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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. oh father :snog:thank heavens your back *oops ahem! pulls herself together* please help me guide sister sasje on the right path to rainbows, she seems a bit wayward at the moment, I have confiscated her lollipops that she was giving out willy nilly and they were making her very hyper ...AGAIN.
  2. I did not take away your beads my child, they are sacred and essential for you to pray with and reflect on your mischievous ways, you must ask forgiveness for telling lies, and try not to do so in future, truth is always the Mikaway, (unless you organize his gigs, then it seems white one are maybe acceptable where necessary ).
  3. Of course you are good enough and very welcome, we just need to keep a close eye on you and with the love of our good lord Mika you can overcome your mischievous ways and learn to use your time more wisely on promoting his love in cartoon motion and his world of rainbows and sparkles.
  4. :crybaby:pfft I have just watched a documentary on drunken chavs and guess what she was wearing her and her mates ...they all had OUR flashing hearts on how VERY dare they!!
  5. Sister Sasje you are so mischievous, I hope father Johnny returns soon, I am sure with his expert guidance you will conduct yourself in a sisterly fashion, *tsk tsk tsk*
  6. yes and sister Sasje can be a tad unruly for a sister and we have to keep taking HER lollipops away as the sugar affects her stability and makes her hyper, *looks sternly at sister Sasje* "doesn't it sister Sasje? now hand over the lollipops and go kneel before the 6ft 4" effigy of our lord and pray for forgiveness on your tamagotchii beads. (6ft 4" - 6ft 4" - 6ft 4" - 6ft 4" - 6ft 4" - 6ft 4" - 6ft 4" OMM 6ft 4"....now where are my tamagotchii beads).
  7. I agree Jack, at first when I started to read this thread I was like..."Oh no those poor fans it's happened again they will be so mad" etc then I started to worry about his health again and wondering what exactly IS up with him, but then I started to think well hey, maybe he has been reading our messages on here and taken our advice and we left them on his myspace too. Then I saw your message and thought DITTO yeah I agree, so you thought it too. It's not nice for the fans who can't get to see him and have made arrangements, I feel for them they must be gutted, but if he really needs to rest then that is what he must do, it would be worse if he kept on performing all those gigs then it drove him to some terrible breakdown, we would feel so guilty for moaning if that happened, well I certainly would anyway.
  8. do you draw too VS? are there no end to your talents I am sooo green now, (well apart from my purple text but that is cos purple has ALWAYS been my fave colour).
  9. I just voted 25 times and it still is at 29%...come on laydeeeeez get those thumbs a clicking. Does a guy have to BEG...nope sireeee not here at MFC get those thumbs a clicking faster than a fast thing on speeeed
  10. Where on EARTH did you get this from it's bleeping hilarious :roftl: And that last mix thing is just awesome, I nearly choked on my lollipop when he said the Grace Kelly part and to d/l his ring tone laugh....how on earth do you find the time to scan all the interviews etc for juicy snippets that are sooo hilariously taken out of context and re hashed so ingeniously to knicker wetting glory.
  11. oh yes indeed it is SOOOO worth it, it's quite emotional listening to everyone I thought.
  12. This can't be so after all was it not you who has gathered together many mumblings of prayer to send to our lord on the holy day of the 24th celebration of his birth?
  13. Heavens child you must be more careful, our dear lord would NOT want you to be having ANY of HIS babies whilst you are so careless with your ash pfft, tsk tsk *shakes head and potters off tripping on her tamagotchii beads on her way to the Lollipop alter of lickability*
  14. :roftl:soo naughty but I LIKE it
  15. oh they were cute, hadn't seen the last one and I voted again too lol he's doing good eh 28% now
  16. Thats what I thought when I first saw it too.
  17. That's immediately my reaction to it lol and I HAD to go make a caption of it fort the caption thread...hope it's not TOO rude.
  18. *big Girl* "shock shock me Mika how VERY dare you, I will NOT get them out for ANY boys!"
  19. woah that's an awesome thingamajig, how do you make them I wanna have a go, I dunno how you make em off a vid. PS. I like the group pic best, the other one would be better without the additions (derty get pfft! Perez you are a bad boy and need a good spanking) Also, MIKA IS 6FT 4" omg faint faint hyperventilate, 6ft 4 wooo hooo I have a tall man fetish, I knew he was tall but phwoooar 6ft 4!!! he's got it ALL going on for me now tall dark haired handsome artistic musical stylish can sing can dance can write songs can play instruments got rhythm has anyone else got anything else to add to my list, he's a god all right (dam it why can't I be 20 years old or summit instead of old enough to be his mother, life sux pfft PPS. didnt I read or hear somewhere recently that MIKA doesnt drink or smoke...pfft the little fibber.
  20. WAAHH HA HA HA AWESOME :naughty:
  21. ooo where did these guys come from they are soo cute lol. AND when is avoca gonna give our mega msge to the great and mighty MIKA, I would LOVE to be a fly on his wall when he listens to it (I hope he does...how will we ever know though maybe he will send us a x via mfc lol. Either that or he will have us all locked up in the loony bin ha ha:naughty:
  22. I didn't say they didn't have a RIGHT to be angry, I said and I found it was getting too heated, and it made me feel uncomfortable, but it's been said somewhere along these threads that it's hard to gauge peoples true feelings via txt as it's impossible to judge facial expressions and tone of voice etc. I guess I wanted to save it for when or IF the truth ever comes out, if it doesn't then...things look very suspicious and we will all have our own opinions on it I guess.
  23. my god what a long thread I have been up then down, felt uneasy at the anger shown, confused, shocked, relieved, irritated, in fact I have felt every emotion nearly and its been so exhausting, maybe I should have done what the lazy beggers do and just join the last page and expect others to update ME. Anyway, it's was an eye-opener if nowt else and there was one or two voices of reason amongst the craziness thankfully.
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