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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. wonder how I missed this one, I just cant keep up with it all lol. So no idea about that coke competition or anything what did you have to do? ( I would love to see him sooner than having to wait for my 3 November gigs)
  2. (please forgive me for this next one ) "Go on I DARE ya ..pull my finger!"
  3. LMAO this is MY problem, I have had to unsubscribe to some of the threads as I never get through them all and I miss so much that happens due to always having to catch up pfft there MUST be a better way to manage the way I use this site lol.
  4. yep, great isn't it, I think if the NHS bottled Mikas laugh they could use it as a miracle depression cure sure gets me in a good mood. (In fact I was having my hair cut today and my hairdresser said she couldn't get a song out of her head and said (lmao to this) " have you heard of MIka"? so that launched me into going on and on and on about eveything Mikamy daughter said "oh dear you have set her off now lol). Anyway to cut a long story short, she said his music makes her feel so happy (she wasn't a huge fan but just his music was fun), "well" I said "I COULDN'T AGREE MORE" LOL
  5. HEY MFC girlies...do you like it when I do the splits AND play the piano...does THAT do it for you mad lot too (mwahaha I know how to get em going so I do).
  6. Father do you think we need to keep a closer eye on the "holy water" we keep for the sermons, you know the one... it brings us great joy but we loose a little of our inhibitions if taken in too much abundance.
  7. Yeah he seems to have hasn't he, I think he must sneak on here and catch us all swooning about everything he does lol and how we love all the daft things he does, and cos we bloody LOVE him for just being who he is.
  8. lol me too, I loved the bit where he spots the sword and you can see the naughtiness going through his head and he can't resist the temptation to pick it up and have a play lol.
  9. WOT SECRET GIG IN JULY I didn't know there was one, can you give me any details please? flaming 'eck I am far too old for all this malarkey lol but I am addicted ...I can't help myself any more, I am not responsible for my own actions
  10. hmm so if it's 20th in Manchester the Manchester press thing says its 27th doesn't it or am I getting all mixed up here Also if they don't reveal the gig until the day itself how on earth are we supposed to get time off work then suddenly try to arrange travel to Manchester and back or somewhere to sleep all in a few hours, I WANT TO GO (like the rest of you) but I'm not good at organizing stuff and my daughter has an English A level exam that day but she will hopefully be finished in time for us to get there, but it's about 3+ hour drive (sniff I'm a worrying about the practicalities), anyway how do you get tickets, is it just ppl who win them via TBA?
  11. ha ha ha love it. Here's my attempt lol "Mamma told me what I should know, too many beans and the wind doth blow..." (sorry Mika lol but I got school boy humour).
  12. The best by far, it's one of the loveliest things about him it's soo sweet and fab.
  13. LOL never heard of Stardoll, but this defo has to be their version of him, wonder if he knows lol, but look at the lips those ARE Mika lips yum, and yeah defo the hair too. Hey next there will be like a DOLL of Mika you know like they do with other popstars etc...if it's any good we will have to get one lol then we can dress him every day as we wish ha ha...hmmm lets think....NAKED ha ha just kidding.
  14. LMAO me and my daughter vix did this on saturday night, we er..videoed it too...AHEM!! UTUBE...WAHEEEY well maybe not, not yet anyway. so yeah can I be a chubby bunny too (though I dunno where I can fit it in my sig, and LOOK I even made my own CHUBBY BUNNY av soon as I saw the video).
  15. WAAAAAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA oh mai Blue that is soooo funny how am I ever to go in there now, I mean it is a colourful place, it has a big clown...its at world domination epidemic levels....maybe this is our BIG M's plan of action
  16. I have to agree, it has nothing to do with us really, but if it makes people feel better then just think of him as BI lol then everyone's a winner (unless your an old bat like me then you just have to make do with looking through the shop window at beautiful items out of your price bracket that would look so wrong on you anyway) . PS. We also love him for his personality, what we see of it anyway, I mean he has the most AWESOME sense of humour don't you think?
  17. EXCELLENT this kind of honesty, self acceptance and understanding of what makes things "tick" is what makes Mika work for me...I just LOVE how genuine and honest he is, he is right, he is not snobby or pompous about anything that has helped him get where he is now he feels no shame and some seem to want him to feel shame....for what??? I have only pride in what he has achieved and I know he is going to achieve even more and deservedly so, MIKA kicks a$$ he is AWESOME and AMAZING and I wuvs him stax (RANT OVER sorry got a bit carried away there). PS thanx for posting
  18. Hey Mika if your spying...... and are going to make this dream come true experience reality again then..... VIX and CAROLINE are DESPERATE to be LOLLIPOP girls for you, I am not sure what gigs CAROLINE is going to but VIX is going to your November gigs, (I could even make her a new outfit as her other one is a bit too light a pink) see how helpful I am MANCHESTER DONCASTER NEWCASTLE so if you really are a dream come true maker lol or a Mr. fix it, then you know where we are me darlin' (I'll be happy to be erm...old mother Hubbard or an ageing ballerina in my daughter tutu ) we await eagerly your PM (you can't blame a gal for tying can you lol).
  19. I think this is one of the things that sets him apart from other *stars*, he just seems to "get it" where his fans are concerned and it seems he does do what he can, to me it feels like he is giving something back to some of them...it's like a reward, it's a little pipe dream he gives to some of them to keep them going, HOW AWESOME is that...oooo wuvs him for that. (even though I aint been lucky yet, but I'm not giving up just yet got my 3 NOVEMBER gigs to try for so wish me lots n lots of luck ppl lol. (just had a thought ha ha I am far too old to be a lollipop girl, think he will have to write a new song about menopausal women heh heh I can just see it now how hilarious). AW he's just a total darlin' xx FANTASTIC Sivan I am so happy for you that you had such a great time with him AGAIN double lucky gal lol, I can just about imagine how that must feel.
  20. yep this is me too one gig and now I live here I'm a resident who can't leave for a second lol. :devil:got 3 more gigs though in NOVEMBER wish it was sooner though.
  21. Yeah I was wondering how much is coincidence etc with what has been happening lately, and then Sivan gets to be Lollipop girl when everyone went nuts about him pulling some fans on stage with him and Caroline and Vix desperately seeking ways to be lollipop girl for just one gig, and I am sure there will be more we will have to keep our eyes open for more coincidences in future girls. so Mika if your spying...... VIX and CAROLINE are DESPERATE to be LOLLIPOP girls for you, I am not sure what gigs CAROLINE is going to but VIX is going to MANCHESTER DONCASTER NEWCASTLE so if your a dream come true maker lol or a Mr. fix it, then you know where we are me darlin' (I'll be happy to be erm...old mother Hubbard or an ageing ballerina in my daughter tutu:naughty:) we await eagerly your PM (you can't blame a gal for tying can you lol).
  22. I too will pray for your soul sister, you need all the help you can get, it seems you are weak and need our strength to help carry you through these times of weakness, but remember this, our lord watches over us constantly and we never know when he is opening the MFC pages to our hearts, he could be here at this very moment and you wouldn't want to see our lord angry (it is written in the Mikaible that he once said "you wouldn't like me when I'm angry") or was that the incredible Hulk? anyway, try more regular lollipop eating while praying and reciting as many hail Mika's as you can manage, I think you need a bit of aversion therapy as well as our prays sister...BE STRONG my child.
  23. *thinks* OH NOOOOO big girl's possessed
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