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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. it would be hilarious if they were all wrong, now THAT would be funny and a TRUE revelation it would really make my day to see everyone was wrong about him hahaha
  2. yes he DID cos he had make up as well last night which made it difficult to see his eyes, this was much better than last Fridays facial decorations etc but I too prefer his face naked.
  3. PS. forgot to say some of my vids have weird lighting and colouring due to the lights and being so close so they look kinda pop arty and cartoony and his skin looks really glowing and golden sometimes lol. I have posted 2 on utube so far, please excuse everyones bad singing but he WAS asking us all to join in
  4. I have really mixed feelings about MY experience and my own feelings about this gig and I don't feel up to talking about them tbh, I am not good with debates and what not so I tend to sit on fences a lot instead, got a lot of splinters in my ass now though. All I will say is that Mika performed his soul out and was undeniably happy to do so, he said something really funny that I only noticed in one of my vids. I didn't take any pics, BBVix and I decided she would take pics I would video ( I got the bum deal cos my arm ached and I missed out on some of the atmosphere) it was my own choice tho but I wish I hadn't bothered, guess I had such a great view (I am sorry about that now in the cold light of day) so felt kinda obliged to take vids for MFC, Mika did look at my camera now and then though I didn't notice till I looked at vids cos I held camera away from myself while I also tried to bob and have fun and get into the atmosphere etc. I have a really good vid of Mika's fall thing, he was shocked for a short while till he realized he wasn't gonna hurt himself and that the MFC saved his bones (well I am sure most of them near us lunged forwards to break his fall). He eyed the guy up sorta behind me to my left practically the whole time he was on stage and it was him who he 1st pulled on stage. What I disliked most after watching my vids were 2 small females who seemed to take the opportunity to get as much of Mika as they could, stroking his hair and one grabbed his arm for dear life and clung onto him and he was trying to pull away cos the cute guy he pulled on stage was after a hug etc and he really wanted to be going in THAT direction. I'll maybe upload the vids so you can see for yourselves tomorrow. Anyway Mika was excellent on stage, but the experience hasn't bowled me over I would have rather spent time at the pub on Monday night I think with hindsight, i'ts just left me with the oddest feeling that I can't explain, that has nothing to do with the "revelation" cos there never really was one, in fact I would have been MORE shocked if I was wrong lol.
  5. Got my GOLDEN 7" yesterday, was really excited then read all this pap on this thread about it not being as limited as they are advertizig, mine is number 3870 pfft is says chrisp and unity sorta etched or printed on the golden part too (what does that mean?) ordered mine from HMV via link on MS, so I assumed I would STILL get my extremely important and valuable Mika points, but it sounds like I wont even get those pfft this is not really good is it, always soooo many "mistakes" that go on. STILL LOVE IT THOUGH:wub2 but I'm scared to play it in case I damage it, I forgot just how thick they are, I thought it was coverd in some kind of protective plastic at first cos it as that thick lol
  6. DAM I would have paid good money to see that (25k or so even)
  7. Oh I forgot about that but remember it now, he was a total dumb ass we should have lynched him the tit, I didnt know he said that tho stupid man. where did he come from anyway, he can't have been MFC surely?
  8. he sure did I was doubley hyper cos I was involved in the jacket project and could see my name on the back of it and the things I sent it woop, he also caught my godlen bowler, wore it and I got it back after, and not it's famous but asks for privacy
  9. hell no most men are .... (no offence to those who don't fall into that category) well we know what they are, MIKA is just in a different league on every level, I'm sure he throws his teddy in the corner some days, but so do I
  10. This is exactly it, just him feeling "comfortable" enough to be able to share a part of himself with us that he doesn't have to at all just shows his generosity and kindness of spirit and YES it does make you love the guy... yet in a totally different way to any other kinda love you have for your close loved ones. He just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and cozy and warm, and very very PROUD of HIM who he is, what he does, even for feeling like I do about him.... he's MINT!
  11. PMSL is that sari hovering in the background pacing about pretending to be using her mobile, haha all she needs is a big grin and a big sign saying HI MUM!
  12. I'm a dumbass plz give me a direct linkage to the correct place to offload a load of verbals lol well writtens acctually
  13. Well in that case I'll get BBVix to put a claim in to him for her 16K per year Italia Conti (theatre school fees btw) fees then, she can always dance or sell lollipops at gigs in return. Sounds like a deal to me.
  14. Thanks Caz the vids and pics were great to see, you can see by the quality that a fantastic time was had by all lol xxx your mum will be so pleased at how happy this has made you and you got back safe and everything:naughty:
  15. it's TRUE, every time Vix rang me I couldn't hear a thing it was just like being there with really loud music but worse cos I couldn't even hear that above the chatter as well lol.
  16. lmao well if BBVix hadnt listened to hers today she would not have known about this till it was all over cos she was at work all day, so YEY for us mums we are ace (and some of us are very green cos we couldn't go, yet selflessly allowed our daughters to go all the same) give me an OBE right now I deserve one.
  17. he's left now but BBVix said she has had the most amazing time I better let her tell you about it when and IF she can get online soon (she's at work tomorrow tho) but she said she got a cute pic of him dancing and really getting into it..OH HOW I WISH I COULD HAVE GONE TOO.
  18. wonderful indeed if only they could all be like that. (if you see me behaving like a in front of him please feel free to slap me with a wet herring) since it is easy to slip into a teenage head when he walks into a room lol.
  19. #oh lol BBVix rang me to let me hear it but it was so noisy I couldn't make out if it was live on a piano or not lol guess it was Jem's ipod lol.
  20. if he does I hope it's over Teesside Park lol I m at work till 7pm tomorrow (yeey it's usually till 9 but I got a shift change for ...a change lol).
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