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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. a couple of string vests would be funny but salmon er...not sure about that you wont find ME carting smelly fish to his gigs not me mmmph mmmph *shakes head*
  2. oh dear now I need to work out where to find him on my tv and how to use my tv and dvd recorder pfft I hate technology and I am always up in my puter room so I never use the main tv with all the latest gubbins on in arrrgh!!!
  3. OMG AEROSMITH kick ass, the lucky thing, oh and now I think I missed Mika on bbc 2 cos I didnt know it was on :'( have I missed it?
  4. Thank you for that link it will be very useful for when I go to Manchester in November your a doll.
  5. I can sew and have a machine and overlocker, I am seeing him 3 times in November so I am offering my services lol just let me know if you need any help. I don't know if this has been mentioned anywhere as I haven't read through the whole thread but... Do you think it would be a good idea to have the centre square as the MFC logo? I could make one then send it along with my own one. I have bags and bags of materials of all sorts as I used to sew my daughters dancing costumes so have sequins and trimmings and all sorts. Also CAZGIRL I left a message on the other thread for you about your design.
  6. Oh I didn't know there was a poetry thread I just went and made my own last night called Sparkly poetry cos I didn't know there was was (sorry to the powers that be about that). I am in the middle of witting a poem about Mika FOR Mika and I have written him a small one for his birthday message too that I need to send someone. so do you want the poems to be ABOUT Mika or can they be about anything? though it would make more sense I guess if they were about him.
  7. you can buy stuff from WHsmiths that you can print on and then transfer it to material, then cut it out n send it. but careful your pic may need to be printed backwards if it has text on it.
  8. Bl**dy love the idea :thumb_yello: what size does it have to be and what shape? when do you need it and where do we send it. (btw I can sew and have a sewing machine AND and olverlocker and I am seeing him 3 times in November (look below). So if you need any help....I'm offering.
  9. :naughty:an Estonian Geordie :thumb_yello: love it (I grew up in that neck of the woods) wye aye man!
  10. Enigma I know not Why warm tears trickle down my face, Shamed and disgraced At why my heart bleeds ........As it's... ...........Unnecessarily squeezed. I fear the power of my own hands At the times when; I dont understand, The illogicality of my own mind The place sometimes; where Im confined. Days, nay moments, Where I am the instrument, and... ......Where to cease to be, Consumes all of my rationality. In my dark reclusiveness I am quenched While I obsess, Torn and twisted in morbid agony Exhausted and shamed by reality. Cursed talons through my skull, Drag out the evil demon scum, Abhorrent superfluous prisoner, Within the cowardly walls of my enigma. 10/6/2004©Vivienne B
  11. Just thought I would share some of my poetry with anyone who may be interested, I'm not really very arty with drawing (stick men are my limit lol), I can make pretty cakes sometimes, and I can sew dancing costumes and stuff, But poetry is what I have been doing the longest. I hope it's ok to start a thread on my poetry (don't want to get into big bother). anyway you can leave comments good or bad or if anyone has any ideas for improvements I am always open to suggestions. I saw everyone elses beautiful art and stuff and this is probably the only art I can do (a bit) so I hope this is ok, if not let me know and I will delete it.
  12. it looks to me as if it's only those who actually went for the screen tests not those who sent in home videos. Oh well I didn't want to go anyway.
  13. gotta be easy surely coming from London should be lots of trains.
  14. it's a good interview, showed him with his sensible head on lol, and how articulate he is and how he must be an interviewers dream cos he can ramble on for hours lol... love him. I wanted to put it in my myspace blog area but couldn't work out how to do it pfft. I now understand why he wants to keep his sexuality to himself more and I think he has a really good point. what a clever chap he is.
  15. I have to admit that I too have had these visitations in my dreams, I need to ask Holy Johnny's advice also, but I am not unduly worried as I feel our lord is sending us a sign in our dreams and we have to decipher it for ourselves. Perhaps this is HIS way of letting us know we needs us to knit him a nice warm vest to stop him catching a cold as he seems to keep loosing his shirt these days during services.
  16. Hmm this is indeed a dilema, perhaps your only option is to ask your parent to "treat" you to our lords live sermons as a reward for something you give to them in return or if you have done particularly well at something, unless failing that you could always hold a garage sale and sell unwanted items to raise the necessary funds for such an important event, It is well worth it...believe me my child.
  17. you MUST take responsbility here for your own actions my child and not blame others, but it's not ALL bad because I am sure the words of this persons song just make you think of your love for our lord, but please try not to let it ruin your hours of LiCM time which is of course of the uttermost importance to your happiness. I feel a small penance of 25 hail Mika's on you tamagotchii beads will suffice each time you feel the urge to listen to..THAT song. and NO suicide is NEVER an option full stop, because you will never stand a chance of seeing the other side of the MIKArainow here in Mikadom and THAT would be a sin.
  18. No I dont think so, if it involves our lord then definitely not, our lord reaches us even in sleep to answer our prayers, just enjoy them my child.
  19. :naughty: or MIKA - "I have the biggest glitterballs in Europe thats why I wear custom made womens underwear and have a fettish for melon" :naughty:
  20. ....................SIGH!!..........yeah ....................come on in,......SIGH!! take a seat n have a brew...........SIGH!!..............
  21. nope I aint heard of anyone else either pfft. (glumness creeps over MFC)
  22. well that video and MFC mafia response was awesome lol, I had to comment on both but fair do's he realizes his mistake and big enough to apologize, I think he meant it he seemed genuine in his rather long winded apology, in fact he came across as a jolly nice kinda guy really, just did a daft thing and we all do those now n then.
  23. DEEK DEEK who the f* is deek (sorry got carried away by all this talk of alice). not that I CARE about any of it at all, in fact I must be the most careless person I know.
  24. Awesome lol, I had a rea good chuckle at these, lets hope a journalist doesn't get to hear them or they will have us believe he really said it all just like that :lmao:
  25. OMG I want one of these for November cos it will rain in Manchester it ALWAYS rains in Manchester lmao ps. that is weird about his name isn't it, I had a feeling if it was Michael that it would be pronounced that way mind.
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