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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I think the poor chap needs a good hot meal and some rest....I could look after him while he recovers, I would keep it a secret, even from YOU lot:bleh: lol.
  2. yeah waaay more cosy and you can actually SEE his face, well I have to admit to my vantage point of the vip balcony and unfortunately I wont get that every time, (yes she intends to go more lol).
  3. HIM, they are sending HIM just for a day though so you know don't be greedy you can't have him forever as he has to be shared around us all. I LIED don't have heart attacks girls lol, just wishful thinking again lol.
  4. Well we don't know for sure really do we, I hope he did even tho I was a silly old bat in it. And London is quite a few hours away for me, I live north east of England, so it means staying overnight and then there's work and flaming responsibilities n stuff, But if Starsie emailed to say he wanted to feature us in some music vid or interview, (would be good publicity don't ya think lol) or even just to meet with these crazy fans, then I would down tools and go at the drop of my funny big hat. lol.
  5. well to be fair, we were freezing cold drowned rats and TWICE in one night, we walked the streets of Leeds dressed like freaks I'll post pics soon and you will agree, (think it was worse for me as I am an oldling so shouldn't be allowed to dress up like a pratt or have so much fun at a gig, it's obviously only meant for very young ppl judging by the look on some ppls faces). But I'm sure he acknowledged me in my silly big hat a few times as he waved and smiled in my direction (lol bless us we all want to think that don't we ). We did have a great view though and it was a really nice gig and cozy n stuff. And I sooo need to take Vix to see him, she desperately needs cheering up right now poor lass.
  6. would NEVER hurt him his soul is too beautiful to ever be mean to, he is an ANGEL
  7. me too me too, I feel like...driven to do this somehow, no matter how ridiculous it is at MY age. Wish there was some way we could write to him and know he would read it:emot-sad:now it's all over..kinda feel hollow don't you? or is it just me.
  8. I would so rather have met him face to face than have his signature though :crybaby:I know I would have fainted, but maybe he would have to have given me a hug better or something or save my life and and and we could have ridden off into the sunset on a unicorn and lived happily ever after and I would be beautiful like he is.
  9. FLAMING ECK EEE BY GUM ETC how on earth did you get such awesome pics? they are better than the dude hovering at the front of the stage, you must have a really long arm or an excellent camera, or perhaps you just KNOW how to take super pics, Thank you SOO much for posting these they are brilliant so cheers(from the prat in the hat on the balcony bit lol.
  10. Yeah Sian, n/p have to upload it first, great to meet you, you are very very pretty lucky girl lol, and at least you didn't look like a prat in a hat like me heh heh, as Lauren said SO WHAT!! how gutted were we that we couldn't meet him, I would have nursed him better (as you saw I don't mind dressing up lmao) SOMEBODY STOP ME!! heh heh. I'm sure he looked directly at us a few times (not that you could miss that dam hat haha) good job I wasn't in front row or no one else would've seen a thing. Isn't he beautiful, is he amazing, don't you wish you were seeing him again right now...those lucky girls are there right now...they will be having a ball, bet they get sore throats. Where we were ppl kept coming past us didn't they, Lollipop girl WHO WAS the same girl who sang on stage with him, the "big Girl" lady, I saw Cherise run past too ( dunno how to spell it. I kept thinking Mika sneaked past too hiding in a cap (probs just wishful thinking)lol. I havn't emailed Starsie yet, I am wating until my daughter comes back to read her emails to see if they ahve got in touch with her yet.
  11. I'm NOT jealous Caroline really I am not oh ok I am I am lol.
  12. lmao as if we didn't KNOW that, I would do it every time to see him, he was worth it, a lot of ppl loved the hat, stax commented on it as I was leaving and were like.."oh gimme your hat its awesome" etc AND it kept me a little dryer as we tried to find our car lol. I hope he DID know why we were dressed up like ninnys and didn't think we were just weirdo stalkers lol. I thought there would be stax dressed up and made my mate get dressed up and look stupid as well hehe good job she was game for a laugh eh.
  13. yep I saw you lucky thing, we did have a great view though up in the VIP and we wern't all crushed, but it was too far for my camera to get good pics and my videos were poop too cos the sound was weird on them tho it sounded amazing at the gig, just sounds naff on camera. we didn't get to meet him either as he was feeling unwell, tho you would never tell as he was awesome, I couldn't stop bouncing about and waving my big lollipops about singing at the top of my lungs. my mate lip read this guy downstairs looking up at us with a weird expression saying "how old are they" pfffft THE CHEEK OF IT (old enough to be his mother I'll bet lol) doesn't mean I can't enjoy myself or love great music and pretty ppl
  14. Yeah she told us he wasn't well and he or she would send us something signed from him, maybe and album and some pics I think she said, which is nice isn't it. Mind you I would have let him put his head on my lap all night if necessary and mopped his brow and dropped grapes in his mouth, I could have played mummy (since I am one I have lots of experience ).
