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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. OOOOOOOOOOOOO NOW NOW it has to be MIKA right now yeeeey POOOOOOOO it's NOT GRRRR
  2. HELL YEAH it's soo much better than naming it after the 1st single, I also like it cos it's got the same... rhythm to it as LICM (forget what it's called yet I should know since I attempt to write poetry now n then lol).
  3. another one bites the dust lol WELCOME lol.
  4. no thanks not right now, I aint keen on spam, prefer roast ham
  5. he made a lot of eye contact with the cute guy behind me at Scala that he pulled up on stage,( I don't think he was a reg fan) he also made some with ME and my camera, but I was holding my cam away from my face quite a bit so I could see HIM better lol.
  6. Ahh, it would have been nice if it was last weekend (moan grumble) when I was i London, but hey ho, I survived it and yeey I remember getting a warm glow reading that tweet
  7. but suggestions are acceptable yes? like...after all gigs can he please pay for us to stay in the same hotel as him and if that is too full can he please get bigger one built adjacent to the gig so we don't have to travel back late at night unless we are in his 500 seat limo oh and if there are other buildings in the way just get them demolished too.
  8. he's not being a selfish, tight, camp flamboyant b*stard again is he?
  9. I should think so too, my old legs prefer chair dancing. I loved that gig it was super dooper
  10. not sure I get too confused by it all lol.
  11. Iv'e not ordered MY album yet for 2 reasons, A. I couldn't decide which ones to go for (too much dam choice and I don't DO decisions lol and B. I didn't realize it could POSSIBLY have been here before I go on my cruise and I didn't want it to arrive when I was away. so anyone who can help me decide which album/s to go for let me hear your views and why lol. I was heading towards the de-lux one but now there is another one I think isn't there, so what's that one all about? Buying albums is soo complicated these days, eee when I was a lass you went to the shop and bought ONE, occasionally with some limited edition going on...much easier. It took me about 2 weeks to decide to get the GOLDEN 7" and only cos I saw a pic of how pretty it is, (don't like the B side at all though).
  12. working on it Freddie but she is out on the piste tonight so I cant get hold of her to talk about it lol, I'll ring her tomorrow nice and early lmao she will appreciate that wont she. She can't make POG cos of college, but she should will be able to go to the gig on the night just not sure if she can get out of college during day tto ggo for tickets to the freeby gig.
  13. I didn't mean just about gigs freddie, your just like that all the time, a happy chappy, just a jollynicekindaguy really fun to be around that kinda thing
  14. oh thanks Katie I will give her ur mob no. I still have it
  15. you do Freddie that is what I like about you, your always so upbeat and positive, wish I could be like that all the time. (I can't go either, my silver wedding anniversary cruise I can't get out of lol)
  16. Ha ha you had ice cream at Greenwich lol soon as we got off the boat, no one else did it was too cold lol. So why you not going to get tix to the free giggy?
  17. FFreddie did you not use Grand Central? cos with them it's open ticket and you have a month to use it on any grand central trains I think.
  18. yes it IS for 2 tix per person, so that would be fabby, I'll let her know, and erm... I thought you might be in need of a little light refreshment before the gig to help sustain your energy levels, it's hard work at Mika gigs you know.
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