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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. no not at all, balls of steel (must take after your cousin)
  2. you kept that little secret very quiet about your famous cousin and I thought you were talking in codes to throw me off the scent lmao.
  3. so it's Stephen really I get ya he is just genderly challenged.
  4. Nah I reckon he does it all the time, I mean sunsets happen every day, but mostly behind the clouds, or the hills, or a sky scraper, so unless he gets down on 1 knee at the same time... it aint good enough for me. PS the girl looks like the same girl on the making of the vid so a co-worker I say, there is NO WAY he would let it slip like this he's been way too careful in hee past so he aint gonna make THOSE kinda mistakes THAT easliy
  5. waaay too many laptops... that smells like work to me, probs another relative who works for/with him lol.
  6. yes plz, dont need it avi sized, I just couldnt resist that pout lol
  7. I made this one and I wanted to shrink to use as an avitar it but I dont know how to, how do you shrink them (simple terms only please )
  8. ah but I got Vix one of these years ago and she gets a really flat tummy back in seconds... it's like magik but it's also a BAD role model for women and she should be banned or at least her tummy shud have stitch marks and be a bit wobbly for a few months at least and she should come with an exersice bike and a leaflet for cosmetic surgery on Barbies. (Maybe Mika's G/F is a Barbie Girl)
  9. not neccessarily just Sari said she had HEARD she MIGHT be a model or something, so not asmuming you know anything, just being observant of the FACTS and there are NONE all just people creating rumours lol. (no change there then). Guess it's easier to fool the younglings.
  10. If he had a g/f I would be thrilled and wouldn't care what she looked like or what her chosen career was, but I don't believe this for a second....sadly I really wish he DID have a nice g/f and if he did, you and Babs would NOT be posting msge like this about it you would be tellig us to respect his privacy Thats why I can smell yogic flying here.
  11. I loved it at first but I think I was just in shock at seeing it lol, I now mostly only like the first part when he is in the chair etc, the rest is ok, but after seeing it afew times I can see it could have been better.
  12. but humble pie sounds like a sweet dish, oh well gravy it is then.
  13. yummy hope you got some custard to go with it though. It was indeed and this could turn into the same
  14. Babs, your interest in this reminds me of the yogic flying mika incident of a few years ago I wasn't sucked into that one either lmao but if I am wrong then I will gladly eat humble pie
  15. hmm I dunno bout that I still think he's over doing that move just a little, but I will still sqeeee when he does it at gigs lol
  16. one small thing, I'm not a fan of some of his dance moves cos they don't seem... natural, it's like he doesn't look right doing some of them, I thik when you dance you have to "feel" the moves like you have to "feel" the lyrics and music fo a song to give it your best. I loved his stag like leap but (not just on this vid but other performances) he seems to do that leap in the air thing too much and not in places that don't flow...I dunno I just noticed it lately.
  17. that is the version that made me HATE this song, it took me ages to like it and for it to go through various transitions and to see it live myself cos I really disliked it so much for a long time, I found it whinney, but in it's present form I love it, it's up there amongst my favs.
  18. I guess I interpret that part as he has lost himself and is looking for himslef or his mind I'm reading darkness into this vid a lot.
  19. Caz did you say your in with us at Travel lodge cos if not I will see if Kath wants to share cos I think she was looking for room?
  20. oh dear lol that is even more than me this time and I am coming from up t'north, I got a bus there for a tenner (yes it takes 6 hours but it still gets me to London for 2pm and I can sleep), and a train back for £14.50, it's 8.30 AM so kick me out good n early girls lol. not bad for £24.50 I think lol.
  21. yup it was more expensive this time pfft but was the cheapest T/L I could get nearish the gig at the time, but between 4 it works out very reasonable indeed PS. what is inkeeping dresswise for this gig btw, don't wanna roll up as a phycadelic nun in a church now do I? ( yes my 2nd ever gig I did do never again though lol.)
  22. doh it's soo late here now 2.30 am think I will have to wait till tomorrow to hear the news. Hope you all had a blast guys xxx
  23. The first time I saw this vid I imediately thought of..oh darn whats it called, that video with Tom cruies and unicorns and wood nymphs in it. oh yes LEGEND (love that film lol)
  24. OH I HAVE to steal do you mind can I use, they are sooo fab and I can't make them ,
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