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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Love the jumps sooo much awesome, love the close up of his expressions and his body language cos it draws you into his fears, love the backwards crawling on the floor, it shows the vulnerability. I also noticed the coloured triangles reference again on the forrest floor etc. Last pic....is very atmospheric and sad for me.
  2. Isn't it funny how we all interpret things differently cos I saw it as a sad ending, cos it seemed like he was either loosing his mind or being left behind alone with his demons.
  3. Oh yes HUGE thunderstorm would have added so much more to this vid, I loved the fireworks (but only cos they are pretty and sparkly like I do in R/L) but your right, it NEEDS a thunderstorm to add atmosphere, I know the dangley twisted mirrors are an arty form of rain, but theres not enough of them to make the impact for me, so the real thing would have been the cherry on the top, but I can imagine he didnt want to do what everyone expected. Either that or it would be waaay over budget lol, he should have made it in the lakes, it ALWAYS p*sses down there lol.
  4. aww but it's nice to feel wuved THANK YOU to the peeps who worried about me I you all (spesh Mikafish cos she got my ticket so I wuvs her MORE}
  5. Thank you for thinking of me Robertina very sweet of you, Mikafish got me my ticket so yeeey I'm all sorted woop.
  6. haha whippa snappa (not telling MY age cos I feel SOOOOOO golden it's unreal, in fact I need to get a golden zimmer frame I'm THAT old) but I do think (hope) there is someone more golden tha me on here lol.
  7. lol ah well thats life if she gets on it then great but hey well done you on such a popular project.
  8. I dunno if thats a good or a bad thing, I just have bad memories of some London gigs now (scarred for life)
  9. Ok everyone in, back to my place lets paaarrrteeeeeyyyyy This is my new SHAGUA today my car boot has ZERO fangifts, no more ice cream or cocoa for THEM! Quick Sparkly hide in there I'll get the driver to go to Gretna Green asap I can't live without you any longer you want ME the kind and fine wizzardy Wiz to get in THERE!? I THINK NOT!!
  10. I totally get those highlighted parts in particular from your report, it's just how I feel about it myself.
  11. eee Wonka, I always pictured you as a youngling not a G'olding like me (tho I think I am one of the G'oldest on mfc
  12. howdy, I'm looking for a spare ticket for Glasgow plz, standing too and if it's MMN all the better PM me if you know of any thanks, I'm also toying with going to Hammersmith too.
  13. Well I was doing my daily 30 mins jumping on my mini trampoline while listening to WAG on repeat (as you do) and thought the CD was corrupt cos I suddenly heard it echoing the same tune and words but slightly out of sync all around me it took me a few mins of confused bouncing to reallize it was on in the background music of This Morning TV hahaha so YES I defo felt like I was going mad for a few mins then lol. Oh and I am a different kind of mad about WAG vids but that is a WHOLE other story........
  14. pah your just hinting at me to bring the voddy..pfft you can't put voddy on your cereal OR in your tea (well you can but it will be vile)
  15. I hope he has that would be lovley, he deserves to be happy. But until he says so for defo I aint holding my breath.
  16. aww thank you for your coment on my wag vid, still smarts cos it is one of the 9 on MFC that didn't get put on the WAG-vid comp entries on Mikasounds though :( (they reckon they have are getting viewed via youtube or external sites etc but I doubt that really unless any of them is amognst the winners but I cant that really..sigh).

  17. mwahahaha agreed, dont they love to wind you all up just like little toy boys and girls and off you all go like spinny little spinning tops... it's quite fun to watch (yeah I got a WICKED streak lol.) ps. rose, when did you go all GREEN?
  18. hell yeah it would be sooo boring if MFC didn't go crazy over something or other every time Mika burps (was gonna say smt else but thought better of it)
  19. and I sent 3 silly ones and got a "HA HA" so I have no idea which one he found amusing unless it was all 3 And I think this is just some huge joke going on if you ask me. (bet this is something to do with some interview or tv appearance where he is doing a scetch where he has a G/F and they thought it would be funny to set it up on Twitter to see how long the MafiaMFC would create a huuuge long thread about it, it's not even APRIL 1sr ffs!!
  20. I can so get that (not for me of course, but it makes so much sense) T4p btw
  21. OMG!! OMG thank you for posting this.. this has to be the most EMOTIONAL I have ever seen him sing this song yet (and I have seen him live 12 times so far). It's stunning, HE is stunning, his outfit is stunning, his voice is MORE than stunning...sigh MIKA you leave me speechlees WAAy too many times.
  22. YEEY I see my name looks F.A.B (really long on the pics,) my daughter (Bumblebee_vix) on MFC asked me if you would please put her name on too only she can't get on the internet very well these dyas cos she lives in a hostle in London and the internet is poo and keeps throwing her offline. if you like you can put her under MY name might be cool to put: Sparkly1 mother of Bumblebee_vix like in a line down like that what do you think?
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