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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I agree with that actually, cos it kinda is trying to force him/others into yet another steriotipical way of behaving, and that kinda seems like taking a few steps backwards. Maybe not everyone feels the NEED to jump on the highest soap box and fire shots at anyone and everyone who dares to diss their way of life, some people just do things THEIR way and just cos it aint the same view as theirs, doesnt make it the wrong way. I sometimes feel like some people just try waay too hard and show an uncaring nasty side of their persona...not attractive at all whether gay straight or into plushies (sorry if that doesnt make sense, I know what I was getting at I'm just not good at articulation (oo TB my fave )
  2. good idea I'm up for car share, split fuel cost etc etc blah blah lol. (not got a room yet mind ya, have to get my self on the case when I aint so tired.)
  3. has sara1002911 left now? she hasn't said much since her first posts, what I don't understand is why she felt the NEED to come to MFC actually JOIN it and make this her first post, it comes across as kinda hostile and I think that is what got some peoples backs up a little. It's hard to be welcoming to what appears to be a bit of hostility just for the sake of it, I expect there is a deeper reason, we may never find that out though. and YES I do hear a vague similarity but it doesn't bother me, I hear similarity's all the time these days with many artists, I just can't see the point to making a huge deal about it.
  4. and still thinking "how gorgeous Mika was and how much I wanted his babies." lol.
  5. ooo this cheered me up, a lush article, and I got all PROUD of Mika cos they are starting to take proper notice of him now:wub2: (we could have told thenm aaages ago how uber fab he is).
  6. oh more than likely I think so yes. But these shops, think there is one in america and London has one too, they have guys dressed in not too disimilar attire as da masta on WAG vid only I htink they might be a bit more beef cake types but pinkish
  7. I think he was in that uber fancy shop where they have big phitt guys on the door as you go in and it's really funky and very very dark and all a bit weird if you ask me, I mean when your shopping you need to SEE what your buying don't you, so this HAS to be the obv reason for it. (I dont shop in these place myself I have just been told about it.
  8. awww Rose you dissapoint me (well BBVix more once I tell her this lmao) :roftl:it's your new nickname and everything RR
  9. awesome idea and I know at itunes he said he is PROUD of MFC but I don't think he loves us THAT much lol.
  10. and Lady boys show, went to see that last year for a hen party... it was really good, think Mika might like it too. How you getting htere Freddie, train, bus, drive or fly lol.
  11. and it's getting better.... it's getting better EVERY day la la la la la la etc etc so this time next year they will all eat their words wont they lol, (lets hope it's when they said he was sh*t) lol.
  12. Holy Johnny and Dr.John combined when they were young. I think it probs happens soo fast ppl wont notice it, just eagle eyed MFC I guess.
  13. now your back again you need more friends lol

  14. ooo I DOOO hope so, I could accept it being the day affter my bday so there you go ppl I have set the date for him it's FRIDAY 11th SEPTEMBER can someone let him know it's a date
  15. HERE HERE MY GOOD CHAP I totally agree, and wish to thank them all AGAIN myself, I missed out on the fun q-ing and this time it WOULD have been fun cos of the weather etc (makes a big difference), but everything else I experienced was wonderful, everyone is so brill (see I'm all loved up, even BBVix had got back onto MFC after so long of not being able to get on) yeeey life is good. now PLEASE PLEASE don't let that secret gig be on or the week of Sept 22 cos I am away celebrating my 25th wedding anniversary and hubby wont be best pleased if I say I cant make it to that now will he lol I don't mind if it's near my bday Sept 10th though, now that WOULD be perfect
  16. I was sure that's why you changed you av to a union jack flag lol, but then you had it while before the vid so mayb Mika copied you, he does copy us on lots of things
  17. thats cos he IS:wub2: and I've finally got to the end, goodnight /SIZE]
  18. get yourself manhandled onto it like BBVix did hahaha I of course am waaay to ancient to be doing any of that stage invading palarva, unless of course it's only knee high. Do you think he will still be afraid of Trolls now Kata lol.
  19. not sure yet Rose I've not put them on the pc I have been trying to read all the latest stuff and it's hard work I tell ya lol., Ill try n do it tomorrow (well alter today actually cos I aint giving in till I have got to page 35 that is the end of this thread so far).
  20. funny I said he reminded ME of Marc Bolan in another thread the toher day, think it was after seeing WAG for the 1st time
  21. yes it is BBVix she likes to freak out bigtime, if she is gonna for for it then she does (she goes to stage school she can't help herself lol). but climbing up on that stage from about 12 rows back was no mean feat I tell you lol.
  22. I'm not fond of tattoo's in men or women and would NEVER get one, I hate to see a person who has so many you cant even see their skin or what the tattoo is meant to be any more, so many ppl seem to be addicted to them these days and get so many. Yet I DO think a nice neat small one can look pretty in the right place and I think more than one..... seems to spoil the effect somehow, maybe cos it's such a permanent thing so what you get should be so so special and thought about deeply and for a long time before you get it. I do quite like your's though Kath ( but I think it's cos it's Mika...and just so special) My hubby says he would divorce me if I got a tattoo of any kind (pfft it's our 25th wedding anniversary too middle of September), good job I don't want one, though if we got divorced...who knows I may be asking Mika to sign parts of MY body too lol.
  23. PLZ PLZ i need it UNWATERMARKED so I can drool all over it when I get to my retirement home and with only the top set of false teeth I wanna whisper... OoooOOOOooo YOUNG MAAAAAAN (till my dying day which won't be long if he keeps having pixs like that of himself, he is positivley remarkably unashmedly TOO dam sexy on that one for sure, look at that expression, look what his eyes say (quick pass me the smelling salts!
  24. this is the one that makes me think "OOooooooooooOo YOUNG MAAAAAN"
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