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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. okie dokie I'll get onto it as I don't think I got time left to try to upload the vid i was making, it goes on for too long and I don't have time to send it via post, so I may just email them my answers to the questions along with a nice begging letter lol. one has to at least give it a shot doesn't one. (Good luck Bexxy)
  2. Bless me father for I have sinned, last night I went without our lord almost all day, I did not even find the time to pop into the confessional booth of our holy temple of Mikadom. I was out celebrating the 18th birthday of my daughter Vix, I hope the fact that we got up on the dance floor of light and shook our "booty" leapt very high in the air waving our arms frantically and singing at the top of our lungs in extreme dedication as soon as they played "Grace Kelly" which was quickly followed by "Love Today" which we immediately repeated our public displays of worship. Unfortunately the holy water was a little too strong for me and I fell to my knees as I left the dance floor of light, of course this was purely an act of total worship you understand, and the sniggers I heard were obviously from the unenlightened ones.
  3. What a dilema my child, of course I can understand your worries here, it is perhaps a good sign that your boyfriend sees going to see our lord as a positive experience as of course it will be, but I think I shall leave this in the wise and capable hands of our holy father Johnny to advise you further.
  4. I have to agree oh holy father, and although I am embarrassed to admit that I too have had to fight off the urges to hog a MIKAHUG all to myself for ever and ever, I also know deep in my heart that this would indeed be a selfish act as the whole of humanity needs to embrace our lord the almighty MM, he is the creator of the colourful world of rainbows that he giveth unto us in his 23rd year of Life in Cartoon Motion, and we humbly thank him daily for this most treasured gift from the bottom of his most selfless soul. HAIL MIKA our one true divine lord. AMEN.
  5. Oh my dear mariposa I have this exact problem, it is causing the rest of the family a slight concern for my mental health...but gwad blimey I don't care mwahahaha!!
  6. This happens to me lots, I can get very deep into the meaning of the lyrics of a song and the melody etc, but then I still cry when Dumbo's mummy cradles him in her trunk and sings the lullaby to him, and to many many other things, it can get embarrassing at times. BTW I had one of those continuing dreams involving MIka last night but dam it, I can't remember anything about it and I was so sure I would but I have just remembered about it cos of reading about yours.
  7. Well I guess we gotta try haven't we they can only say NO now stop bugging us can't they lol, I haven't even posted my "try" yet lol, I am trying to make the video right now, but I can't see me getting it uploaded to them or anything as everyone else seems to have had bother doing that so I may just have to email them my answerers to their questions in writing/typing w/e, not ideal but better than nowt.
  8. WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME to MFC its mad in here but I am sure you will fit in and this is the place for total MIKA worshipping.
  9. lol not if you live in Manchester ha ha, not that I do, I live In the North East of England so it's still gonna be hard to get to but even harder to try to decide what to do about getting back, unless Mika lets us stay at his place over night then we will all be sorted cos the trains will be up and running again in the morning. I mean what ARE people going to do about accommodation at last mins notice though, that is a bit of a dilema don't you think cos not everyone is fine about driving to places they have never been (I'm one of those, so I would have to get train, unless I can talk my hubby into driving me there and back ha ha, hmmm do you think I stand a chance of persuading him
  10. WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME to this crazy castle of Mikadom
  11. why thank you SO much and NO of course I didn't twiddle with anyone's words :roftl::naughty:
  12. oh okies, never heard of that though lol you learn something new everyday eh.
  13. Yeey I hope we all get to stand together....a BIG HUGE MFC army of flashing hearts and rainbows woo hoo!! dead excited :thumb_yello: my daughter Vix will finally get to see Mika after not being able to pick up her win of the myspace dress up comp, wonder if there's any chance of her getting on any of the guest list things instead then...hmmm now who should she mail to be cheeky enough to ask lol.
  14. sparkly1


    WELCOME WELCOME WELOME we are all mad and nuts and crazy :insane: but I am sure you wont mind a bit lol.
  15. That IS a good write up but I must be in the older bracket cos I dunno what a "twink" is, who is gonna tell this granny how to suck eggs?? lmao (ok ok well I aint a granny but I do feel like a teenager in an old skin not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing lol. the main thing is THIS IS FUN! And I sure agree with the guy about that .
  16. aww maybe you needed to go through 20 gallons of coke to win it lol. there seems to be lots of competitions about dunno how you get to hear about them all mind. That one in France sounds sooo AWESOME I think I would walk over hot coals naked with maggots in my hair (maggots are my phobia btw) to win that one)
  17. I guess so, it's no different for him I suppose than say..when he gives an interview and it's "edited" out of all context...NOT that this one is of course, I am SURE this was exactly how the interview went word for word. This must be how easy it is for unscrupulous people in the media though eh.
  18. I went to Leeds too, but I was in a daze...sigh, I wore a big hat and looked like a fool but SO WHAT it was a MIKA gig woo hoo if he wanted me to dress as er...a big tomato I would do...maybe. Are any of you going to MANCHESTER, DONCASTER OR NEWCASTLE?
  19. OMM that is the funniest thing I have heard for ages, how do you make these things they are AWESOME you gotta send this to him somehow, I think he would ROFL ha ha best one yet. ps what interview is the glitterballs bit from cos I wanna hear it again as I had that in my sig for ages but someone said I had got it wrong boo lol,.
  20. sure thing Father sure thing nudge nudge :wink2: hows ya father (ha ha did you see what I just did there...hows ya father ?? hic..oops sorry father think I over did the holy water.
  21. Waaahhhahahah yep I'm afraid my 1st reaction was WEDGY too he he, think your right about his custom made drawers lol.
  22. LOL I think it's a great community in here I love it that is why I can't keep away but it leaves me with no flaming life arrrgh oh well, I guess I would only be watching TV or writing poetry lol.
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