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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. ha ha now that I would LOVE to see .
  2. lmao this thread is just too much but I gotta keep going I need cheering up now and the chocolate is downstairs and the alarm is on (I didn't get to go to the secret Manchester gig.... sob cry wail gnashing of teeth in the biggest way ever. :mf_pain:
  3. yeey MM's MINI MIKA's (I want one of those..imagine the curls and big puppy dog eyes)...how could you not spoil a MINI MIKA).
  4. ha ha :roftl: ecky thump it's driven you all loopy, this man is dangerous, if he can do this with a nanosecond kiss, what on earth would the FULL WORKS do to us, I think he needs locking up for our safety.
  5. of course it was lol, he wouldn't kiss his special someone on stage in front of millions would he HE KEEPS HIS PRIVATE LIFE PRIVATE so I was led to believe lmao you lot don't half go into spasms at the hint of anything...well you know. :naughty: Just CALM DOWN!
  6. I reckon they will keep this in the act from now on.
  7. neither did I mine broke so I did it on my rather cheap mp3 player as it has recording facility then put it on pc and emailed....see if yours has one.
  8. hmm just checked trains times, the latest I could get one back is 22.42, I don't think I could risk that so I better plan to stay over somewhere, and if I can't get a room, well the first train back is 3.38 so I could er..doss in the street, I remember there being lots of tramps in the park the last time I went to Manchester....there sorted also what time are people arriving in Manchester and meeting up etc? (I'm trying to fwd think JUST IN CASE) silly really but I got nowt to lose I have I?
  9. I may have to take you up on that Vix...IF (the big if lol) I get tickets, but I would be a getting train I think as I'm not confident enough for city driving, I am gonna get a sat nav for my birthday in September though and practice for November heh heh MIKA look what you do to us (mind you I guess I should check train times to see if there ARE any, as I am at work till after 9pm tonight so it wont be leavening me long to sort things will it. I feel the need to pass my mobile number on to everyone in case I need to ask things lol. (does it show I am a panic-er, I adopt headless CHICKEN mode in every chaotic situation, I am an expert at headless chicken).
  10. lol I understand that completely and I should think so too lol you have trained your hubby well I am in awe of that.
  11. ...AND he looks like he is having a better time than SHE is do you think she is thinking DAM think I am marrying the wrong guy His hair will be easier to deal with a bit shorter, if my daughters curly locks are anything to go by it curls easier a bit shorter so I like it a bit shorter too.
  12. ha ha where are the other hens if YOU got the chance to have Mika for the night under the guise of a hen party would YOU share him with 30 other half drunken females....:blink: I think NOT great pix btw and lucky lady tho not THAT lucky as it aint our MIka she is marrying mwahahah ....aww shame
  13. yes of course I didn't think of that and...anyway one look at my pic and he will reach for the sick bucket :naughty: even if he IS usually gentle and patient with his fans and he is I have seen the video evidence, and I don't want to make the poor lad ill do I. You know what I love about him when I have seen him meeting fans and talking to people in interviews etc, he looks em directly in the eyes very intensely, *oo shudders* I think I would melt on the spot, there's just something so open and honest and genuine and powerful about being able to do that I know I couldn't I get sorta shy but he must be a natural flirt lol.
  14. do you think it's a good idea to put pix of us with our forum names in the cover of this cd, I'm no oil painting ..well unless you count whistlers mother lmao.
  15. ooo just thought of one less worry in case the miracle happens, I wont have to worry about a costume, I will squeeze into my daughter old ballet tutu again (see video link below for a laff lol). it's cuts in like hell but I don't care
  16. aww thanks babs lol, wouldn't it be funny if we ALL won tickets from TBA as well ha ha there will be lots of ppl frantically trying to find travel and rooms, hey, there will be frantic "hey can I thumb a lift and doss in your room in the bath" comments ha ha and then...grabbing the curtains off the windows to wrap around you for fancy dress or something lol. Look on the bright side, if I don't get tickets then I wont have all that stress (wondering how we find out if we win tickets from TBA now hmmm). lol knowing my luck I'll win them but not find them till the day after pfft I even took the days off work too lol. (I'm primed for action ha ha).
  17. Aww that's sweet of you to say that VS, it's cos I'm not good at other stuff so words are where I feel it.
  18. well done babs (dratts, I missed out again) really good idea and fair way to throw your tickets in Meimmi, I must have just missed your message about them as I went to get daughter from station then did their tea, came back here and MISSED out, guess I just don't have any luck ho hum...it's not the end of the world, it's gonna rain anyway...I wouldn't have a dress up outfit ready in time and probs have no one from North east to go with, mind you, if I got a ticket I would just go on my own, I'm a big girl now lol.
  19. ha ha :roftl: ok I'm just larking about said I couldn't fib
  20. lol the CHOSEN ones sounds like something our of a sci fi movie, but yeah it wouldn't surprise me as who ever it is if they are from here haven't even said a word. ok ok I can't control it any longer it's ME I am the chosen one I cant tell you any more than that, I have tried to play it down but I am very bad at telling fibs.
  21. No they didn't win as such though getting free tickets to the gig in itself is winning in my book so technically I would say yeah they sorta did, runners up if you like, though we have no idea as yet who they have chosen to video, probably some fan who travels time zones to see him lol. Lucky arn't they.
  22. yep he sure is ha ha and how cum you got a pic in your sig, Marmite too yuk but loves Mika
  23. ## :naughty: yes lets...that would be so funny I'm always doing this to other peoples lyrics, I write poetry so I can't help it
  24. Here's one on a lighter note (I find it harder to write cheerful poetry lol) Resting Wings Run fast little one a skip and a leap chasing the magic that's just out of reach. stop for a breather a puff and a pant joy! the butterfly thinks your nose is a plant. 9/4/07©Vivennne B (pic provided by jjote)
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