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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. :roftl::roftl:god you guys are wicked! I may have to go and confess sins to Holy Johnny now and I should know better pfft.
  2. wasn't there a guy in Viz who had infeasibly large ...er...*glitter* balls?
  3. Ha ha great pic AND caption :roftl: "hic..er..wazzat ofither...there wuz a wall here, hic...did thumbodeeeey eat the wall....hic?"
  4. SARA this is NOT the thread for chickens!! lol
  5. you know all this tension and craziness reminds me of the mysapce competition some of us won lol, that week was just as mental wasn't it.
  6. a clue??? to what (I'm well confused now lol).
  7. lol well looking at what happens to those who have met him and seen him live ( I saw him for the first time 13/5/07 in Leeds and now I am hooked, he seems to spread MIKA germs or something cos we all catch this addictive bug that makes us want to follow him around, he is like the pied piper lol.
  8. thanx Bexxy, I will keep an eye on my inbox all week in the pathetic hope that they offer me a ticket or two to any one of his gigs lol. I was living in hope that maybe I would get to meet him if I went as I seem to be the only person on MFC who hasn't met him yet :crybaby:ok ok it's not true it just feels that way. *sniff*
  9. you DO realize by handing out this info that if anyone gets any tickets they will all be crashing at your place lol, but hey maybe you could get a ticket out of them for the inconvenience
  10. pmsl I'm saying nowt :roftl: and it's no good ME begging I am from opposite end of the country to the rest of you. (is this gig in London or Manchester I am still so confused about the whole thing lmao).
  11. ha ha good one (im gonna have a go at this one, it's a good pic) http://img511.imageshack.us/my.php?image=13cx3bi0.jpg "Up yours!!" er no no I mean ....ROCK ON!!....oh erm what's the hand gesture for that again?
  12. aww this one's my fave, what an absolute sweetheart he looks on this, I could just cuddle him really tight and ruffle his curls (amongst other things)
  13. :naughty: this is how it is for me too, when I sing Mika songs during work, and today I was serving a customer and her phone went off and my little heart leapt in excitement and I said "OOO was your ring tone Grace Kelly" and she said yes I love Mika, and I gave a triumphant little ker-ching gesture with both hands saying "YESSS" lol and proceeded to tell her I had seen him in Leeds and was going to see him 3 times in Novemebr and how awesome he is live etc etc I think I could have rambled on all day but the queue was giving me evils pfft (brightened up my day so it did lol).
  14. I have put a proper link in now here it is: http://www1.snapfish.com/slideshow/AlbumID=166099153/PictureID=3327869820/a=55468714_55468714/t_=55468714 and the caption is: "I refuse to come down until one of your catches that dam mouse"! :eek:
  15. I dont know how they expect people to be able to get there on time if they have to come a long way, it's about 4 hours on the train alone no matter if it was London or Manchester for me, and I would have to try to get a train ticket and would probs have to end up kipping at the train station, I mean how else are you supposed to get back home when the trains often stop before a gig ends. and if you try to find a hotel to sleep in well...what if your not chosen, they arn't exactly cheap are they. it's ok though cos I won't get picked or win cos I forgot to give them my phone number. (wonder if they use any of our home-made videos in the actual programme, I wouldn't mind that really if they thought any of it was usable, not a bad idea bet there are a few snippets they could use from peoples home made ones eh? lol.
  16. [http://www1.snapfish.com/slideshow/AlbumID=166099153/PictureID=3327869820/a=55468714_55468714/t_=55468714 I refuse to come down until one of you catches that mouse!!! :eek:
  17. It is a concern that he seems so tired and the worry he will "burn out" but I also see why he feels the need to do it this way, I think you have to strike whilst the iron is hot so to speak, and once he feels more established where he wants to be then hopefully he will be bale to calm it down. I just hope he is able to take all this pressure all the time. As has been said already he has a fantastic family surrounding him all the time and they will see it first if he starts to go downhill, I am sure they will take good care of him (unless he is a naughty boy and doesn't listen to his mum then you will have to send him to me and my paddle) JOKING ARRGH!!! lol.
  18. Ok send him over I got a big paddle and I can buy a book on how to give a jolly good spanking only kidding, I'm the one who wants to caress his curls and drop grapes in his mouth while fanning him really..HONESTLY!
  19. hmm yes if you scroll to the bottom u find it, but it was from Mika sounds yet it confused me cos if you click on BOTH links they seem to be about the same gig but one asks you for an answer to the question and the other one doesn't, and it says you can only enter once so now I'm confused if to enter on BOTH links, any thoughts on this one ppl?
  20. my daughter Vix has wavy curliness in her hair but she had it brutally attacked by some poncy hair dresser OOps sorry hair TECHNICIAN (long story), so now its a little longer than Mikas (it was way down her back before, beautiful it was), anyway now its shorter to "control" it she sometimes has to tong little bits here and there cos it won't curl in some places now until it grows again. (our normal hairdresser has curly hair herself and had just taught her how to manage it too grrr stupid man just cos HE was bald!!) Btw this was done to her almost a year ago and its still only just about reaching her shoulders now, I wanted to bloody KILL him.
  21. well I have booked days off work as holiday just in case, (well I am owed some days in Lieu), I won't book though cos chances of winning tickets etc are zilch lol.
  22. oh forgot to say Manchester Doncaster Newcastle (they are on my sig too) I would like to go to them all but I'm not loaded like Sara
  23. I was just thinking this but where are the single gig threads (i still find this site really hard to follow at times I wish there was a "what's new" or "messages unread" that made sense or....a map around the site, there seem to be many threads I have not found yet.
  24. Welcome my child, I hope you enjoyed the harmony you found here while you were here today. Bless you you are welcome any time.
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