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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. BTW MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TOOOOOOOOO with chocolate sauce, strawberry lollipops AND CHICKEN (I like my childen well done):biggrin2:
  2. OMG OMG PMSL VS your a genius god I love that mwahahaha I am totally decked by that comment :lmao: MIKA.....HERE HERE MY GOOD MAN!!
  3. What the heck is the chicken story, is it MORE than the vid asking him to say "chicken"
  4. Hey Welcome and yep, I too have a "dangerous obsession" with Mika lol, I have a son of 21 and a daughter who is 18 on 13th June, she shares my Mika obsession but my son thinks it's weird, my hubby is bemused but hasn't ruled out the idea of driving me to Manchester to see him in November (meaning he will have to sit in the car and entertain himself for a few hours lol while I am dribbling like a twit) I think I will have to make my own way to Doncaster and Newcastle though but they arn't as far heh heh. Welcome to the madness that is MFC wooo hoo. (ps I have given up hiding my guilt at having my seat glued to this pc chair staring at and soaking up Mika stuff all day and all night....arrrgh
  5. :naughty: thanx, I think I may have misheard it a bit though so I am hunting down the interview I heard it to correct it, Shame it is rather amusing lol.
  6. That's why I am getting me a cilla outfit if he doesn't see me coming in THIS then the boy needs glasses Do you like it people??
  7. Yes I agree, and I too feel like Beckar about not being a die hard fan as I have only been to one gig so far though I do have 3 booked for my daughter and me for November. I don't hold out much hope for us on here apart from a coupla people. Shame for them though as it would have been great publicity for them all to have lots of MFCers in the audience. WE KNOW WE ARE THE BIZZ so bleh.
  8. *me if he ever looks at me like this* "yes Mika...of course I will stick that dirty red hot fork in my eye and yank out my own eyeball for just one kiss, anything you want...you got it honey"
  9. Hey guys....I have found my PERFECT outfit for the next MIka gig woo hoo he is SURE to notice me in this eh?? it's got the lot going for it to grab his attention
  10. PMSL Kath... though I have no idea what you could mean Now all I need to do is remember where to send this mail and make my video clip thing. I may have to send it in 2 parts or so, I thought it a good idea to copy the questions into word and my relpys and I am gonna try to do it like a script but I hope it still sounds ok that way, it's just so I can hopefully limit my gob lol.
  11. OOoooeeeer missus I reckon I will have to come back and read this whole thread when it's not 2.30 am and I have work in the morning....I need to study really hard on this thread cos if Mika IS a pervo...well....I will be thoroughly disgusted as I am a totally whiter than white saint...virgin....weirdo...you know the sort, myself and I think it's an outrage and a disgrace and I shall go shoot myself in the foot with a Brussel sprout or something equally as perverted...maybe a half eaten apple...oh no sorry too far too far, some ppl just DON'T know when to stop!!!:naughty:
  12. his giggles make me smiiiiile sooo much, he is so so sweet, in fact I end up giggling along with him
  13. mmm yes if only.....he would never have to be tired again..we would shoo away all the nasty ppl who wont let him rest... OH NO we would be .....ICE WOMEN!!! (or men), what a dilemma.
  14. OK I am up for this, is someone gonna post this er..petition...cry for help...begging letter, name it what you deem fit lol. Hello, we at MFC have been going crazy over the programme and secret concert you are making about Mika (our hero) lol, we know you can't video every member of the fan club, and some are "A Little Bit Shy" anyway, but don't you think to have as many of his TRUE and most loyal fans attend this gig would not only be awesome for Mika but also for those fans too, lot's of us are interested (and that IS an understatement) in taking part and if not in the main video itself, then just to be able to attend and support him in this special concert would be a dream come true to us all. We would love you to visit MFC and see what a great and diverse bunch we all are, we have many really amusing and some totally crazy threads and boards all about Mika. We make plans to meet up at his gigs, what we are going to wear, what we are going to make for him etc etc and we adore every inch of him inside and out, he is a truly beautiful and genuine person and we all love him to bits. Please let us show you and him how much by letting us support him at the secret concert. Sparkly1 Hope this helps girls, dice it n splice it as u see fit and jsut add it to an email and send it like a hundred times or we can all send it once, once we have got it all set out together with everyone who is interested to write a llittle bit. what do you think??
  15. This is what is REALLY needed I think, mass Mika luurrrve then they will see how much Mika is really loved, and not just for his music.
  16. "Err no sorry I have NO idea what time it is"
  17. Yeey phew thank goodness I am not the only one heh heh Can't help admiring the stock can I pfft.
  18. Er...did somebody say something??? er yeah...W/e yeah lovley.......me too. *sigh...look at how those curls just sitting there curling into his neck and going all flipsy flopsy on his head while he is being sweet with that sweet sweet gentle little smile....sigh..... doesn't he hold his pen really nicely and er...yeah:mf_lustslow:*
  19. yes its a screen shot off a mobile phones video, I did same thing cos I am a naughty girl heh heh (isn't his tummy all toned and yummy). (mind you last time I looked....as you do....he was kinda hairy which I thought was a refreshing change...but he looks to have had a good waxing here...hmmm wonders if he did.
  20. heh heh you meanies he was just looking at your badges (is that what they are calling them these days lmao) nah think he is looking at your necklace though, probs wondering if he you would notice if he nicked it after all he has probs heard a lot about the flashing hearts of the crazy girls on MFC ha ha.
  21. "eh where did my trumpet go? oh well I'm sure no one will notice cos I can just make a really good sound like one prrrrrrrt"
  22. It's a caption thing, you just have to think of something funny etc that the pic makes you think of (or did you know that really already?).
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