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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. :wub2:ha ha I just read teh rest of the posts before this one and now realize in my haste that it's a teeny bit out of my league...Tokyo AND posh...hmmm dam darn poopstix n stuff. I hopw you have the best time ever and I am green with envy (also blue brown and violet sky with envy lol) what did you do to win the tickets ?
  2. OMG where is it when etc etc you lucky lukcy girl.....i WANNA GO WITH YOU lol but I have no idea of the details lol. and I am sure ppl will kill each to go with you ha ha.
  3. Yeah it would be awesome but is becoming increasingly farther away, he seems to be in an ivory tower and we cannot reach him, we see him but our arrows with notes on them get stopped by his bodyguards and ppls...there is no way to ask, and I guess even if there was there will be a certain way he does it, I would imagine he goes to agencies for people like this as I have seen some already online from agencies that he uses, so pfft you just have to know the right ppl so it seems...does anyone know the RIGHT people lol.
  4. me too, I would have nagged a bit more for a meeting, I would have persuaded my mate to hang around much longer even tho it was pouring down, I would have got there sooner so we got to the front and annoyed everyone by blocking out their view with ny huge hat, lmao I would have had the guts to go up and talk to Mikas family and other members of the band instead of being bloody shy, grrrrr at me pfft!! I would have made my way to Shepard's bush and been pushy and to brum and been pushy and I would have pushed my way into the video shoot of big girls, in fact I would jsut smuggle myself into Mikas suitcase or disguised myself as....some inanimate object that he wouldn't notice was there ha ha Still, it was an awesome gig and he was fantastic:biggrin2:
  5. I also think sallyH made a good point about him or his team not wanting to jeperdize his career and stuff, they all just seem sooo nice lol, well put it this way, if it's all just an image for them all, then I'm taken in by it lol. Also, I discovered last night that he appears to have a lot of lollipop girls, well he got some of them from a stage school in London (dam it's always London isn't it pfft). BUT...they were only 15, so...there's no way if it was sleazy in some way they would allow such young people to work for him surely. so... if you DO get the chance to do it, then I think it would be a good experience with what there is to go on so far, I just get the feeling it's not WHAT you know it's WHO you know, and if you "in" with the right ones, maybe you have a good chance at it, so you may as well give it a go. Also, surely people ARE more aware these days (I hope).
  6. roflmao!! what a guy...what a guy, Scott mills naked riding an elephant in a tutu....OMG this is not gonna be in his next show is it...OH NOOOO!!! too much too much ha ha:bleh: (actually talking of elephants in tutus...take a look at my utube link. below..SCARY or what ha ha
  7. oooo yum yum delicious thanks for posting link *swoons..he is sooo tall..I adore tall men...doble swoon*
  8. Caroline, thank you for posting that blog, I am glad I read it before you deleted it, ( I wondered where it had gone). I think your dad is right to make you aware of what COULD happen, (you are very very precious to him, as vix is to me), but it doesn't mean it will happen, he was just trying to let you see a possibility, you know...cos you were viewing it though rose tinted specs, it all seems such a perfect idea, our Vx is the same in to a certain extent but she is probably a bit more street wise and has a strong character and I would be surprised if she could be manipulated, but your dad seems to have a bit more worry about that, it's his job and your mams also, it's what parents do. The thing is we never REALLY know people sometimes, even people close to us, even family, (I have experience here), so in reality, the world is not made of pink candy floss, so we have to open our eyes and senses and keep alert as much as possible, that's not to say we all sail through life unharmed in body or mind, (everyone carries scars sooner or later), but we just have to avoid getting too many I guess. I haven't experienced anything to do with Mika's personal life, but like you can only go by what we are shown, and he ALWAYS comes across as sooo lovely and very close to his family. But he won't be there all the time will he? It's not nice to think bad stuff could happen when we like to think these people are good people, but...I guess if we are aware its a possibility, then at least you will be forewarned and a bit more vigilant. What was said, certainly gave me food for thought so say thanks to your dad from me. I mean I don't think anything will come of it for my daughter, so I probably don't have any worries, but if you know people and they ok it, then you really DO need to think carefully and what I would do is talk it over with vix's dad, read any contracts thoroughly and try to make sure everything was safe and above board, other than that...you just have to keep yourself safe as you can, but that is in all areas Caroline, even staying in your home town...people have to learn how to keep themselves safe. (oops, I'm sorry I waffled on so long just then, my serious mum head came on). Anyway, if you need or want to talk more if you get any info about anything and you just want to sound it out, you know where t find me hun xxx (feeling all protective now cos you so like my daughter lol).
