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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. don't you worry about a thing Zahara, you WILL enjoy his concert and HIM, I know for sure, the atmosphere at these events is electric...you just go there sister and don't forget to wave your lollipops at him. I think maybe nearer the time of the event you will get terribly excited, it is probably a good thing you are keeping yourself calm for the time being to save yourself a heart attack before the event, so I don't think you are sinning at all, you are just too overwhelmed by the thought of it and are subconsciously keeping yourself in a state of calmness, don't worry my child.
  2. i keep trying to make a voice message but its really bad quality, it's really sorta buzzy in the background and fairly quiet, I tried to do it on my mobile but i dunno how to transfer it to my pc, it just wants me to send the message in a message grr I am getting a bit miffed now cos I dunno what to do for the best.
  3. Father, you could make a huge banner with the message on, I am sure you could dangle it over the balcony. (mind you perhaps this extreme amount of dedication should be saved for our one TRUE almighty Mika). And thank you for your support about my "exploits" the other night, I think you must have been right father and it WAS all in the line of duty so to speak, and of course it's a duty that is no hardship. also we do understand you have to share your valuable wisdom amongst the masses and although we miss you on your travelling pilgrimages we know we have to dig deep into our souls and pray for your safe return so you can once again lead the flock, but in your absence we do support each other father and offer our services to the needy. (sigh if only our Lord was needy I could offer him my services.... oops where are my tamagotchii beads?).
  4. This is what I said in the other thread yesterday, I still stand by that even after reading everything that has been said in this thread. I DO however understand how people felt somewhat disappointed with the video because I had the exact same feelings and thoughts about it looking somewhat...like Joe Bloggs had taken the video for example. But then I thought, well perhaps that is deliberate to give the impression that it's about ORDINARY big women, not fake surgically enhanced rich glamorous women, maybe he is trying to bring us back to reality for a change, we have so many images of stick thin, airbrushed perfection of youth or die, that we can't help but try to live up to and fail miserably so punish ourselves over it, that he maybe wanted to remind us that we are HUMAN BEINGS and just normal and this is reality, and we need to celebrate what's going on inside. Well this is how I am taking this video and even though I am not really a BIG big girl just a pear shaped big girl lol and an ageing one at that,(see and extra disadvantage), then I have taken the meaning of this video and moulded it to my own needs if you like. If this is his intention then I think it's wonderful and I hope he can make people see that, I would hate it for them to diss it and not realize where it was coming from (if indeed my interpretations of it are correct), if they are not correct, then I can still look at this video in that way as that is how I see it. does any of this make sense to anyone or have I just waffled on and confused you all lol. LOVE ya MIka u sweetie.
  5. OOo that has to be promising though cos no one else has heard a thing, you wont forget to hint on in a bIG MASSIVE way wont you though how wonderful an MFC audience would be at this gig and that we are all living in hope of being in the audience even though we know we can't all be chosen for the video. I only sent my mail with the video yesterday lol and it was only of me as I didn't have time to edit my daughters one and I even forgot to put my telephone numbers on, I think I gave them my email addy but that is all so I don't hold out much hope. BUT just in case, do you think I should try to get next Wednesday and Thursday off work?
  6. lol I just thought blimey these fans get fresher by the day!
  7. BANNED!! BANNED!! whatever for, Holy Johnny is spreading the luurrrve and immense joy and laughter of our dear Lord MM he can't be banned for that.
  8. Thank you your eminence, it was made with much love from the deep corners of my soul, and my daughter Vix and I have emulated tour Lord and did the celebration service of "Chubby Bunny" only last week, it was very enlightening, we may indeed release our recording of the event on Utube soon for others to come and be inspired with the warmth of "Chubby Bunnyness". My av is for sharing too as I have had requests for it and some have just felt the urge too strong and HAD to have it regardless lol. Ah the powerful images of "Chubby Bunny" are indeed great.
  9. I rather liked the way it wasn't all..."polished", it made it seem more real and like it's meant for EVERY big girl, I don't know if I am explaining this right, it's just that how it is now makes it more believable, more reachable to the average person, not full of glamorous uber fake people in uber fake locations, with uber fake body parts etc, it's like he is celebrating "REAL" women, I find it quite a genuine celebration.
  10. :punk:yeah yeah go MOM (oh that sounds odd cos I am ancient and a mother hmm)
  11. Yep that's what I reckon too lol.
  12. OOo Paula pop I like ur little av pic tis cute, someone else has stolen mine well...they havn't actually stolen my exact one as I am still using it lmao. (heh heh spose it's a good thing cos they must have liked it and as I'm not very tecky then it must be a compliment
  13. sparkly1

    Mika's Party

    he IS cute, and gorgeous and sexy and hot and stunningly beautiful. Oh and I spy a shy Yasmin in the back lol.
  14. Sparkly1 The Batty old bat in the big floppy hat (ha ha poetry lol) She has schoolboy humour, is holy Johnny's sidekick, makes sicko photo captions and I will try to avoid meeting her for as long as I can hold her off.
  15. I think I sent my video today, lol I sent it via gmail at first but it said it had failed so then I sent it twice by hotmail and I haven't had a return failure notice yet so you never know. I mentioned MFC lots in my video and Kath's chicken clip (was it Kath's?) lol and Sivan's scrapbook clip nice aren't I, I know it's a long shot but one has to at least try lol. Pfft I'm at work till 9pm tomorrow so I won't get to see which one of you lucky things wins or gets tickets (I mentioned that in my letter bit ). good luck everyone, and it had better be someone off MFC or I am gonna have a sense of humour failure.
  16. hey thats cool, where's the piccy though, it's nice to put a face to the name
  17. hmmm another one of those things that comes true after it has been mentioned or discussed here on MFC...GO MIKA are you spying on us :naughty:
  18. Well it certainly doesn't need pointing out to anyone at MFC :roftl:
  19. "come here laydeeez and let me show you my................................ whiter than whites I get this from using the new DAZ"
  20. heh heh you naughty thing flyingpurplehippos as if he NEEDS to point that out to us ha ha :roftl: PS loving your new hypnotizing lollipop av
  21. ha ha he's got ALL my votes, cos I love his lollipops they are very tasty
  22. Well I didn't notice it either till it was mentioned and as far as it goes I would say it is kinda just that one line that sorta has a similar sound to it, and not even the full line, pfft how picky are they, it's WAAAAY better anyway, and is far more upbeat as far as the tune etc goes, the meaning of the lyrics are nothing at all like each other. pfft (again).
  23. WOOOH that's a lorra lorra luck there so I thought we should have it again lol.
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