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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. YEEY father your back, oh you were sorely missed. sorry about the salmon smiley up there, I too have no idea who phillip the salmon is, but something smells fishy to me about the whole thing. also can someone tell me what the smiley below means? I can't work it out but it looks rude
  2. After today's antics (where some of us were primed and ready to take off and go all we needed was a nudge and a wink but when you have over 2 hours at least of train journey not to mention travel TO and FROM train stations and other things to sort like family's etc, then leaving a "it's a free for all just turn up guys and we will let you in" type of message, it only ends up annoying everyone). The myspace dress up comp was also a bit hit and miss on the organization front,(and because we weren't allowed to meet him we were told to email our details and we would get sent some things and they never turned up, Cazgirl even got an answer back to her mail saying they didn't promise anything, but it's not nice to have your hopes built up then dashed is it, no one likes that). So I'M IN for sure, and as for sigs, could we not scan them and email them to someone or take a digi photo of our sigs and email them, maybe someone arty could add them all onto one big document thing and email THEM it or w/e. Lets get this ball rolling, we ARE the best and it seems a dam sight better organized than any of that lot pfft and THEY are the ones getting PAID for it (grumble grumble moan groan, always the case innit). ps I got the MFC links too on my myspace
  3. Thank you Saralou I was trying to torture myself further and it worked lol, if I'm gonna feel cr*ppy I may as well go in for it big time, cos I haven't felt depressed once since Mika touched my ears and eyes (I'm waiting in hope he touches more parts of me sooner or later) lol though realistically I would get arrested if I tried to push him into it...me being his granny n all (I am SOOO delusional, I am living in hope he is gonna text someone from MFC's mobile and send me a message lmao god I need to get out more). This would be his text..."get help you fool".
  4. yes, the intimidate and me and I find myself err-ing all the way through making one message last 10 minutes And thank you for the huggy Eir I need one too
  5. weep weep weep he is on RIGHT NOW oh I can't bear the pain, I think I better go and have my enormous sobbing wailing crying the ocean of tears then I may feel better.....NOT...I want to cry and it's so ridiculous I defo need a good slapping and bringing back down to earth, I think it's cos it was so near yet so far as I was nearly "in" so to speak.
  6. is it at a university or a restaurant or something I'm trying to find out the post code so I can go and look on flash earth to get a feel for the place.
  7. yes me too I have felt miserable ALL day really blue.
  8. just got this in my myspace this second wish I was there so bad MIKA Date 27 Jun 2007 16:59 Subject MIKA TONIGHT!! Body: Mika will be playing a FREE guerilla gig TONIGHT in Great Northern Square, Manchester... so get your dancing shoes on and get down there!! Everyone is invited, he will be on stage at 6pm so come along down.... dressing deliciously ridiculously is encouraged as always MIKASOUNDS x
  9. MIKA Date 27 Jun 2007 16:59 Subject MIKA TONIGHT!! Body: Mika will be playing a FREE guerilla gig TONIGHT in Great Northern Square, Manchester... so get your dancing shoes on and get down there!! Everyone is invited, he will be on stage at 6pm so come along down.... dressing deliciously ridiculously is encouraged as always MIKASOUNDS x just got this on my myspace
  10. I txt Babs, all I know is they are there and Mika is doing his sound checks..... they have just had their txts scanned and are waiting to go in. how awesome I hope she meets him I so want her to meet him the most cos I think all the others have met him already and she hasn't.
  11. I txt Babs, all I know is they are there and Mika is doing his sound checks..... they have just had their txts scanned and are waiting to go in. how awesome I hope she meets him I so want her to meet him the most cos I think all the others have met him already and she hasn't.
  12. I got that email the other day from mikas website, but I thought you could only enter once so I didn't do it again (dam it) and then I'm not even sure I did enter for tickets now as I seem to be very confused at what's happening where and what you were supposed to do, why do they have to make things so complicated? oh well it's history now I'll go back and wallow see ya.
  13. Dear father, I need to confess my sins of today, I am sinning as we speak, I can't face listening to our lords phsongs, I need to leave our holy temple soon too as I am in mourning yet it is a selfish mourning and I feel ashamed of myself, I really need help to put me back on the enlightened track of MIKArainbowness, I have allowed the dreaded glumness of not being able to visit with our Lord at his extra special sermon in the secret location in Manchester today darken my doors and bring my mood to the floor, what can I do? This is the first time since our saviour touched my life that I have allowed the doldrums to overtake me, I feel as blue as I can be, I don't remember sucking too hard on any lollipops to be this down but it sure has got me down. :( I await your guidance your grace.
  14. I just voted about 30 times and it still stayed at 18% pfft, but I should stay off here today and stay off thinking about Mika today.
  15. I kinda know how carri feels too cos I was nearly going then it turned out I couldn't so feel very poopy today not my usual jolly (since Mkia reached out and touched my life) self. Hope you all have a great time especially my fellow mikametting virgin mate Babs she's the one I want to be lucky and meet him this time but I think they all will.
  16. omg what a legend you are Eir..did you see my re-hash of the lyrics? Big Brains (You Are Beautiful) Walks into the room in her academic costume I said, 'Big Brains you are beautiful' Shakespeare and Thesaurus please gonna translate this to Japanese Screaming 'Big Brains you are beautiful' You take your pretty girl Feel like I'm gonna die 'Cause a brainy woman Needs a brainy man here's why a brain box girl can multiply by much more Now a big brainy woman she will NEVER be a bore Get yourself to the Mensa Lounge Find yourself a clever lady Brainy boy come on around They'll be wanting your babies No need to fantasize about girls with pretty faces they lack heart n soul are very loud without brains in all the right places Big brains you are beautiful Big brains you are beautiful Big brains you are beautiful Big brains you are beautiful etc etc (I love doing this sorta thing to lyrics).
  17. more public "acts" again though he is becoming a habitual shower of linen in public places, but...on a lighter note don't you think the way he chewed open her mothers....outer packaging was somewhat....you know...nudge nudge wink wink :wink2:
  18. omg how many more pages :roftl::roftl:
  19. He blew Big girl up and she had no blue frilly knickers on :blink: that's the last straw, that's outrageous it it ..it shouldn't be allowed, she might catch her death of cold, I mean Mika keeps loosing his shirt, big girl has no frillies....where is this all leading to. I feel they ought to pop into Holy johnny's confessional booth asap and get some good old fashioned begging for forgiveness" in before it's too late.
  20. well if he DOES have one of them ping off in an unruly fashion...that would put an end to ANY more baby making don't you think? I mean..he could have your eye out or anything.
  21. Excuse me Jack my dear...do you know where I can buy some frilly blue knickers?
  22. yes it is a tad indecent isn't it, perhaps we should club together and buy him some protective outerwear or even inner wear to help stop these outrageous outbursts of public stageness again pfft disgusting!
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