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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I couldn't agree more, that is why I have PMF in my sig it stands for proud Mika Fan, cos I am proud to be one and I am proud of him for who he is, I love his individuality and his nature comes across as so genuine and honest and he is a person just a person he just happens to be a very talented gifted and ridiculously handsome one. I'm gonna start a PMF thread who wants to join with me?
  2. HERE HERE!! It is so pathetic how these ignorant ppl think they are somehow either better cos they are NOT gay or some are hacked off cos for some outrageous idea they have in their heads that they think they may have stood a chance with him lmao I mean get real, the idiots ppfffft. MIKA is MIKA full stop a person just like any other. (he just happens to be better looking than most of that lot and have more talent in his little toenail than they could ever dream of) grr
  3. Thank you your grace, you are such a wise one, of course it HAS to be a symbol of the rich creaminess of his voice, and once the other thoughts stop and I know with my daily chants from LiCM phsongs they will sooner or later, then I will be able to once again look at my SUAVE new avatar again.
  4. Thankyou took me hours cos I am poop at these things lol.
  5. I feel he would like you to take from the picture what you will from your own imagination these things are different for each of us after all. (unless we get brainwashed about chocolate sauce.
  6. This could be a good idea to make people THINK along the lines of our dear sweet Lord, but I do feel there are more appropriate images of the divine one that will give out the correct image the Holy Temple Of Mikadom would deem fitting.
  7. OH Holy father Johnny please help me to resolve my sins, this evening after much brainwashing...well if I am honest I can only put it down to my own weakness really, I have been forced to look at a certain picture of our sacred one and it gave me undesirable thoughts of desire, I became so possessed by these thoughts that I have spent most of this evening making this rather suave new AVatar, I am not a very technical person so I hope I don't have to give this up but if you see fit for me to be punished then so be it, (Please father don't make me give up my new Av there MUST be another way I can wash away my sins). It is also a ridiculous hour to be up but then again I was thinking of our MM even though the thoughts were covered in chocolate sauce, perhaps it is a sign...a symbol with some special meaning that only you father Johhny will be able to interpret in your wisdom.
  8. Well girls, I could stand it no longer, I have caved in under the pressure and it has taken me all night as I am so poopy at all things technical but I made me a rather (chocolate) saucy AV do you like it AND so to bed with me as it's past 2.30 AM and I have work tomorrow I am sooo bad, I feel a trip to the confessional booth coming up, perhaps I can do it before I go to bed so I can sleep on a clear conscience.
  9. Ahh I knew we could rely on Father Holy Johnny to come to your rescue in such an emergency, he always knows how to help those whom seem almost beyond the reach of our Lord.
  10. I didn't use the same pix as you I just had him doing one of those naughty long buuuuuuurrrps into the mic for a laugh, you know the sort...pfft a ten pinter burp (not that I ever do them you understand)
  11. Thank you Eir these are fab I love the rainbow one best, good stuff
  12. Oh stop it with this pic, I can't bear it any more, its too hot and I have ran out of chocolate sauce now. Are you trying to give me heart failure or something!
  13. "Buuuuuurrrp!! THIS is the one I meant lol, Another Mika with windypops, I may have to go and tap his back for him, (all that singing is BOUND to make a chap have windypops though)
  14. :naughty:I made one a bit like this Ill see if I can find it for ya, don't we just love schoolboy humour
  15. I have no objection to 69 if you want to make me that one
  16. If you read my message on the previous page can I be added to the list, I love the Mika angels rosette on the myspace page thing, I WANT ONE LOL.
  17. I thought I had laready applied to be in Mika's angels but I'm not there so I can't have then I will have lost the thread so it's good u posted it again. I am already Mother Sparkly in the holy temple of Mikaizm and regularly keep the sisters in check in Holy Johnny's confessional booth, and only last night my daughter and I were enlightening our die hard punk/rock type work colleges to enjoy the joys of Mikaizm, we even videoed him on my mobile doing the love today actions with us and we are gonna put it on our video when we get it all edited, (wonder if we will get into bother for dancing about the stockroom doing Love Today and on collection point et c ha ha. We often do mobile preachings while we drive about in our daily activities with the windows down and the phsongs up on full volume. so can I be added too please (mind you it wont let me add any more to my sig, does anyone have any ideas why cos a lot of sigs on here are much much longer than mine and even more colourful.
  18. BAD BAD SINNER!!!!! I feel you must make a conscious effort to get over this outrageous behaviour, our lord is above any of these accusations he is DIVINE and therefore unpervable. You must seek guidance as soon as possible form father Holy Johnny and in the meantime please do 50 hail Mika's on your tamagotchi-beads.
  19. So his world domination joke is TRUE then
  20. Nah Im sure there will be more, probably nearer the time they will start to panic that there is a gig they have not gone to and try to get tickets for lol and then we will see em coming out of the woodwork :naughty: if not then MWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA He's all OURS
  21. Yes we do, so we can all meet up and we can re-name ourselves specially for gigs we can be MMFC (Mika Mafia Fan Club) and we will FIGHT our way to the front and take over lmao Do you live near Manchester? hope we can meet up and with anyone else going.
  22. How do we know your not really Mika incognito just trying to get a look at even MORE cleavages from around the globe eh
  23. Either or...who cares but chicken gets you into less bother
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