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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. ha ha and wahat a great pic, gotta have a go at this one.
  3. hahahahaah I wouldv'e thought the same
  4. OMG WOWSIE this guy knows what he is dong to us what a TEASE!! "CROWD SURFING!!!!!! YEEAAAAAAH HERE I COME!!!!"
  5. Thank you for your forgiveness holy father, I hope MM forgives me my sin also, I have been spreading his word in my mobile situation again and on the sunny streets where I live here in holy mikadom, I felt this was the least I could do to repent, and when I have upload my work onto the sacred utube I hope it will be a lesson to all who go to visit it not to let pride get in the way of a flashing heart of Mikalurrve. I was wondering whilst I could not sleep last night through this guilt and constant hail Mika's if anyone here in Mikadom or Mikaville has been touched by our lords holy hand or if anyone has sensed his lurrve guiding them to chocolate heaven? I know some of our congregations lives have been touched by the hand of the divine one.
  6. lmao Ela, so are his glitter balls....or "someone's" anyway
  7. lol very amusing how about.... "Rose tinted specs.....hell no! BIG DAISIES all the way babeeey"
  8. Yes some things are best SERVED very very s...l.....o.....w.....l......y to get the FULL impact, don't you agree?
  9. Welcome back to our Mika-Temple your grace, I hope your pilgrimage was fruitful, you were on missionary work out in....outer Lincolnshire weren't you? I have a small confession to make, I sinned against the powers that be who run the land where our Holy Temple sits by making an unholy "thread" to further entice the masses to show pride in their love for our Lord, but this angered some of the clergy and so I made a hasty retreat after remembering that pride is a sin, even though I was making a breakthrough and some passers by were wanting to be welcomed into the fold, then I felt guilt for closing the door and bolting. Please pray for me Father, I think I need it for forgetting such an important sin.
  10. heh heh yeah that's what I think but knowing how things work they will probably put the flaming prices UP pffft.
  11. yep me too that is one reason I put it in my name and started the thread that shall be forgotten bout lol. But I just wanted to shout it from the rooftops, it's odd to feel proud of him like that but I do and it's nice to know I am not alone and not a weirdo lol.
  12. That comes from being a song writer I guess eh? Really good interview he's a right chatty 'ol thing wish I could get to ask him just 1 question, I do have one that if I ever meet him I am gonna ask. (no it's NOT that one ).
  13. When it turns the right way up if you concentrate on his mouth and teeth...well it sure looks like a Mika mush to me lol, also the physic looks same too, and listen for the giggle at the end. Hmmm sick of looking at it now, I don't think it's him now lol.
  14. I knew they would do different things for fans in other countries, I am sure it wont stop there, it is though a totally AWESOME prize, I just hope it's one of our French MFCers (I can't even pretend to be French lol fingers crossed for you guys, good luck). PS I'm saving myself for the day he announces the competition to marry a crazy 40 something female fan who has to be be from my village :roftl: (you never know he might even pay for the surgery to make me as gorgeous as him ).
  15. Can you elaborate...did you play and Mika phsongs on your journey, did you take you tamagotchii/beads? did you take ANYTHING at all to remind yourself of our Lord, so that if you found the need to you could have him with you? if not then I am sure he was with you in your thoughts, heart and soul, if not then please return here to be received by Father Holy Johnny on his return.
  16. Mika dandruff deserves my love too I could make a fortune on ebay if I could capture some.
  17. Hey I ordered one of those too lol thought I might get hot at the gig with mister Mika greek godlike in front of me (hopefully lol).
  18. #:shocked:EH but I bought tickets for Monday 19th at Manchester Apollo, is he doing 2 gigs there then now:blink: I also just bought standing tickets I think, I didn't know you could get seated one *very confused*
  19. I did exact same thing in the early hours of last night and made it into a tiny av and posted it but I can't remember where lol. aha found him lol, isn't he just a cutie wootie hamster face *squeezes his cheeks lol*
  20. mine seems to make a terrible buzzy noise I tried to do it 4 times yesterday and hey all sounded the same and I don't know how to fix it, I may have to make it on my mobile phone and upload it to pc.
  21. EXACTLY! And all I have left to say on this matter is MIKA I DO CARE about you, how you are, if your well, and most of all IF YOU ARE HAPPY I wish you much happiness above all else.
  22. WELCOME its great fun here (even though I still get lost lol). You must be going to one of the gigs I am going to MANCHESTER I'm also going to Doncaster and Newcastle Can't wait and wish I could go to more lol. I have a dog called Jazz (her piccy is in the pets thread bit) and my daughters got a gecko called Honey and we have many fish in our pond lol.
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