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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Then he must have been a very spoilt boy cos how could you deny those puppy dog eyes ANYTHING!!!
  2. Oh I'm soo green how you gonna meet him, are you gonna just barge into his room and say "yo mika what's the big idea?" I WANT to go too,( I even got offered guest list sob but can't take em boo hoo wah sob wail , why am I such a pansy about driving to places like that , My daughter needs this to cheer her up, but we both work at same place and if we take it off together they wilL KNOW where we are since I went round begging for a taxi driver from north east to brum and back in one night, pfft no takers the meanies:thumbdown: I've gone and got MB's real bad (Mikabugs), I think I have regressed back into a teen when I used to follow a certain band around cos you know...I was in love with the singer godamit!! anyway if you DO meet him ask him if he wants my BIG hat just holla in my direction lol ( He did see it cos he looked straight at me and pointed laughing when he sang "you got a dangerous obsession", and I know it was to me cos...it just WAS:wink2: Have an awesome time you lot I am soo jealous but happy for you too, you sound like seasoned Mika-gigers lol, whereas I was a mere virgin.
  3. Ha ha is it near Argos (I laugh cos I work for them here up t'north.
  4. I wore those, I had bright red ones to match my big hat, and I made my mate wear multi coloured orange one HAHA I made them.
  5. what do I need to do to let you access my videos, I have 3 or possible 4 you can nick bits off.
  6. well if I am honest..my intentions fight with honourable ones and darn right too flirty too dirty ones mwaahahha. (but then I look in the mirror and see that weirdo and think "dogpoop, your past it lol) But yea his mum must be some great woman to have brought up such a wonderful specimen of a human being, in fact he has to be as close to perfection as you can get in a man. dribble dribble drool (no NO someone:chair: slap me who set that mind set off arrgh)
  7. yeah go for it, I opened one but it sounds too much like this one where ppl cud psot their pics and stories and stuff, but I think I lost it in the ether lol.
  8. Yep that the one:thumb_yello: proud MOMS#1(or 2 or w/e) or do we have enough groups now lol.
  9. yeah goddam it why not, "shy bairns get nowt" so my boss keeps telling me cos believe it or not I am the shyest person ever till I get to know ppl, then they get to know me as a total loon lol, dunno how we are gonna do it mind you; all living so far apart, we need to think of something, like, a bit of daftness to one of his songs, a little bit of our video entries, some pics of us at his gig, maybe at the start, then with one of his saddest songs at the end and us being really serious (well that's hard for me but I will give it a go lol), I wouldn't really expect him to bow down to our needs he is a very very busy man but SHY BAIRNS GET NOWT lol. So who do we send our clips to? you Caroline as you seem best at editing and stoof?
  10. Yeah thanks Caroline, I did do as she asked me to mail her though she said she was gonna try and send Mika himself to deliver it...Ha HA LIED again, nah she said she would send pics and albums or something along those lines bless her, nice lass. (ps. I just emailed that addy you gave me for the Big Girls video, probs won't want an ageing freak but one has to try every avenue lol).
  11. yep we are now MOSM's does that sound a bit..oh no that is another abbreviation altogether isn't it thankfully (wait for another abrriveation) Mika's Online Surrogate Mums (or mom w/e lol)
  12. OH NOOOOO Don't you think we should all send begging letters to mika and starsie and see if she will let us all meet him all at once, we will BEG lol I can do good begging can you, we could all be in one of his crazy videos in our our costumes, well I think it's a great idea (and so do all the winner lol dont you gals) heh heh.
  13. Omg WHERE gimme the link Caroline PLZ I didn't see it. I am not skinny but not too huge either but if he wants me fatter for it I will do it lmao
  14. OMG OMG this is awesome, I love it he is such a funny guy (they got to meet him *sniff sniff* we didn't *uber sniff*
  15. I love this thread, we sure have a lot of life in us don't we..., and yeah your right we SURE do need MmmMikalurve to keep our hormones running smoothly, I know it's a huge SHOCK SHOCK ME to the younglings that anicient ppl can still have weird crazy obsessions but it's true!! WE are the evidence and MmmMIKA is the cause..yummy, mind you it's a tad unnerving that part of me just wants to mother him and give him big tight hugs and ruffle his curls and do up his buttons and laces and wonder if he is getting a nice hot meal and enough sleep etc ah well, it comes with the motherly territory doesn't it, once a mother always a mother, lol. We need to make a thread for all our menopausal and mikary conditions don't we. so I shall start one.
