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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. "and look here it is" *magically pulls a pea out of his ear...or a bunny rabbit or lollipop or something lol*
  2. "Martin...MARTIN quick go get changed before they notice, you don't want the MFC to know you wear skirts in your spare time now do you"
  3. Martin- "sing right in my face ONE more time when you ate garlic last night and I won't be held responsible for where my guitar neck connects matey!"
  4. Hey Jen, your piccy, my daughter myself and her mate all made a video of us doing the chin ppl thing a few years ago, I guess I should've known better but hell who cares lol, I think we sang songs or something
  5. :naughty::roftl:chuckle chuckle rrrrrooaar ha ha lovin' it
  6. I think he looks a little more defined, he looks like he is getting a 6 pack on some pix and his arms are getting more defined. So I reckon he's just getting a bit toned up, wouldn't want him a big triangular no neck kinda guy lol but toned is sexeh.
  7. hehe we here him here fairly often, but I will still hovver about in the clothing section of Tesco or walk into a store or stay in a store if they play any of his songs, I just wander about smiling and singing to myself hehe its great, you can just home in on his songs like a magnet lol.
  8. Must admit it looked like hell on tv, I would not have liked to have been fighting through all those ppl no sireeee, especially with a lickle one too once they get steamed up it takes ages to calm em again, bet it was dreadful poor lamb (lol did you see what I did there Bo Peep lol). I felt the same as you did about Mika, you could see it quite clearly on TV I did tape it but my tape ran out half way through arrrrgh what a dope I am pffft. so I felt like he looked a bit...like he was not really enjoying it as much as he usually does, even in the interview he wasn't his normal zany self, maybe he had had bother getting there too and st0of...who knows eh. Anyway..NOVEMBER here we come, can't wait but Somerset House is gonna take some beating for me lol. PS if anyone's going to Newcastle and passing my house, let me know, I have spare beds lol. I'm off to London again tomorrow with my daughter, we go to see Wicked but I soo wish it was Mika, she keeps missing out on his gigs as she is never in the right place at the right time, but I have got her 3 tickets to come with me in November, I want her to have the best time ever at his gigs like I do heh heh.
  9. oh I love his wings...he looks like a real angel hero type of thing..bless.
  10. I volunteer I'll do it, I'll bath Mika, it's ok girlies you sit and watch tv or something don't bother yourselves, i'll look after him fine
  11. haha poor MIka lol sorry but its funny.
  12. you mean CHICKEN of course (Freddie likes to write the word chicken in the middle of our sentences and I have to admit, it's rather a catching word).
  13. is it just me or does he look like Marc Bolan on this pic
  14. in particular Jack..NEITHER DID HE THE TW#t as Mr W would say lmao
  15. OMM I HATE rap with the vengeance of 30 zillion scarab Beatles
  16. How VERY DARE they...of course they are pfft lets pin them down and give them a waxing using sticky lollipops...that will teach them, babs and Jemma and yup and the crew know all about how this works pfft
  17. I vote everytime I remember or see the link I also have it bookmarked mwahaha
  18. Pah FOOLS they know NOT what they are missing..but AHA! methinks all the more for those who LOVE LOVE HIM :thumb_yello: #3 defo evidence.
  19. Saw it on tv, he looked lush was chewing gum on the interview bit lol but I felt as if he didn't enjoy it as much as some gigs, perhaps the crowd was too far away or something, I just got this feeling that he performed a bit differently, as if it was too far for him to connect with his crowd and fans like he usually does. (was it just me who thought so one wonders).
  20. I agree and a refreshing change, I'm bored poopless of chicken being rammed right up my nose every moment of every day....there is more to life than chicken (yeah yeah I know it's the true MEANING of life...well to reproduce is), but....isn't it nice to just like someone for WHO they are and WHAT they do and not to think about jumping on them, or who THEY are jumping on, I know we sometimes have fun with all that but at the end of the day I really just love Mika for all the other st0of about him (admittedly that drop dead gorgeous face and bod DO have their place) but they are just the exceptionally well decorated icing on a rather exquisite cake. :biggrin2: (hehe look who's gone all poetic again lmao). edit lmao Freddie it took me a sec or two to realize why and what you had edited, mwahaha (buckled).
  21. I LOOOOOOOOOVE Rocky Show especially Tim Curry in it too. How d'you do I, see you've met my, faithful handyman He's just a little brought down, because when you knocked He, thought you were the, candyman. Don't get strung out by the way I look, Don't judge a book by its cover I'm not; much of a man by the light of day, But by night I'm one hell of a lover Think this ones MY fave song in the movie
  22. pmsl yep..scares the hell outa me....OOOOOO a Rocky Horor swquel...OOOOOOOO Mika gets role of franken Furter... OOOOOOYES YEEEES YEEEES pleeeeeeeease. lets all post it all over the web so someone sees it and mentions it and it comes troooo how strangely erotic wud Mika look in sussies and a corsette heh heh. BTW the comparisons and pics were a work of art lol.
  23. yes yes Sara you lucky thing what on earth was he saying, I was there but it went to fast and was a blurr, is that when he was thanking us for dressing up again and stu0of? or did he say "thank you Sara just say something ANYTHING just change the subject and FAST" felt a bit sorry for him just then.
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