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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. (Here's one for you UK soap watchers lol) "KEN oh Ken our Tracey wants me to bake her a cake and hide a blunt instrument inside it and take it to her on visiting day to prison next week....OH KEN what should I do???"
  2. LOL LOADED I tell you
  3. FATHER FATHER HELP ME QUICK I need your guidance badly, I have jsut sinned in the most terrible way I posted this message on one our lords "caption pics" I have tried to say 25 hail MIKAS but I find I still feel terrible pangs of guilt...or it could be impure thoughts of lust and from a superior mother this HAS to be unacceptable hasn't it surely I should be able to set the sisters a better example than this.
  4. OK by me cos I am gonna be the inflatable one he keeps in the wardrobe for special occasions (did I really just say that?? well slapa my face off)
  5. :blush-anim-cl:is that in a good way or a bad way? either is fine for me (I'm not called mother Sparkly for nothing you know)
  6. Ha ha EnFa you naughty thing laughing your ass off' date=' well I may have to throw together another clip for you then just so I can see you ass on the floor PS what does "bumping" do for a thread???[/color']
  7. sparkly1


    oo lovely dawgie pic, I have a wonderful German Shepherd called JAZZ, she is nearly 10 now poor thing doesn't eat well so is very skinny, but she has the nicest nature, and always has, she is great at tricks, MIKA would love to play with her cos she fetches toys, plays seek the toys (we hide them she finds them), she brings them back to us and puts them in our hands :thumb_yello:she balances biscuits on her nose and flips them when we tell her she can take them, we pretend to shoot her and she plays dead...she just does lots of interesting stuff. beautiful Jazz in good health below. Beautiful Jazz wanting her her biscuit but being very patient Beautiful Jazz as a puppy soo adorable
  8. precisely my dear child, I therefore suggest that we should save our weekly donations given for the wine for the Friday evening "sermons" held at the Butterfly Lounge, and use it to buy each sister and brother who embarks on the winter Pilgrimages a pair of MIKA-sandals, myself and Father Holy Johnny however will gladly sacrifice ours to our brothers and sisters and will bear the suffering of wearing big thick winter warm boots instead which will chafe badly but we suffereth in the name of our dear lord.
  9. I hear you my child, and usually we do have unruly congregations at collection point A B AND C, but they all marauded over to collection point C on this occasion as (and this is unusual for *Argoose* as we all know) I was left at the realm of collection point C to calm the masses alone and it did have a certain effect as the crowd did seem to diminish quite hastily to my hum of Love Today. I tried not to feel pride, but failed so had to rush off to the back of ED and quickly do 25 hail MIKIAS until I had relieved myself of the burden of pride. *names changed to protect the identity of anyone or anything who is related in any way to or has been or will be and who may hitherto seek liability for the use of copyrighted words that don't exist exceptions to nursery rhymes and folk songs*
  10. Thank you father for leading me down the path of riotousness oh I mean righteousness
  11. yes he is poor bairn he needs to come here and lie on my lap and I will mop his brow, caress his curls and drop grapes in his mouth while fanning him. MIKA-slave#1
  12. If you drive, and you use A19, I live literally 1 minutes drive off it, if you picked me up we could share travel costs etc and even share a room, cos I'm sure my daughter would come too, (I hate driving but I wish I loved it lol). Is that a good suggestion or not? OR if you have others to pick up I could ditch my daughter and kip on ur floor lmao
  13. Dam and blast I think I went and did wrong bit and now I think I have entered to win Maximo Park tickets, I mean they are ok I guess but they just aren't MIKA...HELP where do I enter. (this is what becomes of being an oap groupie) pfft
  14. Hang about...Glasgow is a SATURDAY!!!! I don't work weekends a=wahooo hmm need more details on this guys. (you know I think we are a terribly bad influence on each other...maybe we need to go to the confessional booth again.
  15. wow very tempting *thinking if I can get time off work its normally a no no near xmas at our place*
  16. Thanx Jenni your a doll oh er, what do we have to do ..join up er..???
  17. woooowsa whens the gig and what site where where lol.
  18. arrrgh whats a TBA draw blimey these threads move too fast for me.
  19. actually my child that is of the "old" testament, the new one is: "The BooK of Luurrve"
  20. Please dear child...elaborate on your intentions behind this unusual behaviour. *stern looks meant to instil a sense of mild fear, in your general direction*
  21. Thank you my child, you have our blessing to throw yourself at his feet in total awe at the beauty of his soul.
  22. All MIKA gigs should be dress up gigs I wanna dress up,(our vix too) ...it will be nearly xmas we can all go as MIKAS angels lol or MIKAS little helpers ha ha lots of elves how class
  23. I went on ticket master, got doncaster and manchester :punk:just hoping my mate managed to get me my Newcastle ones now.
  24. I feel like I have been here for years as so much happens and sooo fast to I had 185 emails in my inbox today from here, I will NEVER catch up. But this place has got it all and wonderful fans who are sooo friendly and supportive and so much fun. I LOVE MFC:thumb_yello:
  25. Father I have been once again on my missionary work at Argos today, spreading the word of "Love Today" with the masses, for I know that when I hum it on collection point C that they will once day remember the calling and will go out and subscribe to LiCM to read the passages of phsongs I also broadcast the joyous words of our lord in a mobile situation with the windows wound down and the volume on nearly full all the way home. I did observe that this was observed by the unenlightened ones and they gave me either a look of distain (but I forgave them as they know not what they do) or one of bewilderment, if only I wasn't going 70mpph down the A19 at the time I may have been able to welcome them into our flock as I could see they were on the brink of hearing the calling. Forgive me father for not being able to enlighten them properly at this time.
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