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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. check in at the one we stay at is 3pm but don't think they will mind if we're a little early, I am probs coming by train and that gets in just before 1pm so I will have some hanging about to do as well lol. think I might just find out where and when the night buses go from near kings cross and chuck Vix on one of those, I think a few ppl will have forgotten that the TUBES STOP AT 12PM ISH
  2. She is I bought her a ticket, (well sorta got an invisible one like the rest of us) pah she should have bought ME one its the day AFTER MY birthday after all. Anyway now I am worrying cos I didn't think to book a family room that is the same price even as a twin and double at the travel lodge, I thought Vix would need to get back for work in the morning and she does but now I realize the tubes stop at midnight-ish and she is gonna be stranded, I am going to try to ring travel lodge to see if they will amend my booking but usually they wont do it when it's all done online etc I have had bother once before about it a long while ago, but I will try anyway. I don't know what else to do unless anyone knows of anyone who she can travel towards Hampstead with after the gig. PM if anyone can help.
  3. erm... I paid for these tickets via paypal... how do we get teh actual tickets does anyone know, I got a confirmation from paypal straight away but nothing else.
  4. hell yeah lets cause a riot lol (closest I get to being rebellious at MY age lol
  5. exactly I think we should re-name the oldings thread asap to the Goldlings thread I mean I always forget to go on that one though I should cos I am one of the Goldest people on MFC I reckon I can't be far off anyways
  6. maybe he was tired due to all that sex he was having when he was being astro sex androidy thingyamabobins
  7. I agree he does look rather tired and bored on them, I think 4 & 5 are the best out of them, but maybe the photographer just didn't bring the best out of him, I guess now and then that will happen.
  8. or how about Blackpool shall be GOLDpool just for YOU thanks to MFC
  9. oh dont worry it WILL, it has taken MONTHS for me to like Rain but I do now hahha and even WAG I was a bit when I first heard the clip, once I heard the whole song I soon got right into it.
  10. oh but Freddie "the attention just encourages her/him" in our case lol
  11. Also bought tix for The Scala last night (well bout 2.30am I caved in and got em lol). so me and Vixybee are going, I am booked up at kings cross travel lodge (£55 for a twin or dble or family room) so not bad really. I am sharing the room with Mikafish, Vixybee will be going back to her own digs. after the gig tho.

  12. http://www.lollyshotel.co.uk/ that place wouldn't let me have a single room for one night, pffft but kt4mika sorted me out a room close enough to the gig AND the station so feel a lot more relaxed, just have to book up trains now :D THANKYOU KT4MIKA xx
  13. I am nearly always lonely, cos deep down there are glitter and sparkles but sometimes I cant let it out, I trap myself inside myself. But doing mika things helps me break out of it a bit, but having to do it on my own cos I don't have mates nearby who are into him... well it's kinda hard for me to be able to do all the things I want to and that is the frustrating part. (miserable sod I am tonight eh lol
  14. When he says he likes the idea of being a toy boy... just how far do you think his boundries are do I stand a chance is what I am getting at.... or would I also have to go through a sex change that at MY age would be rather a big ordeal, but hell... looking at those pix it sure would be worth the effort how very DARE he turn my clean thoughts about him to utter filth pah that is just not fair Mika!
  15. spat food on the pc again that is hilarious love it
  16. I want to go too it's the day after my bday.... NEED a cheap room tho why are they always so expensive, it's only a dam bed when all's said and done lol.
  17. stamped self adressed envelope pfft you know nothing!!! we would need a room for the night AGAIN too, it's about time he started letting us kip over his place, we could have a ball, I've seen what he gets up to when his parents are out lol (uncensored is better)
  18. I found this if it's any help to anyone http://www.lateshowuk.com/getting-tickets
  19. well IF tix were available... I DON'T work Thursdays, so I would jump on a train (Grand Central from Sunderland can be cheaper than natzi express Freddie). probs wont be able to get a ticket tho ah well at least I can watch it on tv....oh forgot about a room, why is Mika following soo darn expensive pfft.
  20. Guess this is how I am feeling today, even though I wrote this in 2004 it still fits when I feel like cr*p) Enigma I know not Why warm tears trickle down my face, Shamed and disgraced At why my heart bleeds ........As it's... ...........Unnecessarily squeezed. I fear the power of my own hands At the times when I; dont understand, The illogicality of my own mind The place sometimes; where Im confined. Days, nay moments, Where I am the instrument, and... ......Where to cease to be, Consumes all of my rationality. In my dark reclusiveness I am quenched While I obsess, Torn and twisted in morbid agony Exhausted and shamed by reality. Cursed talons through my skull, Drag out the evil demon scum, Abhorrent superfluous prisoner, Within the cowardly walls of my enigma. 10/6/2004©Vivienne B The art is not my own
  21. pmsl I only just noticed he wasn't there the last gigs hahahaha shows how much notice I took of that one opps lol.
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