  16. so can I be added to the list please. I am 4#£$6 cough cough, I have a 21 year old son who is at Imperial University studying computer sciences with artificial intelligence, tho for 6 months he is working at EA doing something with the making of X box games :blink:He doesn't share or undrstand my MCD or my MLC but heck I can live with it. My daughter is 18 in June, she's a funny funny girl, has an amazing sense of humour as you can see form her videos too if anyone's looked at them. she is into all things performing as she has been into it since the age of 3-4 ish. she has chosen a very very hard career path unfortunately but what can you do? she emailed to see if Mika would let her be stand in for Lollipop girl lol but as you can imagine, well the costume is tailor made, but hey...I have sat up into the wee small hours with my fingers bleeding sewing on sequins to her lycra lol. She is the one who got ME into MmmMika I merely thought he was OK on first glance, by 2nd glance I was in love and knew all the words to all his songs by about 3rd day lol. My hubby is bemused by it all but told me to go and have a really good time at his LEEDS gig the other day and was pleased I had such a great time (don't think he would want to share in my new found obsession and he does find it amusing, but he knows I'm a good girl at heart..well he THINKS I am mwahahaha:roftl: I have a beautiful German Shepherd dog called Jazz (reference ther to my daughters dancing as it was HER dog) lol, wonderful natured she is luving ma dawg. I keep house and have a part time job that is nothing flashy, but it gets me out a bit as I turned into a bit of a weed at one point in my life. I write poetry and am a member of a few online poetry sites, I probably have some on my myspace blogs. Incidentally if anyone who has MCD or MLC wants to add me to their myspace then feel free, I normally check out ppl before I add anyway so I hope I will recognise you from here, I need one of those MFC banner things for my myspace where do I get one? anyway its stupid o clock, nearly 5am how mental am I told you I had bad disorders to do with MmmMika, so I am off to beddy byes to dream of my prince MmmMika on his unicorn to save the day...sigh:das: OOer think I have been using the lmao guy icon instead of the sob cry wail one..ooops ppl will think I have been laughing at sad stuff doh!
  17. but does throw a little "mid-life crisis" comment my way here and there. Is 33 old enough to have mid-life crisis? Hell no, but it IS at MY time of life and you know what...I don't give a hoot and why? cos men have theirs don't they, they get a flash car, or some other flashy toy, so I got my MDC and like them with their flash toys, I am proud of my MDC so there! I also spotted another Mikaizm disorder thing, the MLC, I am a proud MLC and MDC, think I need them on my sig lol.
  18. Oh I soo want to go to Brum on Thursday (omg that's 2 days now ish), I was offered a chance to get in, but I can't get anyone to take me, it's 3 hours drive or more each way and no one will play ball how selfish are they, I mean they know I am have MDC (MmmMika compulsive disorder), hey did I just make a new group up lol the trains stop before the gig ends, I keep begging my hubby to drive me and my daughter there (under the pretence that SHE needs something good to happen for her this week after a poopy week for her AND when she couldn't make the Leeds gig she won the comp for, but NO I mean pfft NO he keeps saying NO, men can be sooo selfish!! Are there any nice cosy park benches in Brum, mind you I have no idea where the gig is as I have never been to Brum in my life, is it a big venue?
  19. Oh no thats poopy it was really bad weather too rained buckets all night your poor things, I wont' go on then about the gig....but it was awesome...oops sorry it slipped out my 1st gig but NOT my last!!!!!!
  20. what's this what have I missed by not having a sat nav to navigate this site well lol, or are you merely expressing your appreciation to his mum for giving birth to and bringing up such a beautiful, handsome, tall, (mmm tall) dark haired, talented, artistic, good humoured, amazing, sexy, adorable, cute, cuddly, dimple cheeked, ooooo sqwishy BIG hugs man ok ok I'll shut up now.
  21. Dam right and why not it's not harming anyone...is it? lol.
  22. NOOO it can't be wrong, your just under a spell, your compelled, you simply can't help yourself my dear, how do I now this...how do u you think lol.
  23. I know, think I would be most unimpressed, I would probably stomp about in a paddy and accuse him of neglect and all kinds, I really think Mika is magic, he has cast a spell on the worlds women and its infectious and soon we will ALL be in his harem.
  24. lmao!!! luv it and I'm the same hahaha (it's just one of those things and it's just gotta be accepted, he is DDG no doubt about that .)
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