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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Hey there welcome and what's wrong with PURPLE purple is an awesome colour:wink2: PS You MUST check out the Holy Temple of Mikaizm thread with our resident father, Holy Johnny, it's hilarious...er I mean...enlightening for the soul .
  2. yep it brings tears to my eyes this one, the fact that he liked it so much he wore it, he told you that he was talking about it on the interview and it will be on channel 4 over here in the UK. You are so lucky and I am so happy for you even though it brings tears to my eyes, it's kinda cos the more I read about him and hear about him, the more I see how beautiful his soul is and wish I had been able to meet him too when I saw him in Leeds on 13th. But I am not giving up, I will try harder next time, I just didn't know how to get to meet him this time as I have not been to a gig for 0ver 25 years so was well out of touch. Can't wait to see if he mails you Sivan, i'll everything crossed for you.
  3. yep that was a good read, thanx for posting it and now I can report back to father johnny that its official Our lord and hero the big MM (Mighty Mika) IS our saviour..of pop
  4. MMMMMMMM GRRROOWWWL ooo yeah baby dam he is sooo hot, do you think he has any idea at all just how bloody dam near perfection he is?
  5. DITTO...he makes me sigh so much (wistful sighing mika manic)
  6. GASP!!!!! I wish I could share MIKAS Lollipop too
  7. I think they DO look kinda weird, sorta scary in a Charlie and The Chocolate factory kinda way, they almost look like wind up toys.
  8. OH YEEEAH I like that LOTS like JELLY TOTS YEEY yet another thing that remind me of MIKA they are sweet, rainbows of yumminess
  9. I think this displays the sin of greed, especially when we all know MM can make chocolate feed 500,00 fans, it is written in the good MIKAbible chapter 3 about how he took the 500 gram chocolate bar and melted it down added some breakfast cereal and fed a starving crowd of Mika fans, I'm quite surprised that rice crispy cakes weren't made on this occasion and shared equally. (Though I shall not be one to cast the first lollipop as I am not without sin myself).
  10. Oh wise and good father, this understanding you have and closeness to our MM really warms my chuckle muscles and this is why I have heard the calling from the temple of Mikaizm. It happened for me the first time when I heard our lord and masters voice calling me for the very first time...almost from out of the ether of the puter, I remember it distinctly as if I could put it on repeat whenever I wish to, he said.."I WANT TO TALK TO YOU" it was so clear and unmistakable and I knew he meant business he sounded so sincere and I have never looked back. I would like to know when other memebrs of our congregation first got the calling from our Mighty Mika too.
  11. Oh NOOO how could you survive and carry on your day without the daily dose of RAINBOW that comes from singing the MIKA-hymns? I could NEVER EVER do that, I think Holy Johnny needs to bless you with bubbles and confettii, that may help.
  12. my daughter Vix says SQUEEEEEE a lot, she squeals it in a high pitched voice. lol
  13. Oh I am soo relieved to hear your advice here father as I was worried about putting MM before my own family and husband. He often has to come home from work now and make his own tea as I am engrossed in the temple of Mikaizm where I sit crossed legs staring at my puter screen eagerly learning all the words to our saviours MIka-hymes so that I can go and knock on peoples doors at unMIKAly hours on a Sunday morning...Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday AND Saturday mornings to sing the praises of our heavenly one to the ignorant masses who have not yet been shown the path of Mikaizm, I am compelled to do this father for these people know not what they do when they blaspheme and turn their hearts away from the MM. I feel it may be necessary to post pamphlets of MIKAhymn lyrics through their doors in the hope that they see the RAINBOW. I hope I have not sinned father, I am trying so hard to please my lord and master.
  14. Oh my lord!! father that is one harsh punishment, I am unsure if she will be able to comply with this task, it really is going to be a test of her faith in our MM (Mighty Mika). I think she may need to take her tamagotchi on beads with her and do hail Mika's every time she is tempted.
  15. well our producer of rainbows and lurve, did actually have as one of his 10 commandments that thou shalt rather eat dog poo than swim with fishes (that is what I was told by the prophet "interviewer" anyway.
  16. Sigh ....how can one man's smile melt the hormones of the earth's female population practically over night.....sigh.....sigh....swoon. what IS this mystical magic he has weaved while we slept...sigh....swooon.
  17. GO GO Go I am sooo excited for you (wish it were me going too) hope you get to meet him, if you do tell him all at MFC luv him billions and are cleansing our sould daily by confessions to holy Johnny. hehe
  18. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fun-Novelty-Br...QQcmdZViewItem why would you need TWO pair?? but I'm sure someone would give you a hand to find out where the batteries would go, I shall look out for you at Mika's next gig
  19. Just MAKE one..ADAPT make do and mend or summit lol. We made our own lollipops out of wooden spoons, and CD's covered in stripey sticky tape look at the link ( I would post the piccy but I ave no idea how you post pix to actually show up instead of just the link (maybe Firefox doesn't do it and i need to use poopy explorer). http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a73/sparkly_sinders/people%20pix/LollipopgirlandVivmyspacecompetitio.jpg
  20. Yep I know the feeling, all I need is MORE MmmMIKA gigs to go to, COME ON Mika, never mind exhaustion or a LIFE...just clone yourself and gig forever and we will ALL be happy lol:wink2: xxx luv him bless xxx
  21. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fun-Novelty-Briefs-With-Flashing-Heart-New-Boxed_W0QQitemZ140113692063QQihZ004QQcategoryZ313QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem I DARE YOU!!! LMAO!!
  22. OOoooooOOOO a fellow poet we should have a board for our poetry, what do you say.
  23. fear not, we can repent together, after all, let he who has no sins cast the first stone and all that
  24. Jake can sod right off, he is OURS all OURS we adore him and cherrish him as he is special and beautiful and mikaness makes a way of life, he can't just barge in and expect to just....take over pfft off with his head (lmao can't believe I just said that)
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