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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. EXACTLY I'm with you all the way on this too, I love it when he does quirky stuff (only one jacket he wore ages ago I hated but if he wanted to wear it agian... well that is up to him innit). glad theres a few of us liked it, see he cant please everyone all of the time so he HAS to please himself.....HURRAAAH!!
  2. Lovin the sparkly Shoes says me who is sat here with sparkly leopard print ones on. Helen yup fab arnt they and LETHAL lol hey he might acctually WANT to have children at some point you know
  3. I agree, maybe he is showing his 50's look cos he's after a part in Grease on the West End lol, phwoooar I would pay alorra lorra good money to see him in that lol he's got the hip movements down to a T already
  4. I love the whole look, and I even LOVE that hair, his face is stunning, he can carry that hair off nay bother at all, not everyone could.
  5. ooo niiice T4P, his scarf reminds me of one Mikafish has (vicky, sexypurplefish lol). me too, he hardly ever looks ruff lol.
  6. yeah the rest of the stuff AFTER KA was poo I turned off. I do that all the time, and sometimes I sit in the garage and listen twice oh and dcdeb, I get it now thanks.
  7. No Mellody only did what Mika asked her to do, blame it on the mika I cant even be bothered with this, as a certain Nan would say..."what a loada old SH*T"!!! Mellody passed on a msge, we did what we thought was asked for if that was wrong then tuff, it's done now and maybe TM & Mika should talk these things through before things like this happen. some things in this thread have got right up my nose and left a terrible smell, bad enough to make ya wanna Ive seen vids of Mika being asked to perform like a performing monkey at M&G's THAT annoys me more than this crap. I'm outa here had enough for today, and you can point fingers and rip my head off too, I'm so sick of this stuff now. PS. I may regret having MY opinion later but right now.... I'm angry and Iv'e not even read the whole thread!
  8. yiiikes I KNEW ther was summit I was meant to be doing other than getting excited about T shirts for Paridise... i mean EDEN lol.

  9. Right, can I have names of ppl wo want to try to get a room in the same hotel or place as Laura(Jazzy) and me, I will be booking up for us 2 this weekend, but need to know if anyone else wants me to look into it for them too. does anyone have any preferences or ideas as to good and bad areas to look. how many nights do you reqire, we are staying 3 nights 6th-9th
  10. I have decided to be a PINK FLAMINGO as long as I can make a costume I can fit into a suitcase lol
  11. Now that would be some party lol, but there is Laura (Jazzy), Myself, Vicky(Vickylovesmika) and now Rose (the pengy), so I think that WOULD be imposing and we are staying until Sunday, lol we wanna see Dammy a bit while there. (but hey if you have the toom and want some board money then your on lol PARTEEEEEY) YES and Thank you very much, is there also a cook? I thought there was so might be that if there is. Laura, me and Vicky are staying until Sunday Rose, let me know if I can help maybe you could come in with us but I will need to kow cos we aint booked anything yet.
  12. Tell me about it, I am not used to looking for flights so all I can find is some for bout £700+ extras return and that doesnt include travel to and from airports, I need to know where to look for cheap flights lol.
  13. I must be looking at the wrong sites then cos most of them are for London ones hmmm.
  14. I'm just pricing up flights just now, but it's rather expensive cos I don't live near London so I have less choice of flights unless I pay another £180 or so train fares to London first then I would have to get to an airport after that too, I think realistically I probs wont make this one But thank you very much for offereing all the same
  15. If anyone has a spare ticket for this to sell please PM me asap cos me wants it but I need a ticket before I get a flight and time is of the escence lol.
  16. If anyone has a ticket they wanna sell for VIENNA can you PM me asap, if I can get one I wanna go but will need to book flights asap etc.
  17. waheeey lets all crash at Monie's oops sorry, I thought it was an open invite for the whole of MFC
  18. is there a list somewhere of the characters for the THEME lol, I wanna know hwo I can be
  19. Thats what I meant to say but it came out garbled as I was in a state of unawares or something, I may even have been xy dunny drunk or something.
  20. MIKA stop that at once, pictures of you like THAT should be banned for my health, I am waaay too old to look at HOT pics of you like that in the gawjuz jacket with your shirt all undone and sexy like that, you just look too good, now just behave yourself and stop looking so dam gawjuz for once.
  21. :lmfao: OMG where was this done lol was it Bristol? I'm sure he did that at Bristol haha he is sooo silly love his silliness lol.
  22. oo thank you think I D/l right one but hey ho lol we shall see lol. (As you can see I can even make my siggy smaller, I tried to shrink it but it still takes up a lot of space and Christine doesn't like it).
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