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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I don't think I like this idea, Rain for me is a sad song, but a LAYYDEEE in it...well I just can't see it being taken seriously
  2. My cd's and DVD's worked fine I got my Mikapoints (tho not sure if I got them for my live in cartoon motion #DVD), and I dont know how to get them for the WAG 7" but I thought you were supposed to get some points for that. What I HAVE noticed is that my WAG vid is STILL not on MS though they were supposed to be sorting it, and also I mistakenly posted it twice on my own profile on MS and htye said pending approval for aaages, and I just looked now and only ONE is there now and it says UNAPPROVED I don't get it, does Mika really hate me that much :crybaby:
  3. lol I wouldnt inflict a vaccine on you, but in reality...I kinda like my "mikaillness", it gives me something to do with my time...like sat twiddling my thumbs waiting for....no news, or making videos to enter in a competition and to post it on time yet WAHEEEY!!! major cock ups they lose it...PAH I DO love all this time wasting, it's why I am here in reality that Mika guy is kinda cute but I just love wasting time tbh.
  4. aww thanks, pity HE wont get to see it since it's highly unlikely they are ever gonna get them on MS (DONT get me started..seee it aint gonna take much for me to dump Mika once and for all, a gal can only take so much sh*t
  5. yes move along no neck craning in this thread plz or you might bump into a REAL announcement and hurt yourself (or worse still, some innocent by-standing MFCer)
  6. well if the boy doesnt get a move on my dieary will be way to full and I aint re-arranging my life just to fit in his lordships gigs pfft (unles he makes it worth my while ) mind you I could be SOOO over MIka by then I mean it's been 2and 3/4 years this obbsession with him now youy know, I am sure it will be on the waine soon (specially if he doesnt get his finger out with these dates.
  7. He used to text me ALL the time asking what I wanted on the new album, I kept telling him to do an Elvis cover but whould he listen
  8. ello and welcome to the mad house
  9. PAH just leave me out then:sneaky2:(bet you don't even KNOW where Norton is haha )
  10. if Mika said this.... he may have meant on the moon or perhaps mars... or maybe is WAS in the UK but in the year 2555 (not that I don't believe every word he says or that mikaland hints at
  11. ps. I quite like the vid, I LOVED it when I first saw it, then the more I watched the more faults I could pic with it, but I still like most of it I just think it does look untidy in places.
  12. Tap dancers is a brilliant idea, it would fit in with the 20's theme and also the clapping sounds could be tapped out I can visualize that.
  13. there are enough talented dancers/actors/directors/editors/etc etc on MFC and they would do it for the love of MIKA lol (go suggest it to him)
  14. oh bigger isn't ALWAYS better, even HE had to sneak out to get a better view and wriggle his way to the front row... I think his gig should be for no more than say 20 ppl then it will ALWAYS be a front row seat.
  15. :boxed:hmm interesting read indeed, all that stuff about firing ppl and all the mix ups, it does seem like the transaltions have got a bit mixed up, I wonder how much of this is true. and I LIKE Erase, not my all time fave but I like it all the same). It's funny cos I was having a Mika fest today with a NON Mika fan freind of mine (trying to convert her) by putting on all my Mika cd's and then my Parc dvd thingy so she could SEE the "goods" I was brainwashing her into the world of Mikadom (it's working too she wants to come to a gig when he plays near us mwahaha and she thinks he is cute (kachinga!!), anyway every single song that came on I was like "OOOOH I LOVE LOVE this one" in the end I decided there wasn't a Mika song I don't like yet
  16. blimey who is this guy with the screechy voice YUK... and after Mika's sublime PUOTF, to THIS!!
  17. why do I always have strong urges to want to hug this guy he is just such a sweet adorable person. PS I couldn't open those pics they came in some zip prog that I dunno how to open
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