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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. AWESOME I LOVE IT so much I had to NICK it hope you don't mind.
  2. sorry for calling you scut money it was a typo lol but hey who knows.
  3. hmm well entitle it "I need a hole filling" though I'm not sure if that is the right ambiance you would want to create
  4. Of course not sister sasje, (please remember our 46th requestment, do not judge others as you would yourself) I just have to confiscate it until I can confer with Holy Johnny as we have to be careful we guide our sisters correctly, and I am jsut a little unsure about this er....unusual portrayal of our lord.
  5. lol awww we ALL have the same affliction my dear, it comes with the territory, it's a tamagotchii we must bear.
  6. OH this one my child, give it to me at once while I confiscate it with me into the vestry for further examination, I may gone some time, please do not disturb me as this is very serious and I need to work out if this is indeed a sin so it will need considerable and exhaustive examination.
  7. ooo how did you make his vanish so neatly when I try that it looks like iv'e done it with gardening shears
  8. ah I see..easy lol mind you I may have these probs but I cant even work my mobile properly so I shall just give up now and leave it to the sexperts lol.
  9. what a genious luvvin' it, now you have to tell me how you make them or I shall drag you by the ear to our temple and lock you in vestry reciting a zillion hail mikas until you confess how you make them ( I know that is not a true punishment as we adore our prayers to our lord, but...still.
  10. Scut money I am loving this :naughty::naughty:
  11. OMG OMG OMG who made this ingenious hilarious frighteningly amusing piece of utter filth. go immediately to the confessional booth you need urgent redemption (and you gotta tell me how you MAKE these things, but don't tell Holy Johnny as in MY position :angel_not:I should know better, perhaps I just need to confiscate it.
  12. OMG OMG OMG who made this ingenious hilarious frighteningly amusing piece of utter filth. go immediately to the confessional booth you need urgent redemption (and you gotta tell me how you MAKE these things, but don't tell Holy Johnny as in MY position :angel_not:I should know better, perhaps I just need to confiscate it.
  13. OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH droooooooooooooooool slaver dribble melty....I know exactly what you mean that is why its MY fave one and this one has no marks WOOOO HOOO fab.
  14. HOw unfair is that? the best pic that makes me go all melty and puddle to the floor and its got yak right across his astounding face
  15. good idea Bexxy the way you get lost after today in London is no ones business btw I've not been to Doncaster either so I think I need to get a sat nav as well lol.
  16. well I'm not greedy like you lot I only want one thing.... Mikas love
  17. I think change is inevitable, it all depends on HOW he changes really, I mean all of us change with different stages and experiences in our lives, it's not good to stay stagnant. I only wish him to try hard to hang onto his inner beauty, that shines out of him like a big bright beacon when he looks you square in the eyes and magnetizes you with his gaze as his mouth broadens into that warming grin and he lets out that oh so infectious most beautiful of giggles, and hugs you tight and seems genuinely appreciative of all his gifts and messages from us. It saddens me to think I may NEVER get close enough to see and be turned into a jelly by it, so I am living in hope that maybe NEXT time....because his personality seems so wonderfully warm and genuine, this is what we hope he never loses grip of as this IS Mika. (oh dear I think I went a tad poetic just then). I've gone all dreamy over him again lol.
  18. I hope it doest bloody rain if this place is outside or maybe I should try to dress up as...er...an umbrella or summit :roftl:
  19. I'm coming from Teesside on my own too, I would've bought your ticket but I am buying Bexxy's for 30 squids now...but I bet you can still sell it, I should make my mate come with me the one who I am dragging to Newcastle but...she wont have a room same place as me cos I think I got last one.
  20. this one is a sure winner father I am sure this will do it, it does it for me EVERY time.
  21. Oh DO be careful sister, the last time I over did the holy water I went out on an evenings pilgrimage with my now 18 year old daughter and when the hymn Grace Kelly was played I over came my usual shyness and found my dancing feet and leapt about like tigger then immediately after that came...yes you have guessed....Love today, so I repeated this public display of euphoria only to fall to my knees when it was over and I was leaving the worshipping area, it was almost embarrassing but I can hardly remember it now, so just remember our lords holy water is mighty powerful st0of. PS HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY:partytime2:
  22. Father I think word has spread and your wisdom and guidance is sought by many here in Mikadom. We are privileged to have such a revered soul to guide us.
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