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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. She sure did I was stood next to her trying to stifle her astonished giggling, I felt similar shock myself but kept it inside and made polite appreciative noises, then I got to like his character and his songs and voice too, then I read what he said about Mika and it seemed such a shame as I think he could have gained some more listeners and fans, I think the Mika fans all gave him a good chance and were supportive of him at the gig then it felt like a big kick in the face....not a good move on his part if you ask me. I still like his songs, don't like his style or looks and now I am unsure of his character.
  2. wow Caroline I am so pleased for you, bless him. does it make ME a cool mum too cos I have been trying to get my daughter Vix to a Mika gig for ages and ages as you know, and she keeps being away and unable to go, so I have paid for 3 gigs in November for us and surely she will manage to go to at least ONE of the lol. (he he she got me into Mika and I have seen him twice and met him now and she hasn't ha ha and I am a member of MFC and she isn't but I'll keep working on her till she joins...she will give in in the end. ps hope you get your Mika hug, they are awesome, and stay with you for ages.
  3. Well I hear " FOG out my daylight, tortured by night, (or torture my night) which does make sense and fits the feel of the song, as in something or someone is making things seem unclear and this leaves him unable to stand the loneliness and darkness of night (sorry I read too much into lyrics being a bit of a poety type)
  4. My god those are awesome, he is such a tactile person, can't wait to ask her what he was saying, I got a little mini Mika hug while I was there but didnt want to hog him so didn't keep him long (dam it I want to be more selfish lol). yet he still sorta holds you tight....I would have fainted if he had held onto me like he did Sara the lucky beggar pfft, and he didn't appear drunk to me but I was a bit....dunno not with it at the time lol.
  5. It's such a shame that Patrick did this as he has ruined some chances here of gaining some more fans, I had never heard of him before and I didn't like his style at all when I saw him (still don't) but during the show I warmed to him, and enjoyed his songs immensely, but this has spoiled that now. I am unsure if I still like him cos sometimes it's not JUST about the music for me, I like the whole package (and I have to like the person), and Patrick came across as a really nice guy on stage, I found I liked his personality, so I don't like what he said about Mika or WHY he said it, I find it 2 faced an immature especially after Mika had been so complimenting about him. He may be just trying to ride on a wave and hope to get some publicity over it and they do say no publicity is BAD publicity, but I think he has made a mistake saying what he has, he may live to regret it as Mika is such a nice person and genuine (and I wrongly got the impression Patrick was similar..pfft). I think he will definitely lose more fans than gain some which is a shame as I think we were all very supportive to him at the gig when really I for one was in shock at first and thought WTF is this for a while. Silly silly boy
  6. I think he could have been in one of the animal costumes I am sure I saw his face in one but I'm not sure, it could have been the chicken.
  7. Ha ha:naughty: yeah agreed lol well done lassies.
  8. I melt every time I hear Mika's laugh, I find it so damned attractive in him, it really does things to me that laugh of his makes me want a giant MIKA hug lol.
  9. lol well it may be a bad habit I have there sister but..it's the only one I have
  10. I would be the sight of me nekked would cause the world to explode immediately and we would all DIEEEEE a horrible death of bulging till they pop eyes.
  11. So was I bigtime :tears: I was well gutted that song is so awesome it gets us all going mad...well not that all his songs don't, but it does.
  12. Oh father I cannot control myself when he bangs so hard...I love it so so much and now for more FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT of course he removes his shirt and I find my self needing psychiatric help, all that banging father, it sends me into some kind of wild vegetative trance like state. In fact I would go as far as to say, I think I get possessed during this part of his sermon (oops sorry wrong thread ) see I'm a mess....HEEEEELP!!!
  13. too late father, how do you expect me to behave in a motherly fashion now you have posted such HOT pics of that Greek god himself...our lord and master....I am at his feet.....I cannot get back up I have lost the power of all my senses. btw pic 1 = ADONIS
  14. oh no Father, you caught me, I thought I could sneak into other threads and let my hair down and you would never find out,....arrrgh now I must dash back to confession I am terribly ashamed.
  15. aww fankoo sister Sasje, I Do have a confession to make now though...ahem....*clears throat* I confess to feeling like a total freak in my nuns habit help...forgive me father Johnny. I repent...I REPENT!!
  16. Yes I have heard of the MALE cleaning service's...they are often done NAKED arnt they:wink2: too late ppls I have him booked for LIFE now mwahahahhah
  17. "The sun will come out, tomorrow Bet your bottom dollar That tomorrow, there'll be sun Just thinkin about, tomorrow Clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow 'till there's none":fisch:
  18. He brought one and Jasmine took it into the gig, she said she was gonna get a pic of Mika in it for HJ, hope she did. I of course had no need to confess anything as I am pure as can be.
  19. fankoo, I stealed it off who posted it first, well they posted the pic and I maked it into an av And yes I think there will always be lots of blessings wherever you find Mika worshippers
  20. yep sure am, but sisters/nuns of Mikaizm don't wear bland robes you understand....ours are glitzy jazzy n sparkly WOO HOO:punk:
  21. me too I want to bless him personally, or maybe he should bless me, whatever I don't mind which way round we do our blessings with Mika as long as we DO some blessing in the privacy of the holy confessional booth...can't wait.
  22. Oh great news I hope to pop in and confess while I'm there we will all be meeting on our SH pilgrimage and I have spent all day making my Mother sparkly1 robes for the event...yep I am going as a nun of the sisters of Mikaizm. Though if he sends lots of rain I may have to hide under my canary yellow pomcho and be a chicken pfft
  23. :roftl::roftl: wahhhh hahahaha
  24. *sneaks in and looks about*...I'm scared but I am sure it will all be great and I will have a blast and the big smoke wont be so scary to a lonely 'ol biddy like me once I meet up with my MFCers So your all taking brollys and ponchos then eh? well in THAT case I will take my ever so fashionable yellow Disney one though if it hides my costume that I haven't even started to make yet then so be it lol, we will ALL look like chickens (why do I think everyone owns a bright yellow poncho like me? ).
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