  15. sorry Caroline but we didn't get to meet him...I know....I was so gutted about that, felt as wet and drowned inside as I was outside by the time we found our car, we were so excited we just dumped it somewhere and didnt look where and it was pouring with rain too pfft, so we had to wander the the streets of LEEDS dripping wet and cold in a humongous hat with red furry teddy things on my legs (also dripping wet), got funny looks and comments from passing cars (some just yelled MIKA out the windows lol. The gig was awesome though, Mika was awesome, I totally enjoyed it, didn't get any good pics though as my camera was being a real poophead xx vivienne xx
  16. I hope you did cos you had the perfect position, we were up in the VIP I'm sure you will have saw us with me in that huge hat lol. I got no decent pics cos the lights were in the way and my camera was being really poopy, but we had a really good view and weren't squished and the gig was totally AWESOME and AMAZING and I NEED to see him again, I enjoyed it sooo much, I had not only a sore throat with the cheering but with singing along at the top of my lungs too lol. what a guy...what a guy. I was gutted we couldn't get to meet him so I could get on of his squidgy MmmMIKA hugs I have to try to remember how great the gig was so as not to feel sad, I mean who ever said you get everything you want in life anyway lol. Maybe NEXT time mwahaha
  17. I txt Starsie about this and she txt back saying camera's are fine I didn't want to break the riles or get chucked out cos I am a good girl sometimes lol.
  18. try looking here for the winners and add any names of those who have won if you know them, have added the ones I know so far http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=170976&posted=1#post170976 By the way How nice are these people who are running this competition, my daughter Vix emailed them and explained the situation about the Leeds dates mix up on the site etc and asked if there's a chance she could go to a diff gig another time, and they didn't day NO GO AWAY TOUGH LUCK WINNER I MEAN LOOSER they said they would see what they could do... how nice is that eh. (hope they can sort something she was so gutted about not being able to go). You guys are just great.
  19. I did do this the other day but I still find it hard to navigate this site and find things etc, I made a new thread called "mikamyspace competition winners" I think, and added 2 names and asked the winners to add theirs and we can post stuff about the comp and gigs and pics if we get any etcetc, but can I heck as find it:boxed:
  20. You probably have got my daughter Vix's tickets then, which is awesome for you, I'm really pleased, and we will probs all meet each other I think at the gig or something. But I feel so sad for Vix for missing out when it was her who got ME into MmmMIKA in the first place,(mind you getting bitten by the MmmMIKA bug didn't take long at all), dam those university auditions, she should just have said "NO I would rather go and see MmmMIKA than to think about my future at stage school" lol, ah well these things happen for a reason, though I don't think she will ever know what it was.
  21. ooo Starsie is the one who txt me and I txt one of my rather long waffley ones back lol. I simply can't wait till tonight..ARRRGH ITS TONIGHT and I can't sleep I am too excited (its not good for my heart rate lol), I will have to find out if I have to wear the big red hat costume thing or the tutu or BOTH lol, I may be an ageing ballet dancer (who has never been to a ballet class ) in a big hat but I Get to see MmmMIKA wahoooo. I think this competition was an AWESOME idea I feel privileged to have won ( I normally never win anything, but making a prat of myself comes easier than most things to me But even if I hadn't it was really fun doing it and exciting taking part. My daughters sooo gutted she can't go, I think she should just hitch a lift to LEEDS with Mika tomorrow (I can bring the costume she won with) then he can take her back to London again in time for her London studio audition..now there's a plan eh. does anyone think it's a go-er lol?
  22. Well said my good man...or er..lady. It has been fraught with anxiety for us I do admit, but there's a lot of things going on with them all, organizing interviews, gigs, meetings, tv appearances radio appearances the whole shaboom, and to be honest I think they have made us wait for a reason, to build up excitement and also so that maybe we who already know don't spoil the fun etc for those that don't know yet. (well that's MY theory).
  23. well done to the new winners, sorry I wasn't around at the time to congratulate you all, I was busy getting my mail and info off my emails, then they txt me so I txt back n they txt back s I txt back then my mate stated to chat on msn as she was having a bad time then it got to 2 am and I am very tired and I have an important gorgeous 6ft 4 tall dark curly haired talented funny dimpled cheeked (god dam it I adore his dimples), man I have to see tomorrow, he may even propose to me...HE MIGHT GO IN FOR UGLY OLD WOMEN (well im not sure if im an oldling or a midlling...what classes them apart?
  24. im gonna get the mails and messages and copy em into word then get em printed out or something as a last resort. then Mika will let us in and take pity on us and give us all a HUGE MmmmmMIKAhug and I will faint and he will have to give me the kiss of life, and I will miraculously turn into a gorgeous 23 year old stunner who he immediately falls in love with and marries by the morning (oh and my marriage miraculously never happened to my husband either lmao) and I never had kids or anything hahahhahaa. But then I wake up and find I am still a coffin dodger :wheelchair:
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