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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. You know what VS...when I was listening to the messages, (apart from mine cos it's embarrassingly embarrassing lol but that's life), my eyes filled up with...how sweet everyone sounded and I was just thinking what it must feel like for Mika to hear all this from his fans, it's one thing to see it written down in txts and stuff but for him to actually hear everyone's voices and accents...well it's just sooo lovely and special and I am so happy to be a part of it.
  2. Well something going on or going wrong that's for sure, but I don't see the point of getting angry when no one has any concrete evidence of who to get angry with and there seems to be so much anger flying about at the moment and a lot of selfishness from some. I think I WOULD feel a bit angry if it was a gig I had planned to go to and made all the arrangements for, but not until I knew WHO to be angry with, and as yet no one seems to know for sure. I have been thinking all kinds of reasons why this is happening, from bad management, or good management if they know something we don't, to even perhaps if Mika had some other valid reasons for not doing it that he felt unable to reveal yet (could be psychological reasons or anything). I have a vivid imagination
  3. I agree he has such a beautiful instrument.
  4. that's for everyone who sent messages as they are all so cute and lovely and he is sooooo gonna love this unique and personal message from everyone. and these are for you for thinking up the idea and making such a great job. :flowers2::flowers2:
  5. heh heh :naughty: it seems you share my foolery for lyrics poetry and changing them ha ha
  6. OMG!! this has to be the reason...look closely at this comment...it's all OUR fault we love him to much we could be loving him to death, I think we should calm it and stop loving him quite so much, perhaps we need to only love him one day a week each until he can cope with the overwhelming love and adoration he gets here at MFC...I bagsie Saturdays cos I can have a nice lie in with him
  7. Im sure I made some videos but they are all small clips on my mobile phone and I don't know how to open them in movie maker to edit them as it wouldn't accept them in the format my phone does them poopy sony Ericsson ppft.
  8. excellent caption, I vote that one in , we need to put the funniest ones in so I guess it may have to come down to votes, it wont matter if the same pic is used to different captions as there are some good ones on the same pic.
  9. my dear child you cant slap the lords head you have to gently carress it tenderly, but he wouldn't allow anyone with fish within a mile, so my advice is to ditch the salmon and just launch yourself up on some random tall guys shoulders to reach the locks of immense joy.
  10. I feel our lord may consider them as sinners or *looks shiftily from eye corners* (queue dramatic music).....the devil....... as it is written that he would rather eat poo than swim with the fishes. Perhaps you need to cleanse yourself of this rather unhealthy obsession you have of salmon and nose stroking and direct your thoughts to stroking more acceptable parts of his anatomy like the rest of us.
  11. NOOOOO NOT A MAGGOT they are my worst nightmare phobia aaargh, how could I learn to love a maggot, that would be sooo hard.
  12. Well said. Caroline, I understood where you were coming from, your hearts in the right place hun. BLUE I agree about all the caps and giant witting it's giving me visual migraine lol.
  13. and I'm wondering if some people call what we call "the flu" pneumonia, cos it sounds like it to me, flu knocks you for six but pneumonia can knock you double that probably.
  14. if all that about it being down to bad organisation is true then that is going to give MIKA a bad name and that's not fair cos he is doing his best.
  15. I'm visualizing a whole hoard of MFCers trying to pamper Mika all at once...he would get sooo mad at all the fussing and us all shoving in front of each other trying to out do each other..."here Mika have a grape," "Here Mika have a bunch of grapes" "Here Mika have a van load of grapes" "let me mop your brow Mika" "let me give you a bed bath Mika" "let me hose you down with a fire hose in the back yard Mika" etc etc :naughty:
  16. hip hip hurrah hip hip huurah hip hip hurrah oh she's a jolly good fellow oh she's a jolly good fellow, oh she's.........ok ok Ill shut up now lol. seems like mr ill one could do with these lovely messages right now, it may cheer him up to know us at MFC love the bones offv'e him poor wee bairn of sicky ness.
  17. POOR BAIRN... big MIKAhugs for him (even if it means catching his dreaded lurgies). But seriously though, I can't see why someone would make this up, and it looks to me like he has had an infection that wasn't allowed to heal up fully for whatever reasons. If it was flu then that is horrid too and would take a few weeks to be fully recovered but pneumonia is far worse so I imagine that will take much much longer to fully recover, if in fact you do. He could have gotten it from all the constant flying around the world, all those confined germs circulating about, probably re infecting him when his immunity is low. He is very slim and I have noticed slim people often seem to get these illnesses more often. Maybe he needs to take much more vitamins etc to help his system along a bit. That and a good and proper holiday, it's not like his shows are all very relaxed is it, he jumps about like a mad man and you can see how much effort he puts into his singing, this is part of what makes him awesome as a performer, but we all DO care about the MIKA as a person too and would prefer a healthy MIKA to any other kind,...poor bairn...aww he needs tucking up in bed and a jolly good..............PAMPERING.
  18. I'm gonna look like a flaming Christmas tree the stuff I have ordered lmao but it's at the end of November so that will work out fine ha ha :naughty:
  19. The main link works Babs, but I did say the little one only works on THEIR site not this one, i was just showing everyone what it says on the actual site hunny bunny
  20. OOOOO I doo so love those flashing Hawaiian flower things on that site aren't they soo pretty
  21. You need to guidance here from our holy father himself, please stay calm until his return.
  22. a guy who can shove a ton of marshmallows in his mouth during a filmed interview,whilst saying "chubby Bunny" then spit them all out into a bag and wipe his hands on the clothing hanging behind him...has an AWESOME sense of humour if you ask me and we all know he does do so I think he will see the funny side as long as they were good ones.
  23. I have a great sense of fun and humour so I would think it was hilarious. Over this side of the pond we don't mind having a giggle at ourselves now n then.
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