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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH well in THAT case nothing spoiling if I take a sneaky peek for 10 hours on youtube then is there
  2. yeah bless, and I htink he just wanted to put ppl at ease so they wouldnt worry that he would cancel his gig, sweet
  3. lol cos he is a mucky pup of course. BTW I always got a vid on youtube on the side bar with everyone elses when I played WAG is it the same person? ( I didn't click on it EVERY time btw once was enough..curiosity killed the cat lmao)
  4. Really!! I must have missed that then cos I am sure I read that he said IF YOU WANT to you can call me bisexual and that says something different than he STATED it
  5. Is freddie not going to this one? I'm still looking for a ticket, are they sold out yet or does anyone have one to sell? EDIT: I'm selling mine now if anyone wants it PM me plz
  6. Debs this one HAS to have a caption, bung it in the captions thread with "SH*T WTF that hurt maan!" or "FOOK the stars are falling from the skies tonight" OR "ARGH my world is falling down around me" or a nice simple "AAARRRGGGHH!!"
  7. I couldn't choose cos I like them for different reasons, but my top 5 in no particular order is Toy Boy Blue Eyes I see You Good gone girl Rain Touches You One FOot Boy Blame it on The Girls Dr.John see I can't even pick my top 5!!!!
  8. oh I see, secrets again, mind you ppl into BZ might think it's awesome
  9. "coming at you with a double D bust" and "coming at you like a desperate hunter sugar daddy but he's just a munter" MIKakakakakakaka (anyone remember shooting stars ).
  10. I agree really, although I also think it's a tricky position to put Mika in in the first place, he may still not want them to have the song but if he still says no then the press will eat him alive. But he is older and wiser now, he has changed in many ways and all for the better, so his views and reasons could well have changed (although I can see it coming that if he says yes to it, the press will STILL hound him for saying no then yes) so really I am worried that he is going to be unfairly put in a lose/lose situation. But I think for his profile etc I think it would be a good move, and also isn't pop cheesy anyway.
  11. hehe I have pics of that, I was front row center, I loved that gig Well I totally agree with you here, and I think he DOES feel more at ease when he knows he has some of his MFC nutters (AHEM!!) fan base in the audience, cos as Marylin said, at Blackpool ( I was front row again) the audience participation WAS great for all the acts, but for MIKA.... well I am sure it gave him even MORE confidence to see MFCers in golden hats in front of him cos then he knew he was gonna have some good support, and I DO think he stole the show (deservedly so IMHO), he didn't just sing a few songs, he gave a mini performance and I was sooo proud to be there for HIM that night (every night acctually but you know what I mean lol). I only wish I could say something other than utter rubbish to him the guy just has a certain presence, even if he wasn't a performer, I think I would notice him in a crowded room cos I cant help it... he is undeniably beautiful to look at, and his nature just endeers itteself to you with both hands and has a vice like grip.
  12. and me since my tweetwhatyoueat part of twiiter is broken now I was doing sooo well too and I can't access it anymore POOheads. BUT arn't her frocks fabby and lush and woop:mf_lustslow:
  13. just Argos...but I can't talk about in public haha or I might get sacked
  14. so it's YOU lot that harrass us wanting refunds is it pfft
  15. OH the A**** website (sorry I know that place very VERY well indeedy lol).
  16. oh well if Kath has spare room in her dorm or w/e then I will be even MORE tempted, especially if everyone does the 2nd gig too aarrrrthhhh I am such a weakling. Kath PM me if you got space etc etc, I can't always find posts again after I post em lol.
  17. aaargh!!! I COULD go to both then couldnt I? I mean it's sunday and Monday I wont even be at work YIIIKES... ROSE STOP ME!!! anyone wanna room share for those 2 nights?
  18. Ooooo tempting, but London gigs are always packed, well all gigs are packed but London ones just... I dunno, I prefer gigs up t'north cos we ROCK
  19. Not at all up her neck of the woods
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