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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Oh just find the nearest pub... you can hang out and have fun there xxxx I don't even know if BBVix can make this one cos she is at college all day, so the ticket give-away, although only bout 2 stops from her college is kinda at the wrong time probs unless she can sneak out, I would fein an illness that lastes bout 2 hours myself hahah. and YES I'll swap think my hubby would think he had won the lottery if you went in my place lmao!! he's be like...well YOU run off all over to see someone more than 23 years younger than you so now it's MY turn hahah
  2. OMG he is only half a man wonder what the other half is lol
  3. SHOW OFF I can't go I have to go on my 25th wedding anniversary cruise instead, now I am well hacked off that my husband wont re arrange it, he is such a selfish, camp flamboyant etc etc b*stard (I am sure I missed something out of that ...Babs???)
  4. That's how I see it, he HAS to promote his music and himself or no one will hear about him or his music, and he needs MORE fans to sell more records and that will make him more successful in his chosen field and everyone wants to be successful. Yes it's frustrating that we cant all go to everything he does, and it can smart to see the same ones being able to go, but that's life, who ever said life was fair anyway, it's not, no point in beating ourselves up about it really. There are more important things in life to worry about tbh.
  5. is that going to try to feel guilty, take a day off work or be grateful...or maybe go for a hat trick
  6. T4P but don't you think that boy needs to tidy his room lol.
  7. I agree, it always seems the case for Mika that no matter what he does it's never enough to please everyone and I have msged him before to say "you can't please everyone all of the time so you may as well please yourself" As far as I can see it, he does his best, he tries hard to think about his fans and do things for them, but he has sooo many fans he can't give everyone a piece of himself, I feel sorry for him sometimes when no matter what he does somebody somewhere is moaning or begging or spamming him, sometimes I just want to yell "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" He is just a human being as Christine says, not a thing to cut up into a million pieces for sharing cos then there would be arguments over who got the biggest bit and who got the bestest most important bit of him.
  8. dam....thanks for the nod Babs. tight mean camp flamboyant selfish (not necessarily in that order) bastard
  9. aww thank you and hope you too have a HAPPY 25th SILVER WEDDING Anniversary xxx
  10. guess human nature is greedy and everyone from everywhere just wants MORE! nasty but fact of life, survival of fittest me me me n all that crap n stuff. I can't go to these ones, so I will just hope who ever does has a blast, I'll think bout you all on my cruise (dam selfish of MIKA not to give me a private gig on my ship for my 25th weddng anniversary don't you think, what a tight mean camp bastard )
  11. Hey Freddie, have you seen my WAG vid entry yet? only posted it last night on youtube, it's not on mikasounds yet though lol. I luuurve yours, it's awesomely fab.
  12. yes I was confused by that too, maybe HIS idea of poor and mine are totally different, when I was a kid my family were poor, we couldn't/& chose not pay bills (using any money on cigarettes, bingo and the pub, so we often had the power supply cut off, we got bullied for being poor, we wore each others clothes and I was 3rd in line for them so they were pretty shabby by the time I got them lol. we had holes in our shoes often, didn't always have hot water for baths, and lived on toast a lot of the time. We also did not go to s****y public schools either, so I guess it's what your used to but I can't see Mika and family being as poor as that.
  13. I rather like the outfit apart from the pink braces, I love the collar of the shirt, I quite like the quirky jacket too. There is a lot of touchy feely going on, Mika looks so relaxed and some of the guests look blathered some look plain scary (you know who they are)
  14. What a very kind and thoughtful gesture, (oh I MFC) I can't go to Paul O Grady OR this extra gig due to the nasty fact that I have to celebrate my 25th silver wedding aniversary with my husband NO FAIR!! he really didn't take it too wel when I suggested we don't go away and I go to see Mika instead haha.
  15. http://www.dancesport.uk.com/shoes/conchart.htm NO way MIKA is only a size 9...but he is about 6ft 3" my son is 6ft 3" and he takes a size 13 UK what small feet Mika has for his height
  16. that was MY 1st thought MJ is no where near as tall as Mika and Mika's feet are a size 13 I think MJ's are probs only a 10 at most,
  17. She also attended the same performing arts school as my daughter Bumblebee_Vix (Italia Conti) though she left before Vix started there last year I think. She has a good voice But I would prefer MIKA to be #1 not her lol.
  18. OO I enjoyed this, it did make me really well up though in a few places, hit some nerves there I think. Thank you for the translations and the posting xxx
  19. OO thank goodness I didn't get round to using other addy's then cos I didn't read the T&C I just hit the enter button lol (now it just wouldn't DO to tarnish my whiter than white image on MFC ).
  20. hahahah well if you break the law you go to jail, you DO NOT pass go and you defo DO NOT get £200 (guess I must be a goody 2 shoes cos I like to stay within rules in life as a whole, boring but safe)
  21. I can get the "presence" of Freddie in MIka, he does seem to have a similar kinda of...charisma thing going on, he also has a very powerful voice, and wears white a lot guess he also likes to dress up and stuff. He sounded rather pleased with BM's comparisons though and rightly so, it was a HUGE compliment. I got more annoyed at the interviewers tone over Mika's decision to NOT tell him about his sexuality etc, It felt like he was having a "dig" at him and was hoping to get him to spill...ha ha he knows NOTHING about Mika if he thinks he will spill to someone like that. Mika is very VERY careful about what and HOW he presents himself to the outside world. He's way to smart too be caught out by irritating journalists and interviewers I reckon.
  22. LOL it's ok I LOVE google he solved this one for me
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