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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. hmmm Patrick and his hand...is that true? good job our Mika is too classy to go down that route, well he better not, nah I just couldn't see it. I mean it's not big and it's not clever is it ewww.
  2. yeah I thought it was an OK review, he deserved better but you can't please everybody all of the time and Mika knows that only too well, it won't stop him doing what he loves and wants to do he knows he has oodles of support in many other places and he will not have lost any fans at Glasto but I can bet you he will have made a fair few more and so that is a good thing..for Mika and crew anyway. well done Mika and co.
  3. lmao lmao you could be right AND he likes his toys and we all know how boys like their toys did you see him with those inflatables lol, he was having fun hehe.
  4. ha ha I look more like a peaune (that's a cross between a pear and a prune) cos I am very very :wheelchair: and past it ha ha you gotta laugh though don't ya ...don't ya!
  5. :furious:IDIOTS grrr how dare they print such rubbish. I mean it's fair enough for Joe bloggs to think that but for them to print it and maybe influence others is unfair. For example... when my daughter first showed me Mika singing Grace Kelly, I didn't take much notice of it and said "yeah yeah its ok I guess" in other words, on first hearing; it didn't make a huge impact on me, but the 2nd or 3rd time I heard it I was hooked. His album was the same, some songs on it I immediately adored, others grew on me, I wasn't fussy on Relax for ages and Ring Ring only became one of my faves after he sang "you have a dangerous obsession" and pointed at me in Leeds, now I love it. So some songs need closer listening to or repeated listenings before some of us get the most out of them, others hit you between the eyes at once, so to brush it off in a way that could influence others is in my opinion, very annoying as music is personal taste anyway. RANT OVER!
  6. well said there my good man well said, (though...I wanted to be big boobies one one pic now I want to be her lips...whatever next!!) :roftl:
  7. hey those videos are great, lickle Cherisse is so pretty and her names pretty too, she looks amazing when she plays her drums. Loved her leggins at Glastonbury this weekend, they were all glitzy. I also thought Lukes shirt was very...ORANGE lol, but it was such poo py weather that he needed to brighten the place up, anyway he suits it with his colouring.
  8. I always want to do that to his cheeks too
  9. I always want to do that to his cheeks too
  10. thinks babs did and so did I but i need to work out how to get it off dvd onto pc then utube HEEELP!! anyone got any easy progs to help me or tips.
  11. lmao that is exactly what I thought but with much better hair I sooo WANT one of those inflatables but only a diddy one, MIKA SELL THEM AT YOUR GIGS, GREAT MARKETING IDEA!!! I am sure they will sell, or even cuddly toy or doll size etc. all the characters would be great and and....and...I cant contain myself now......a MIKA DOLL!!!! I want a MIKA DOLL, it doesn't have to be an inflatable one as that could be misconstrued as wrong lol a nice one to cuddle though. (see my daft imagination has gone mental now). If he starts selling them at gigs I expect royalties for my suggestion, well at least a free one then (we know he reads us now cos he said so in that interview). ha ha so we better behave ourselves laaydeeez.
  12. :lmao::lmao: ha ha ha I wondered what it was, well I'm happy now I know, though I must admit I thought he had been having some black chicken or something before he came on stage, or maybe he had been doing some cleaning of his tent with his feather duster, or maybe he just had had the maids in....but your roving moustache could be the winner.
  13. Well it sure wasn't me cos I only sent in a home video and it was jsut me and I don't even know if they got it as they don't bother to let you know. But at least I won't terrify myself driving to paces I don't know and stuff I suppose (do my "I'm not really bothered" attempts sound convincing?) no I didn't think they would lol. I'm sure it's going to be great and that you will both get to meet him again and knowing your luck Sarah he will probably take you all out to dinner or something cos you are sooo lucky when it comes to Mika, how many times is it now that you have met him lol, tho I think Bexxy has only net him once so she will be catching you up soon. Right better go see if Mika is back on tv again.
  14. right if he comes on again PM me make me notice so I can go and record it again cos I missed Ring ring and the interview.
  15. OOOOOO that shirt fell off again I just can't cope with his shirt falling off (hubby came in to see why I was squealing with delight, and laughed when I said"his shirt is falling off again" trying to control the excitement lol). I am sure I saw an MFCer cos someone had fluffy bunny ears on. Loved Martins guitar face lol and cherrise looked wonderful and cute.... they were all so fab I wish I could've gone. I have to wait till November (it may be worth it if I can get a Mika hug lol.
  16. arrrgh poo nOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I missed the rest of it I thought it had finished I thought 2 songs was a bit not enough :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:is the whole thing of him repeated does anyone know I could record it all again it MUST be repeated at some point, EVERYTHING'S repeated on our tv.
  17. :roftl:but this posting of it went barmy so I have been trying for 10 mins to sort it out, so there is a neater version of this in this thread now. (I'm like him, I like to play with lyrics ha ha)
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Queenie Big brains, you´re beautiful... ha ha ha that's it!!! that HAS to be his next single after Big Girls ha ha Big Brains (You Are Beautiful) Walks into the room in her academic costume I said, 'Big Brains you are beautiful' Shakespeare and Thesaurus please gonna translate this to Japanese Screaming 'Big Brains you are beautiful' You take your pretty girl Feel like I'm gonna die 'Cause a brainy woman Needs a brainy man here's why a brain box girl can multiply by so much more Now a big brainy woman she will NEVER be a bore Get yourself to the Mensa Lounge Find yourself a clever lady Brainy boy come on around They'll be wanting your babies No need to fantasize about girls with pretty faces they lack a heart n soul are very loud without brains in all the right places Big brains you are beautiful Big brains you are beautiful Big brains you are beautiful Big brains you are beautiful etc etc PS it's EASY for me not to care cos I am ancient, past it ugly, thick boring and a waste of space lmao so I shall just enjoy him for his fab music his persona (that he shows us) his obvious awesomely HUGE..talent (ha ha Moulin Rouge style) his amazing sense of humour his pretty face etc
  19. argh this posts gone mad I have had to move it further along pages
  20. Yes I did and it looks ok, but I don't know how to get it from a dvd to pc to utube or w/e. can anyone help I am very bad at tecky stoof. he wore Beetlejuice trousers lol
  21. ha ha we got him on 3 tv's now black n white on the big tv thats recording it (grr), me up here in the puter room on portable and heh heh your gonna LOVE this, hubbys watching in the kitchen while he is cooking his tea (yeah he's getting his oen tea, I HAVE to watch Mika) :naughty: PS love Cherrisse's leggins.
  22. ARRRRGH I HATE MY TV.....WHY HAS IT DECIDED TO RECORD MIKA IN BLACK AND WHITE ARRRRRGH!!!!! ps whats that little thing on his cheek, it looks like a gekko
  23. that's a good idea ppl, fankoo, I mean he writes lyrics and I am really interested in lyrics and the inspirations etc so maybe he would be too. You never know lol.
  24. My hubbys just shouted up to take the P. out of me pfft he said "I see your running about the house having palpitations looking how to record on the dvd cos they are threatening to play Mika on tv haha"! :sneaky2:
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