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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. 11 May 2007, 14:02 is what time my message arrived, but I was at work and didn't get it until about 6pm. BUT they said we would find out in the morning and it wasn't till 2 hours later was it, so DO NOT give up hope, and remember we still haven't heard from them too and we have no idea what we are expected to do yet, we know we have won, but we still are stuck to our darn puters waiting for news so we can organize ourselves, it's all very exciting in one way but a real pain in another...pfft bitter sweet eh?
  2. phew me too, but that is what I think they are going to do as well. but my mate who is going to come with me and drive needs the post code of the place for her sat nav, as we are coming from Teesside to Leeds and don't know the way at all, so I need to get it asap really. I don't even know where the gig is, I guess I could go on his site and go from there and google, god I love google...no where near as much as MmmmmmMIKA:wub2: but you know lol.
  3. Has anyone had any emails or news or info from mikamyspace or the email given to the winners yet as to what we have to do next, I have emailed it twice and not heard, I gave them everything but my email addys cos I forgot and thought they would just have at least one of them I may email again with my 2 email addys I use most. Incidentally some weird Dutch site has linked to my daughters Lollipop entry n titled it "ATTENTION WHORE OF THE DAY"...:shocked:dunno if to e shocked or what!!! we had to pop the comment on the video into google translator thing pfft she thought it was funny.
  4. Subject The winners for LEEDS fancy dress... Body: Have all been messaged! CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS! Winners for LONDON will be contacted tomorrow evening (Saturday) A blog will be posted with pictures of all the winners at the gigs! mikamyspace x You Know Caroline, you could be right, it does sound like they maybe ARE going to take photos of us then post them on the blog after the gigs AWESOME!!!
  5. DITTO it's SOOO worth it MmmmIKA is SOOO worth it, he could PULL me anytiime any place anywhere, jsut call me martini hahahawith MmmMIkA about I am always shaken AND stirred but with NO ice, just sparklers and those umbrella things and wooo CHERRIES !!!
  6. OMG OMG I just had to pick myself up off the floor, then I made myself calm down and think logically...here's the calm yourselves cos you don't want to be too disappointed theory: they print big posters of the winners at each gig so they will RECOGNIZE us when we arrive and to make sure we don't try to sneak in in cognito. (tho in one of my outfits I am in cognito lol).or they print big posters or us and have them as a big backdrop on stage and make us get up on stage and do silly dances and stuff hahahahhahawhich would you prefer lol, I have nearly as wild an imagination as MmmmMIKA dont I hahhaha.
  7. I think vegans don't eat ANYTHING that has come from an animal at all not just meat, so no eggs or milk etc there's probs a lot more to it than that tho.
  8. don't panic Caroline, apart from what I have said on many occasions about you being one of the winners (shock shock me if your not) that is now our official response to whenever anything shocks or surprises us lol. Apart from that, my daughter Vix who did a lollipop Girl video for the competition who also was a winner is not 18 until June and she WON too, but she can't go to the gig, she has an audition for London Studio centre on the Monday and is in London the whole weekend, she can't even go to the London gig on the Monday as her train is at 9pm. How bad is that, knowing you won and couldn't gone but can't!! It's cos they mixed up the LEEDS dates on his site and said it was 18th May so she would have been able to make it if it WAS that date. She is emailing to see if it's possible to go to any other gig even next lot of tour dates, but I don't hold out much hope at all for that, I'm afraid to say I think she has missed out and I feel for her.
  9. er much as I would like to ask him to marry you ITS EVERY GIRL FOR HERSELF!! 1st come 1sr served (mind you I may be able to share him with one two.....million other fans around the universe
  10. sorry if I clicked wrong button I still dunno what I am doing I wish they would hurry up and reply to my email to let me know what's happening tomorrow at LEEDS, I wasn't sure what to put in my email to the contacts address so I just said I was replying to there's or something naff like that, I did start a long winded "oh I was soooo overjoyed etc" type of one but I thought if it was jsut an automated thing then that would be daft so err...yeah I may send another email sooon , what should I say ppl??
  11. My daughter heard his song said it was great, we were then sat at our pc's when he came on the late night project and she asked me to sit next to her and appreciate his lovely curls. well to be honest I have never been that fussed on curls on a bloke and I thought his song was...ok. by the nxt day I ADORED his curls and knew all the words to Grace Kelly, then I over took her and got obsessed and joined all the myspace sites but they got deleted by accident but I managed to get an add to Mikamyspace again (phew). So my daughter made her little video clip utube video to #Grace Kelly cos she adored his song and curls lol, and we just got more and more into him sharing the next interview we had found and the latest pic etc etc, and now I can't stop lol.
  12. or even if we will get to meet him would be ace but I am not building my hopes up.
  13. that's just how I reacted lol and still now I keep havingl ittle squeals of delight..little outbursts of ARRRRGH nd eeeeeeeeee and wooo hoooo and the like, I just hope I'm not the only one to arrive looking like a total prat lol, guess both my outfits were pretty weird for an oldling ( I think I probs qualify for that title)
  14. it said "YOU HAVE WON" and inside is an enail addy you have to contact but I am about to do that now, I will let you know what they say okies when I hear.
  15. Oh no I am so so sorry, it's hard to know what to say hun, but if you gotta cry tehn you go right ahead, a good cry always works for me. I feel terrible too cos I still cant work out the threads and things on this site and I keep posting in the wrong places and then my messages end up all over , its odd and I get very confused about it, sorry everyone ill get the hang of it one day.
  16. I won too I was exploding into a rainbow of sparkles and I keep having the urge to SCREAM really loudly about it woooooooo. I feel for you guys who have to wait even longer I really do..how much more agony is that hugs for you, but I think you will ALL win I really do, I can feel it in my waters, which I admit left my body as soon as I got the message in my inbox YOU HAVE WON!!!!!
  17. yes its about 26th comment down (my name is the flashing one that says Mmmmika in cartoon motion and the link is on that but I have a few posts on the page so...its about 26th as I say.
  18. Finally with 2 mins to go squished it on wooo fab, it's hard to see so hope he doesn't miss it, if anyone wants to go comment it on my utube feel free, I like feedback cos I want to know if you think I will be good enough for the Royal Ballet school
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiX3PsJmzTI spent my evening rushing this together, making a total pratt of myself, and his page wont let me add it, I have tried 4 times and its not accepting it, I don't know why, it was my last ditch desperate measures attempt to win some tickets to see the delicious one. I feel traumatized and despondent and all things blue and sad. I'm a looser already *sniff*
  20. i jUSTE RECIEVED THIS IN MY MYSPACE INBOX 10 May 2007, 19:51 Subject Last chance for the FANCY DRESS COMPETITION! Body: HELLO MIKAMYSPACE Tonight will be your last chance to enter the FANCY DRESS COMPETITION! Competition closes at midnight!!!!! mikamyspace xx
  21. cos they must be updating it, once it does then hopefully that will be the moment we have all been waiting for
  22. you just have to look through every page, mine was on right at the start along with Vix's so it was on page one but it cud have been bumped to page 2 or 3 by now, tehn we all reposted them yesterday just for good measure lol so they cud be on page 7 or 8. (I'm calming down again i've gone back to smaller purple witting)
  23. I dont know if I can last the 20 mins its gonna take for them to sort out the blog I'm going to faint arrrgh I should know better its not accpeptable behaviour woooooooo
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