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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. tell me about it, I just can't keep up, I seem to spend all my time on this site trying to read everything and STILL "LOO-SING MY WAY" (oh dear I seem to have that Mika bug where you break into random lyrics all the time) :blink:and doesn't that look like LOO's SING lmao the way I typed it ha ha I think it's disgraceful and inconsiderate of people being allowed to smoke at a gig like that Health and safety would do their nut, it really IS soo dangerous, so many people in flammable wigs and feather boas etc, and even worse...MIKA HAS TO SING HIS LUNGS OUT IN THATsh*t , it's appalling, and makes me very angry, no wonder he feels ill poor bloke.
  2. yeah Steph must have felt just as bad, cos she probs COULD have gone in a way but how could she give our Mika the pox lol, He should do a private concert just for us we are MINY lol Mind you Freddie, if I had known you were from Sunderland....I was originally from South Shields But live in Teesside now just about 1/2 a mile off the A19, I could have thumbed a lift in your car lol or stashed away in your boot ha ha, then I could have gone to BRUM which sounds to have been by far the best concert to go to. But DOOO let me know asap when he plays up our way again and...I can join the Penniman Posse ha ha sounds a right laugh.
  3. to my heart ...it's broken clean in two:tears::tears:cos I should have been there. Ever felt mikapressed??
  4. waahh sob wails of immense woe!! why do I always get to hear bout stuff tooo dam late, I wouldve given this a go yesterday if I had have thought there was even a teeny chance of changing their minds...woe sob wail...and now I have to go and spend all day being nicey nicey happy smiley have a nivey daaaayy to customers arrrrgh woe sob (deep mikapression sets in while we speak.type)..woe sob wail...etc etc.
  5. yummy don't you just luv it when his hair is all messed up (is that what you lot did to it when you all ran over and ruffled it, I know I said I wanted to do that in the MOM thread, but I wouldn't have DARED!! but then I am a huge cowardly thing and that is why I didn't get to meet him in LEEDS (too dam meek and mild for my own good, tho by my Ballet video you would NEVER guess lol). sooopah piccy tho.
  6. is everyone who is going from London area or have they just don't it on a first come first come basis?
  7. well I know it's gonna be awesome and such a one off fantastical experience for you all, and I shall try not to think about it while I'm at work, I'm sure I will be too busy with the job in hand, ha yeah right like I will be able to NOT think about it. Maybe I should try to act my age for a change I need to come back down to planet earth where I belong, normally I have my feet stuck fast to the ground lol, just got a bit (lot) carried away with everything happening this week. Deep breaths needed lol Your all in for a fantastic time that's for sure. (dam and now I'm in tears at EastEnders that's all I need! god that's the most harrowing episode I have ever seen.)
