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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. omg!!! just spat choccy on pc screen bwahahaha ( I admit this thought had crossed MY mind when I heard it lol)
  2. HELP!! I am gonna be travelling on my own and when I get to Blackpool I will end uup stuck out on a limb on my own again, WHERE IS EVERYONE ELSE BOOKED UP? and where the hell is this gig whats the addy so I can find a place as close as poss PLEASE I cba to trawl the whole thread and then find that infor aint here. :wink2:n *flutter flutter*
  3. I want it ALL and I want it ALL NOW NOW NOW!!!!:wub2:
  4. ooh goody goody better start making travel plans and a room for the night etc etc blah blah (urgh the boring bit) lol. FANKOOOOOO Vixenbbw looks like a lot of MFCers are all lady gaga over you now cos of all that generosity lol. weird though how your email addy didn't win one but some of the others u used did lol.
  5. of COURSE he is I mean it was used metaphorically to desribe the barrier in which he keeps the teen angst from flowing OBVIOUSLY
  6. I'm not sure if I can say what my very fave Mika song is but I can tell you some of my very fave lyrics are. (if it's innapropriate just delete the post I don't like to knowingly break rules). Can't you see my life as something more, and paint me in a color that you swear you've never seen before I love this for how it's meant and sang in the song and for me it's VERY poignant and cuts deep.
  7. The thought of Mika smiling at you through a sad smile made my eyes prickle... that must have been a very special moment for you.
  8. I love that about this place, and when ppl say to me "oh your going to see Mika AGAIN" in a snidey way, I say "oh but its MORE than Mika it's his fans too who are my friends and we all have a great time together and stuff" oh I feel peace and love everywhere ( I hope I still have the ticket I was given by another generous and luvleeeee MFCer). I wonder if I didn't enter the comp properly, I used 3 of my email addy's but didn't win any myself and I am NORTHERN lol pffft.
  9. d/ling to take over to my other pc that has sound lol and T4P
  10. thats awesome love it, mine is usually Mika in some form and this is what I have had for about 5-6 months) I tend to keep em for ages cos I am poo at chaning stuff pc wise lol.
  11. T4P Freddie it's frikin mint is that lol, I bet Meeks is well chuffed (probs NEARLY as much as us) lol.
  12. oh yes, it's weird knowing that he will never know and probably be unable to "get" things and ways he has changed in each of us. He has way too many fans now to be able to know each individualy and yet we want him to KNOW just how much he means to each of us and just how much we appreciate what he has done and continues to do to make things happen for the better inside us. Mika is a wonder, and yes I "feel" things for him too, it's a very strong fondness, that makes me long to hug him to say thank you, your a top guy.
  13. no I didn't get any but Vixenbww is giving me one of her spares so yeey I can go, but Bee cant she is skint, working and back in London need to know where ppl are booked up cos I dont wanna be a billy brown no mates all on my own.. and yes car share sounds fab.

  14. I can't bloody find him GRRR I never can on these things I am puter poopy
  15. I'm not 50 yet but heading in that direction (gonna hurt myself now) and I DIDN'T win any tickets and AND I live in the NORTH pah maybe they think I will be even MORE of a northern heathen than just a little bit North pfft. BUT I THINK I AM GOING NOW ANYWAY THANKYOU VIXENBBW XXXXXX:wub2:
  16. :emot-sad:feels left out...wants to come too boo hoo cry sniff wail gnashing of teeth and that kinda palarva.
  17. hahah I bet I didnt even apply for them, I was sure I did but knowing my luck I probs did it wrong being such a tecnaphobe I was starting to think only ppl really REALLY local were winning them then I saw Kaths name and she is MUCH further up t'north than me or even Freddie (did YOU get tix Freddie by any chance?)
  18. making this for my daughter BB_Vix's belated birthday today pretty and sparkly she loved it www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=2826153&id=694696528#/photo.php?pid=2826153&id=694696528 www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=2826153&id=694696528#/photo.php?pid=2826154&id=694696528 www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=2826153&id=694696528#/photo.php?pid=2826155&id=694696528
  19. so is the Japan version different from the delux one I'm really not good at htese htings and need spoon feeding the details Also has anyone got a link to the Japan site we can order it from if it's better than the Uk version PLEASE
  20. ooo the crowd didn't seem very "jolly" (apart from the lovely MFC who were there, guess thats cos they arnt all there for Mika, (me no likes that makes me uneasy and mother hen protective)
  21. You know I was NEVER fussed on this song, but I have been listening to the acoustic version and I now really love it, Overrated is still my all time fave, but Rain is quickly becoming up there with my top fave ballads of his. I can hear and feel emotion in the way he sings it on this version much more than I have heard elsewhere.
  22. ooo I could be classed at north Yorkshire... but I am going to YORK itself on Sunday to see mummy in law, I hope he is still there and texts me I will invite him to hers for lunch... show him the river Ouse and the bar walls and sto0fs or York Minster maybe but I think he might like this place best
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