) and in "Love today" it just comes across to me as kinda sexy in places when he yells out "gonna make you a LOOOOOVERRRR" and holds the note for aaages, wooo I love that then he goes and does that drumming and I go into a frenzy it really really gets into my soul when he does that, like I wanna jump up and just screeeeeaaaam, in fact just thinking of it gets me all steamed up lol, his music his different songs fill me with different moods and emotions and I love that, he takes my emotions on a rollercoaster and its exciting. (seems like I just like them all like I say and all for different reasons).
  14. well, lets look at this logically, how can I put this...he is thee MOST ATTRACTIVE MAN ALIVE in every way there is, everything about him is attractive to the max, his face, his physique (I love his height yummy) his smile, his teeth, his voice, his laugh...ooooooh that laugh, yes it's been my txt tone for ages and I have shared him too lol), his...talent, his personality, his humour, his quirkiness, his style, his sweet nature, his funny faces, his genuinity (oo I made up a wordie) I could go on and on and on.
  15. hehe :biggrin2: he is fab grumpy old man eh...I'm in with a chance waheeey lmao.
  16. aww you go girls, hope you have an awesome time, I would have loved to have gone to Ibiza to see him, I may have even persuaded my hubby to take me but we have a very old dog that I can't really leave alone or even in kennels right now, but I will certainly consider it in future, I like Ibiza nice and warm not cold and wet like here pfft, lol. ps sprinkle him with some of my sparkly dust if you get to meet him and I hope you do
  17. yes everyone's welcome to come and confess but don't despair if father Johnny doesn't get back to you immediately he does have to keep going about spreading the word of our lord for the good of mankind. so come in, take a seat and enjoy a lollipop while you are here, but not too many as some sisters get a bit...hyper if they have too many
  18. OOOO 'citin' how you gonna chose though? and do we get to see the finished article?
  19. maybe that was just a blip on the pic as there is no other pic I have seen with any ear jewellery going on, I think who ever meets him next HAS to ask him so we can put this one to rest lol, as it does look like one in that pic, but you would think he would wear one more often if it WAS pierced.
  20. that looks in the wrong place for a piercing and it's also very large for a standard sized piercing so I think it's a freckle, I'm sure this was debated before too lol.
  21. "sing it! 5 little men in the flying saucer flew round the world one day"
  22. wooah what a cutie pic not seen that before, good caption too lol
  23. "nah get lost I can't face those MFCers any more now, I'm gonna sing over here in case they make more cockadoodledoo pics."
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