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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I don't know what to wear ive not been clubbing for years n years co sI am old so I cant wear what young people wear. I was thinking of either a black dress that is 2tone with gold and above knee sorta A line or black lacy 50's style with gold accessories, floaty skirt, strapless a little above knee. any suggestions of what to waer would be helpful , oh and flatties or heels (I hate heels they hurt) lol
  2. I havnt booked trains yet in case he changed the day or times of this NEW gig, and I may have to try to book another nights stay too in the hotel if he does it for the next day or something, hope he sorts it soon so we can make arrangements.
  3. I just rang Bumblebee_vix sat there with babs n sari n co...its sounds sooo noisy couldn't hear a thing lol I WANNA BE THERE TOO
  4. it's even harder when you live in hte same country but it's just too far too short notice and too expensive when you just got BACK from another MIKA gig to be able to go, makes you thrice as sad at least. BUT I'm thrilled for those who are going and hope you have a wonderful time. I have just had to direct Bumblebee_Vix there via mobile phone as I sit on pc with google maps on lol.
  5. :crybaby::crybaby: I cant find my flashing hearts!!!!! boo hooo
  6. mmmm could be, loving that pic it gives ME the horn (HEY WHO SAID THAT!) *runs away and hides in darkened corner* PS I still think it has hints of Adam Ant
  7. I will vote for that sexy beast till the end of time, what an awesome pic... sort of Adam Ant style without makeup lol. he is not far from 2nd place 7843KEEP IT UP GUYS I have to go to bed now so cant vote any longer tonight lol.
  8. I didnt see or hear of this till I turned my pc on at about 8.30 pm so faaar too late by then and I'm well gutted but more cos even if I HAD seen it and applied I cant go hubby wont let me ditch the 25th wedding anniversary holiday plans :badmood:pft I was soooo tempted to ditch him for MIka but.... thought I better behave myself instead...BOOORING!!! But if anyone gets spare ticket Bumblebee_Vix would like to go she lives in London already.
  9. the beauty I find in lyrics....(and poetry) is the different meanings it has to us all.
  10. pah they are just playing hard to get, I think the person who said it was cowardly to give mixed messages about it is spot on, they are afraid to like it too much in case the "in" crowd don't like it and afraid to NOT like it too much in case the same "in"crowd love it hahah.
  11. I have spent all night voting for Mika with 10 tabs open and just kept on refreshing and voting each one and it only went up by 12 votes so far pffft!
  12. I reckon Dr.John is a quack (maybe that is the reference to feathers etc and don't they sometimes call psychiatrists witch doctors in certain places?) I just get a picture of a phyciatrist's couch n all that, I think he is toying with his words again again to throw us off the scent. To me it's about someone who is trying to find himself and fighting with himself about ending up in sleazy bars looking for ?? W/E and doing all that trying to grow up shizz and it upsetting his parents, so they have to see a quack to see why he is behaving this way as his parents don't approve. His mum wants to help him but he refuses her help probs cos he feels he is either beyond help or doesn't even NEED or want it deep down, perhaps he is angry at them for wanting him to change or something. Well this is how it comes across to me, I like my version than his triangular dude, that just makes me think of green quality street choccies lol. PS. I also woke up with this in my head and it came to work with me and stayed in my head and out of it all day lol.
  13. what reasons would they give to refuse entry though... how can they tell if I am NOT gay pfft I will dress as flambouyantly as I can for the night oh and what kind of ID will they want? ALSO, THIS LINK TO NIGHT BUSES MIGHT BE USEFUL SINCE THERE ARE NO TUBES after 12-ish http://www.londonbusroutes.net/routes.htm
  14. pah I cant vote fast enough I have a timer set for bout 20 mins to remind me to keep voting when times up lol.
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