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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I would be happy just to lurk anywhere near him at all, I'm not fussy, I am a mikameetingvirgin and I need to sort that out asap, I don't want to meet my coffin in this state do I, it will be on my headstone "here lies the poor soul of SPARKLY1 She lived her whole life without ever meeting MIKA she did come quite close once but that was just too much to bear and now she has croaked it."
  2. I am a sinner even as we speak oh father, I have sinned with gluttony: 1 large pkt of Harribo's (but they were colourful and sweet and reminded me of the special one) 1 large pkt of quality street 1 almond magnum ice lolly 3 large glasses of saspirella I know it won't stop there, I feel very weak, and fear I may need to scrub the floors with a toothbrush or something (do they still do that ) I keep plotting ways in my mind to steal our heavenly Mika and keep him all to myself, I am becoming consumed with greed and lust to have him and keep him all to myself and am finding it harder to accept the thoughts of having to share his unique and colourful sweet beauty with the rest of humanity, even though I know how much happier the rest of the universe will be once they accept Mika into their lives and walk the MIKA walk. Please help.....before I am cast into a pit of eternal stench.
  3. pmsl but seriously father.....I WANT MIKA TO BE WITH MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! oops forgive me father for I have sinned (again) the green eyed and possessive goddess grabbed me by the neck and possessed me. I NEED YOUR HELP!!
  4. Father I..I..I...have been becoming more and more obsessed with our saviour, if only I wasn't ancient and him so young and damned attractive and cute and my own son is only 2 years younger yet I find this old heart of mine races at the sound of his name....I feel light headed when I see pictures of his face, I get filled with emotions that are at war against each other. I....I...I have fallen in love with him but i am not a virgin, do you think he would class this as a sin and cast me to hell and throw stones at me? I have heard of an operation I could have, or do you think I should just accept my hormonal fate and become Mother sparkly1? My destiny is in your oh so capable hands. yours in wait of redemption... a desperate housewife.
  5. I hope you were asked by our good Holy Johnny to say 25 Hail Mika's for a whole month for this disrespectul and carless sin!
  6. HERE HERE MY GOOD MAN, WOMAN, ER YEAH cough.....you have a fantastic sense of humour luving u already xxxx
  7. O my LORD that is the funniest ha ha oh my sides hurt, god (are you listening Mika ha ha ) I love this place. I am reading everyone's sins and I may have to dig up some of my own...I am sure I have not let the purest of lives
  8. what on earth is all this about, I need more info, we can make the dream come true, we all have wacky costumes, now who is gonna make sure the BIG GUY gets his SEXY ass there too I need to befriend someone who shares my DANGEROUS OBSESSION so that I have a mikabuddy to travel the globe with on Mikaoutings ....anyone???
  9. :shocked:you mean there are STILL people alive who DONT have a crush on Mika...good grief they can't be human
  10. We would! we want to! we just don't know HOW....so anyone have any ideas how then drop them here for us ta
  11. heh heh Efna, hope this is well funny, can't wait to see what yu have done with it
  12. OOOO I hadn't seen this interview either, it's rather interesting http://playlouder.com/feature/+mika/
  13. http://www.orange.co.uk/music/33312.htm?linkfrom=music_default&link=box_left_pos_4_1_link_title&article=musicnewhomesell5 by Sharon Osbourne seeeeee!!
  14. Ha ha I just read that too. And Sharon Osbourne has just been singing Mika's praises on an interview thing on channel 3, she mentioned him on past and present influences in her life and our boy MIKA got a mention wahooo. she likened him to Freddie Mercury in his vocal range etc.
  15. Where else do you find out in advance where his gigs are cos all the places I have seen are for festivals (which are too big I prefer cozier gigs), or over seas miles n miles away. I have promised our Vix a gig too as she missed out on being able to take up her winning ticket for the Leeds gig, she would just LOVE to see him live and is really disappointed about not being able to go...yeah STILL
  16. :tears:What bout lickle meeee, I would like one too, (perhaps he might remember the old biddy in the big hat at Leeds) lol. She said she would send us some "STUFF" like pics and albums signed to US, and we had to mail her our details and I did, but I guess she has been unable to get anything so far, and now its all over and done with I guess that's the end of it really. It wouldn't have bothered me a jott if we were able to meet him that night, as I would much rather meet him face to face, but... I am hoping I'll manage that next time. You better just tell him to look on his mysapce competition and see who was unfortunate enough not to meet him then send us all his autograph lol or better still just post himself to out houses So what gig you going to Lauren, I want to go to more gigs, but I thought they were all in far off lands.
  17. Hmmm, that's not very promising She told Sian and me that she would send us signed stuff like photos and albums and stuff, so we kinda felt it was not as good as meeting him but better than nothing. Looks like that aint gonna happen either now, :crybaby:well I guess there is nothing we can do about it, maybe Starsie just hasn't been able to get anything suitable yet, or maybe she hasn't seen him to ask him as I guess he is very busy and perhaps their paths don't cross too often or something. The photos still aren't up yet on his myspace either, oh well, busy busy people I spose.
  18. :thumb_yello:yeah sounds fun fun fun
  19. Yep it sure is (even if I do say so meself) us MIKA fans are very very creative and have VIVid imaginations (ha ha did you see what I just did then. can't stop Mika obsessing now, eat sleep walk talk MIKA arrrgh I need help.
  20. Your telling me, when I go about my work singing his songs, it lifts my mood, then it lifts ppl's around me cos (although I know I am just as good a singer as MIKA) they say they like to hear me happily wailing like a banshee around Argos ha ha ha. PS. has anyone noticed yet my favourite colour is PURPLE I knew you would all be very interested in that. If he ever invents some new character (our Vix already made a new one up for him and her whole life story ha ha), then I want to be the lusty old biddy one (OOO YOUNG MAN style) mwahahahaha:bleh:
  21. what am I missing out on? whats going on here then hmm hmm?
  22. The thing is he has lots of Lollipop girls, depending how big the gig is I think, and so they must ALL be the same shape and size...maybe Lollipop girl has been CLONED!! But until one of us can find out who to contact to ask the question...then it looks like a closed door (poop), I mean I bet he could get lots of lollipop girls for cheap...even free lol, it would be good if he used different ones at different gigs around the country, maybe doing some kinda contest or have a waiting list of something, or offer it up for works ex for those who want it, like vix and Caz (vix is after a gap year and wants performing experience and to raise funds for next year), so MIKA if your reading...drop us a line ha ha (as if). I have been hunting for a pic I took of our Vix when she was about 4 as I made her a frock exactly like Lollipop girls as she used to tap dance to "Pretty Baby" in it, awww she was the ORIGINAL LOLLIPOP GIRL before she was even invented heh heh.
  23. LOL you go for it and have a great time, I am SURE if you get to meet him you can tell him what you said and he will be eternally grateful and then you can be his uber ace number one fan (well after me and a few zillion others lol) if you DO get to meet him tell him the old bird in the big hat from Leeds wants to have his babies lmao that will scare him to death ha ha NOOOOO just kidding I would die of embarrasment ha ha I'm really excited for you, can't wait to hear what happens.
  24. what a fantastic change of lyrics, I am sure he would approve lol, Bloody marvellous, only 2 thing2 I would change are: to in a big yellow chicken costume (ha ha) or and flowers burst into bloom (well they could he is sooo amazingly stunning to his smile makes us swoon (sorry for sticking my oar in lol, I'm a bit of a poet, not a very good one though lol.)
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