  8. OMG they are playing GRACE KELLY right Now on EASTENDERS waaaah hooooo!!! RESULT!!
  9. Well I take it I aint in this video then as I got this reply today: I was probably far too late applying as I didn'teven know about this until it was probably too late (still not used to finding my way around these boards pfft), I'll just pretend I wasn't fat enough then I won't feel so bad lol, though I would have piled on 2 stone in 2 days if they had said yes feeling: Blue as I can be Oh loves gonna get me down
  10. Really? I don't think that is strange at all
  11. DITTO, I mean his gig was awesome, HE was awesome but I just feel I missed out because I'm not pushy enough I guess, I'm too shy and...I have always been like that lol so it's my own fault, oh well never mind, what's done is done, Mika probs wouldn't have wanted to meet me anyway I aint no one special lol. <3 him tho he is fab
  12. Me too, I was on cloud 9 when I won the dress up comp, could 9 million at his gig, deflated when we couldn't meet him, upset when my daughter couldn't go to his gig cos she and an audition which she DIDN'T get into and so she had double deflation, (in fact she felt like her life was falling apart, not good for a mother to have to try to make up for, not easy at all, in fact I got as tearful as her, pfft), I was "up" a bit again when I was invited to Brum gig on guest list and deflated I couldn't make that, it was too far to go on my own and I couldn't get time off work, and vix was double deflated that she into out going to a 2nd gig also, and then we see what an immense gig it turned out to be and although soo happy for the lucky ones who had an awesome time, felt sad we missed out, and I think we will be sad again today because we will no doubt find out that we are NOT going to be the video he is filming tomorrow. so yea it's been an up and down week, with everything seeing to happen so fast and rushed, but hey ...<3 <3 Mika
  13. oh boy oh boy oh boy mmmmmmmmmmmmmmMIKA sigh, (this dangerous obsession can't be good for me)
  14. At the Leeds gig the rest of the band and his family and the "big girl" and "lollipop girl" were all milling about near us, but I was far too shy to go over and talk to them, I felt like I would have been intruding on their privacy or something, arrrrgh dam I should have been braver, I think even Mika himself went passed us hiding under a cap, but still I was too dam shy to go and see grrr what a whimp I am grrr oh well I have always been like that and since "SHY BAIRNS GET NOWT" then that is what I have always got hahah (dunno why im pretending to find that funny lol pfft hah pfft.
  15. JEANIE WEPT!!! (as my mother would say) I feel sick just reading this, I was sooo happy for you and soooo excited reading it, and soooooo greeen cos I got invited down too (on guestlist) but I just couldn't get there (dam work and travel and responsibilities arrrrgh sob), we didnt get to meet him even for a second, and now I feel even worse. god I am praying we get to do this video for his song thing...it feels like it's the last chance (sniff...think Im gonna go off now n have a bloody good cry). LUCKY LUCKY GIRL you must feel on top of the world
  16. ooo please let me know what the score is about this, I have emailed a few times but not heard anything, tho to be fair I only found out about it yesterday and I WILL make my husband drive me there and I WILL pull a sicky at work to be there, or something, (Im never sick at work so I deserve one (I still loose myself on this forum so will someone plz MP me with what's going on when they find out) ta.
  17. waaaaaah yes meeee :crybaby:I'm 4 cough splutter ahem ahem ooo loook over there....a swan!!!! 6
  18. We seem to getting very religious here, god amen and the like....maybe we should make him a saint.lol.
  19. so do I, I felt all goosebumps when he started to sing and get em when I remember it too, and I like how in Grace Kelly, live it feels like just a little more aggression comes over, you know like he's singing and feeling every word deeply and thinking inside F*#k you!!!!!! (ha they lost out big time by letting this gem go I'm telling you now) but those who laugh last, laugh longest. GOD I ADORE THIS MAN arrrrrgh it drives me crazy.
  20. GRRRROOOWLLL i know what you mean yummy, he leant her right back at our gig holding onto her with just one hand...(hyperventilating, ME not them btw)
  21. HA HA HA ditto for about first 12 times then I scrutinize every detail lol.
  22. Yes it did, but now we will probably never know, mind you if he ever goes on it he will at least the pics Starsie is gonna put on. I Just look at his calender and think "that poor guy is working his *#@$s off and must be getting rather tired, I hope he doesn't get exhaustion poor thing. (LOOK I'm a member of MOM's so I have an excuse), lol.
  23. that sounds a good idea, we could choose 2 songs, and mix them between happy and sad and do colourations to show the mood, but I agree with Caroline that it's better to make it a thank you to whoever it was who had the idea and picked and organized it all etc and to Mika and the band for superb gigs, and to Starsie and even though I AM desperate to meet him he won't even know who we are more than likely lol he has millions of fans so what's a few others really, I'm trying to see it in a realistic way (sad as it is for us). We understand things are getting bigger for him all the time now. Caroline I am going to send u my msn so it can be faster to chat.
  24. Oh Steph you poor thing, that is soooo horrid I think I would cry all day at least every day for at least 6 months, maybe longer, until he came to see me after the ch.pox has gone to give me a private concert (ha ha I am always living in my dreamworld.
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