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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I am ancient and technophobic and I am trying to edit clips for a WAG vid, (it's for the comp if I can get it finished in time but I don't think I will), it's done tongue in cheek really so I just had a bit of a daft laugh when I recorded it. Anyway first thing I need help on on is How do I remove the sound from the vid clips, I have managed to import the soundtrack already.
  2. your welcome I have quite a few more but I#m supposed to be trying to make a WAG vid lol, my arm ached by the end of the 1st song lol, and it does hinder you from freaking out as much lol, think I did nearly all the songs apart from BG.
  3. Ah well I guess this kind of thing happens to them, and the bigger he gets the more it will happen, at least they didn't mean him any harm I guess, they were just silly young girls who got carried away maybe.
  4. Also if you slow it down you can see her acctually trying to PULL him backwards in HER direction and he is trying to pull his hand and arm away.
  5. yes that is what annoyed me, it looks like security were trying to keep them away but I could be wrong, it could have been to protect the equipment or Mika or even themselves cos lets face it, if anyone got hurt there would be hell on and it could be very expensive all round, and I STILL think that although he was smiling at the end, his eyes made me think he wasn't smiling like he meant it. Also you can see where my camera goes skywards as I lunge forwards along with everyone else to try to break his fall.
  6. I have uploaded 3 vids, I have more but I am trying to make a WAG vid and I am poop at it so I will never get it finished. This vid annoys me when I see those 2 girls chasing him around the stage, they CAN'T be MFCers cos the MFCers I see up there are just dancing about and leaving him alone (well MOST of them). LOLLIPOP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyjJGq4gLm0&feature=channel_page BIOTG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRCXyewbtZw RELAX http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWhpybkuT3w&feature=channel_page
  7. Got mine last week, He signed it after Scala but you can hardly see it cos A.he was in the biggest rush of his life so it was a quick scrawl and doesn't even look like his sig. B. he did it on the dark part so you can hardly see it. ANd I played it yesterday while making my WAG vid and yeeey it works and sounds fab (didn't think much to the B side tho
  8. btw I am trying to make a WAG vid mwahahah purely for laughs of course but I doubt I will get it finished in time to enter comp cos I am poop on pc's lol.

  9. Oh yes I DID Freddie but my battery was about to die and I had forgotten my charger lol so couldn't reply

  10. *Grumble grumble* :badmood:bloody 25th silver wedding anniversary pffft *grumble* would rather have gone to this instead. BUT if anyone'e got a spare ticket floating around (unlikely I know) Bumblebee_vix really wants to go so message her or tweet her or email her or something plz, (lol I know I know but you never know)
  11. I tried to get screen shots off my vids but it didn't work how do you do it, it's odd how sometimes it doesn't work properly.
  12. looks like the same ones to me I will upload my Lollipop vid soon as I fin my WAG one haha that means never then
  13. If she is quite small and there is another who looks similar to her too, they were feeling Mikas hair a lot and one of them clung onto his arm with BOTH hands and wouldnt let go, she tried to pull him towards her but he was having non of it, he wanted to go towards the guys and off stage.
  14. OOO I like the bits from the gig good idea ha ha and those yellow pants/shorts lol. of course I LOVED the part about the GLITTER lol.
  15. lol how can you tell I have been listening to WAG on repeat for like 5 hours or more while I do vid clips in case I make a WAG vid lmao! I find this song soooo EMPOWERING
  16. hahaha no he still got lots of eyefulls I SAW and I have decided to STOP feeling bad about it, NO ONE PUTS SPARKLY IN THE CORNER sod that!!!! Iv'e decided so what!... no one died, big deal, I am sure he will do stax more gay nights now he "is not stuck in the middle of that open door any longer" if they were that bothered they would have q-ed longer, and quite a lot of them also took up positions behind us, they still had an excellent view and it was a really small gig and Mika played to them and they loved it I bet non of them have lost any sleep over it, so neither will I END OF sick of beating myself up about it, I AM GOLDEN I deserved my place! (thanks Mika )
  17. If I ever find my pretty little head I'll tell it to stop worrying :lmao: BOOM BOOM!! seriously though, it's bothered me but as I probs won't be going to another gig for months and months and months....by then there is BOUND to be something else for everyone to get their knickers in a twist about, there is ALWAYS something ppl get on their high horses about.
  18. Thanks but it's just the way I am, if there is something to feel guilty about you can count me in at the front of the Q it's a way of life, I hate it but can't seem to change it. I think M did recognize Vix (probs more from the pub on Monday, though Cherisse and Saranayde always do) but I am the invisible one which is fine cos we have seen how crap I get if I ever pluck up courage to speak to him, I am like that with many people though not just him. (If I ever finish and post my WAG vid you will never believe I am shy lol). I also think the stage would have been invaded anyway MFCers or not cos the guys all wanted a part of him, so who knows, he might have been torn to shreds if it was all guys up there, they have a much more HUNTER instinct than MOST women (not all I have seen some fierce huntresses if that is a real word lol). I also don't like to think I can think what Mika is thinking really, he might actually lOVE all that attention and adoration (no matter who it comes from, it's all better than hate after all) so... I dunno I just think we don't know what really IS in his mind about certain matters cos he doesn't say outright and also even when he does he tells such whoppers anyway it's hard to tell when he is telling the truth at times, his "signals" and intentions aren't always THAT crystal clear, maybe he likes a bit of spontaneity and surprises (in fact we know he does lol)
  19. I agree, and I feel the same way as you over many things, (highlighted parts) I think this is why this gig left me with sad feelings that I didn't expect, I usually feel elated for days after seeing Mika, but I have started to doubt all kinds of things and I think it's cos I too am oversensetive about too many things, I have a tendency to turn bad things in on myself so... Then I feel guilty for indulging myself to even THINK about my own insecurities, I am hopeless and need a good kick up the bum lol. I can sometimes hide things behind my dodgy humour. I understand how you feel. (I can't make it any better for you but I DO understand your feelings).*hugs*
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