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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. If you happen to have our holy one speaketh to you in person, (an honour bestowed upon you indeed) then sendeth him the love from our holy temple of Mikaizm and let him know he is welcome to come and give a sermon here anytime he wishes, in fact it would be an honour for us to have him show us a sign that he is indeed still with us.
  2. LOL you must be LOADED (or bank robbers....hmmm havn't I sen you on wanted posters...Bonnie and...Sid or summit)
  3. WOT!!! I am new to this following MIKA about like a lap dog, but hell you GOTTA dress up for EVERY gig lol
  4. Oh thanks for posting that, I havn't had a reply ha ha no suprise there, but what is this about a date in MANCHESTER What is going to happen it still seems so confusing, do you have to buy tickets to a gig and they video you on your journey etc to that gig, IF you are one of the 2 ppl they pic (2 is no way enough is it pfft). Also is MIKA doing some kind of small intimate gig for this same prog and those who are videoed get to go to it I am very confused about the whole thing.
  5. EXACTLY here at MFC we believe in MIKA obsession equality on this site lol
  6. can't you car share, sorta pick ppl up on the way or something, share travel costs we should open a thread called car share, for gig s n stuff, then ppl can also have a friend to go with and those who arn't confident driving places they don't know (me me yeah I am a wuss I hate driving). lol.
  7. Yes indeed it was, but our lord did find it in his heart to forgive the non believers, eventually for eating the mountain of buried treasure for they knew not what they did,and once they repented they were forgiven. He has shown us the way brothers and sisters, and though it may be a hard struggle we MUST follow our lord and learn to forgive them also and let them into our red flashing hearts and love them and open our holy temple to them when they hear his calling "I wanna talk to you", and they WILL hear it, and it is OUR duty to help them to be on receive and not transmit, for we never want to anger our lord big M again as yellow jelly beans hurt an awful lot. amen,
  8. Fear not father Johnny is out in deepest Lebanon soon on a mission to find them, he has had some very promising leads. But if any brothers or sisters come across what they feel "may" be a sacred witting, then please share it and we can send it off for an authenticity dna test thing .
  9. Super idea sister, in the absence of a flashing halo then flashing bunny ears are more than adequate. in fact all that flashes is indeed sparkly (ps where can a mother find a flashing halo?)
  10. PS PS PS I have no idea where I should post this link cos i am so slow with navigating this site but they have put some fan pics on the MIKA official crazy fan pics page so here is link: http://www.mikasounds.com/uk.php
  11. Would like to say congratulations to all those who have got this far and good luck in the next stage a bit green but very happy for you all too
  12. Dont you think that would be an awesome idea much better than just 2 cos this fan club is where we spill out all our MIKA lurrve and where it all happens for us, it would be just awesome for them to do it with more ppl from the fan club than just 2, then they would get a REAL idea of the FRENZY MIKA causes us lol, MY hormones are taking a lot of stick lately and I think they need to meet him soon before I die of MIKA starvation.
  13. DAM AND RATS POO why why why do I have to live in the North East, and what's worse is I only just saw this now like flaming 1.30 in the morning days after it was posted, in fact cud be weeks even I dunno grrr when I am once again addicted to the MFC and just reading the threads and stuff I SHOULD BE IN BED for work tomoorrow aargh. I keep missing out on these opportunities cos I can't find my way round the site properly yet pfft. I have emailed em anyway in vain hope but they wont have me cos I am from up t' north n they probs wont be able to understand my accent anyway POO and rats to it all.
  14. ooo yeah this idea is even better, a video card but I am such a hideous old bat I will have to be in cognito again ha ha (don't want my Mika to have nightmares do I.)
  15. blimey I am still missing so many things on this site it's jsut sooo big a place and I can never keep up with all the news and latest stuff, takes me all me time to wade thru the 84 emails I got from this site yesterday But YEAH i'm up for this, just remind me what where when and how plz thanks
  16. yes he will make a great dad..sigh....well I for one will be totally selfless and offer myself to Mika to make MIKA babies so he can be a wonderful dad, it's never too late to start. (Oh no I am going to have to go and confess these impure thoughts tomorrow over at Holy Johnny's confessional booth)
  17. I would like to welcome all new sisters to the thread, our window is always open, and what a joy to welcome a brother also. It is always good to please our lord, it fills our red flashing hearts with MIKAlurrve and thus we can go out into the congregation and spread the MIKAspell of the passages of time.
  18. OH a holy picture of our saviour, this IS the proof for any non believers, he truly IS king.
  19. Forgive me father for I have sinned, (I think), I have been preaching the word of our holy confessional booth to other threads on MFC to recruit new believers. and in doing so found myself in a new thread of creating captions to our great Lords pictures, I had to look through 154 pages in one evening father, it was so exhausting, but I had to make sure I saw every image of our lord as there was so many I was unfamiliar with and this cannot be so since you promoted me last night to mother sparkly, I felt it was my duty to familiarize myself within other threads in order to openly experience and learn more ways of Mikaizm. I will gladly do 25 hail Mikas on my tanagotchi/beads this evening as I lay in my bed. I also felt his love with all at MFC this evening when he showed us all the signs of where to go to worship him in person. I am too excited father for words, I feel I need your guidance to calm my inner soul.
  20. "I was sitting on the chest of drawers, and I thought that I would kiss you" OR "hey what's the big idea...I've been framed"
  21. "You Don't think it makes me look like a chav do you"?
  22. in a bit of a daze..golly jeepers I wonder why
  23. mwahahaha I did a screen shot of this exact spot too mwahahaha
  24. Er sorry but just no contest is it...MIKA the other guy...MIKA the other guy...sorry the other guy just go away now
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