  9. I'm a bit confused here, are you applying for a job that there is an opening for, or hoping to create one? And will you be old enough, because I am not sure how the law stands if your under 18, though you may be 18 by September. As I said to you earlier, My daughter vix kinda suggested the same thing as she mailed someone on Tuesday I think it was about it, but they told her that Lollipop girls frock is tailor made and they didn't need anyone at the moment or something like that, maybe she didn't mail the right contact but lol...it's not the kind of job vacancy you see in the job centre is it lol. I can understand your parents concern especially as your mum has had 1st hand experience sorta thing, but if anything comes of it, you could give it a go and if you didn't like it you don't HAVE to stay do you. (maybe you and vix could do it together and be each others body guards lol, she will look after you ha ha she can be ICE GIRL.
  10. If this is where you want your future to be...then I guess it's a start.
  11. Yeey I think it works now, you may leave comments on the video, if you are not left in shock or speechless ha ha
  12. Is that any better, silly me left 2 lots of http// stuff on it, i think I have removed one lot now hopefully, but please forgive me for what I have done in this video, I am "special" so I have been told:bleh:
  13. bet he talks like TERMINATOR ha ha:naughty: he is gonna be as famous and talked about as Mika at this rate haha we will be trying to make SURE he is in the background now (now!!..NOW !!as if I have even been lucky enough to meet Mika yet let alone have a pic with him:emot-sad:) Anyway first person to get Ice mans autograph wins..dunno what but they win haha!! would be funny just to see the look on Mikas face if someone had the b*lls to ask ice man for an autograph...do you think they would still be standing? heh heh.
  14. Efna did you get my videos ok, I posted them onto that media fire you told me about and sent you the links, if they didnt work or you didn't get the mail or the videos wern't suitable jsut let me know PM me maybe and I'll do another one.
  15. OH YEEES observant one, tho to be fair it doesn't really take THAT much observing, he is a smouldering sexpot yumyum (NOOO not icepick..or the steely eyed dealer of death bloke who has OD/ed on The Body Guard haha, it's our one stop curly wurly top MMMMMMMMMMMMMIKA of course.
  16. waaaah haaa :arf2:I'm buckled, I love this thread it is soooooo funny, I bet Mika woudl love this thread too, it's hilarious it has really cheered me up after missing out on all the meetings and filmings this week that I have sooo missed out on big style , so whoever thought up this THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!
  17. I don't know when we are doing the video, I am still creating something for my video, but "my art is in process" lmao ha ha, also I can't even upload pix on this site yet as I havnt worked out how to do it pfft doh. Well lets hope she doesn't forget, because I will cry buckets and believe me you don't want to see how many tears this coffin dodger can cry I'm telling you now..I STILL cry at DUMBO when his mum sings to him thru the cage thing and at ALL disney films...and ALL things that get a bit emotional on tv in fact I just cry at flaming everything, it gets dam right embarrassing pfft. And I'm suffereing bad mikadrawl symptoms and am still mikapressed *sniff*..oh no don't start me crying...run RUN RUN!!
  18. I don't know who you are either...who are you who are you lol
  19. You poor poor things, how did you cope? yeah I think it's a feel good for summer hit don't you? I also think they may even have been asked to sign to say they wont let the cat out of the bag, and you can understand why really, no point in spoiling the big reveal if everyone knows everything by the times it's released anyway eh?
  20. I am now living in hope that the next time he does this kind of thing (beg beg pray pray) that they allow the people who didn't make it THIS time to do as that would only seem fair wouldn't it Yes I thought you all might agree. Mind you knowing our luck it's probably a one off and will NEVER happened again and now we are all DOOMED aye DOOMED I tell yee (getting a bit thatrical there arn't I or was it more DADS ARMY ha ha ).
  21. hey Freddie, that is one of my very fave Queen songs, and I love queen and our Freddie too
  22. WAAAH SOB CRY WAIL OH WOE IS ME OH WOE IS ME etc etc That's it I am going to hide in his luggage and go to America with him...I'll think of some way to smuggle myself in his case I will I will!!!
  23. believe me when they return, this forum will explode and crash... I have a headache already trying to keep up with everyone's comments, god knows what will happen when they start to return to the nest...I think my brain will frazzle and explode, and I may turn as green as a green thing for a short time.
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