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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. yes it was very beautiful (I was and am very fond of dogs) and it happened at my Junior school where I still was when this dream started to occur. But the dog got covered in red blood off the baby and cos the lady was furious and panic stricken and she stabbed it many times for killing her baby. So I felt sad for the lady and shocked and sad for teh beautiful dog too.
  2. Yes Babs your right, that's it I just hadn't been able to put my finger on why lol.
  3. Caroline, I also get this, in fact it can be a right pain cos I cry so very easily I think I can just feel what it MUST feel like in situations, some I have not experienced myself, and if I see or THINK about someone who is about to cry etc then I end up doing it myself unless I try really hard not to. It really does make things difficult sometimes and very embarrassing.(I still cry at Dumbo fgs when his mam is cradleing him thru the cage singing a lullaby..*sniff sniff* lol I think perhaps I am just too emotional or sensitive or something, my family used to torture me about it all the time. still it helps in poetry writing. It's quite odd how something can make me tearful if its just beautiful. I am an oddbod obviously ha ha:roftl:
  4. OOO I find all this kind of stuff REALLY interesting, I think I would be really afraid if I saw a ghost though, And on the odd occasions I have "felt" a bit weird or w/e I have brushed it off and told myself it was something other than something scary lol. I think the only odd thing that I can remember happening apart from a recurring dream about a a big white dog that jumped up on a ladys pram and attacked her baby and killed it (no idea why I kept having that dream as a kid, I did have a bit of a disturbed childhood mind), is when I sat and tried to meditate just to relax myself (my yoga teacher friend kinda advised me how to do it), and so I focused on things that are very important to me and that I love dearly and I was thinking about my children, and I just got a very warm feeling right between my eyes, like near my forehead almost, and a big bright very powerful white/gold/yellow light, a circle like the sun, and the warmest wonderful feeling of love that I tried to hang on to as long as possible. It only happened the once. My friend said it was something about the 3rd eye in yoga but I'm not sure what she meant lol. Still it felt really nice so it wasn't a bad thing.
  5. I wanted to add this to my sig but I can't add one more thing to it, I find it odd how some ppls sigs hae huge bold quotes and lyrics on and some keep getting error messages when they try like me, wonder if there is a fault or something.
  6. PMSL my kinda school boy humour (sorry but it is mwahahaha)
  7. LMAO well that got my attention ha ha I must be soooo ancient cos when I come on this site I feel like I am in the middle of the best Mika gig "stuck in the middle" of a million screaming fans and I don't know which way to go to wiggle to the front...arrrgh I get lost in here.
  8. super idea, save lots of time hunting and im a virgo so neat and tidy all the way babey (ha ha tell that to the dumping ground that is my house) well can't do housework AND stay all day on MFC can we and we know what gets priority)
  9. He said somewhere that with his OCD he tends to buy lots of the same things, like 4 of same thing (4 watches for example but only 1 tells the correct time),sometimes in different colours, so although we may seem to be wearing the same things, he probably has changed it lol so don't worry he wont be smelly
  10. We will PRAY for you my child, you are in our hearts and we ALL love you and will guide you on how hard you need to suck on your lollipop.
  11. Yes father, I was aware of this piece of "evidence" as my daughter has it on her Utube favourites that is why I grew suspicious, I hope now she has joined the sisterhood we can guide her to enlightenment together.
  12. WHERE WHERE I must have the giggling MIKA I NEED it I really do. Oh thank you btq for these they are muchos fun woo hoo
  13. I have just decided that there is something extremely inviting about his neck on this pic mmmmmmmmmmmmm I'm not a vampire...HONESTLY
  14. BUT he still looks adorable even when he does impressions of Deirdre I think she would be and SHOULD be honoured
  15. sparkly1


    Thankyou, well I adore her but then that aint hard lol.
  16. LOL LOL no need to shout :roftl: are you talking about Glasgow here? I darent book it really in case I cant get there and back, I have work and they don't allow us time off in November, though they DO say they allow exceptions hmmm but it's the travel that is a worry, I'll just get Mika to call in for me on his way past he can park his private jet on the back field I am sure no one will object. anyway he says he likes driving so maybe he can just pick me up in his car then I don't mind I'm not that fussy
  17. More likely her BAG father, I have heard rumours about said bag having mystical powers, possibly even demons, perhaps sister needs to open her bag and show our lord her integrity.
  18. well, it was indeed a repeated act of premeditated gluttony and greed, come into our temple my child kneel before the Lollipop alter and kiss the centre of your rosette of peace and ask our MM's forgiveness and guidance, only then will you be at one with your sins my child.
  19. nah I'm still waiting too, been waiting ages and for Lollipop girl, I was on them but they all got deleted by accident and I had to start again
  20. woo hoo get in there our boi...PMF that is me
  21. # I am afraid mineral water can never wash away the sins of gluttony, (unless it has been blessed by the right hand of our Lord) especially when there are starving sisters of Mika you could have shared the food parcels with. Please report in to Holy Johnny's confessional booth as soon as he graces us with his eminent presence as I fear you may need extra guidance.
  22. ah yes, the dilemma of which way to go, our Lord preaches we take the path to enlightenment and if this is the one straight across the magic roundabout, then so be it, unless it leads you straight to the den of Simon Cowell.
  23. OOo I think he looks really really sexy on this pic but lets think of a caption instead of LUST "poop I spot an MFC fan with her banner, dam I need to escape quick, they are all loopy whre's ice man when you need him?"
  24. heh heh spoilt sport Mika pfft
  25. "Sat-ur-day night fever, you just gotta do it"
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