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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. WHO did, and since when have we taken any notice of the curly haired waver of magical wands and such like pffft
  2. oh I dunno, depends how hungry you are. are we all gonna wear something GOLDEN for this gig I think it could be appropriate
  3. erm.... yeah you do we all gonna wear something GOLDEN for this gig I think it could be appropriate
  4. let us all join hands and pray (or w/e it is we do do in these situations) and see if some more tix can be magically formed (beautifully of course) by the wondrous wanded one of pink and great proportions.
  5. is she "in" with the mighty and tutu'd TF and able to magically turn ice creams into EXTRA tickets like? *hopes* maybe if she grabs TF's BIG SPARKLY WAND and waggles it about a few times over MFC then some might just appear as if by MAGIK lol
  6. haha save me a place then too (and I'll let u bunk up at Vix's hostel (£25 quid a night) lol, I am gonna arrive after tea all spuced and refreshed (NOT) lol and just slip into the front of the Q WHAT!!!
  7. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ I BELIEVE in faries I BELIEVE in faries I BELIEVE in faries ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ I just keep getting that Abba song in my head tho... I believe in angels one lol, maybe we should sing it in the Q. I wont be ther till late tho cos Vix doesnt fin work till after 5pm and I have to get to her digs and back, though she lives in Hampstead so it aint far from the gig (it IS in Camden aint it or have I got that wrong too lol
  8. Oh bummer...work!!! SWINE FLU!!!! pull a sickie then say u got better quick cos it was just MAN FLU then you can some stay at Vix's place in Hampstead with me and her lol. PS. yes your new sig is fab I hadn't noticed it before * jealous its mint!!
  9. I just pm-ed you, let me know what you think, I am gonna cancel my dentist appointment for that afternoon lol and erm...I am gonna miss teh burying of my father in laws ashes, .. BUT I DID go to the funeral and stuff so I am not ALL bad, I am not TOO Mika obsessed, though if it had coincided with the Mika gig... well.... now that WOULD have been a harder decision.... not
  10. Oh that one is really close to where my daughter lives (she has managed to get me into HER hostel for one night only *makes me sound like a star l:roftl:) But thank you for sending the linkage me too I am such a tecnaphobe, I can never find radio channels at the best of times lol. are peeps making a weekend of this or just staying the one night? (I'm probs going home on the day after cos my daughter will be at work all day so I will be billied so may as well head up t'north again.
  11. PS, does anyone know where I can find any cheap rooms, it bloody expensive enough on the trains as it is pffft!!
  12. OH wow :mf_lustslow:thank you ticket fairy (and Babs) I think who txt me and made me leap out of bed and get plugged in, much to hubby's amuzment at me acctually getting up so fast lol. I have sent and rec an email back from them need a train ticket now and a bed for the night (any offers lo). can I send an email for my daughter (bumblebee_vix)who will be on her way to work now and wont be able to get on a pc till lunchtime or not since she lives in London and is a member of MFC (when she can get her hostel internet to work that is lol), cos your only allowed one ticket for yourself you see and I know she will want to come too.
  13. what even though we have had the ****tiest weather in ages, all wet wet and MORE wet, think I would rather go chase the sun (we HATE it when it's too cold and raining you see and we HATE it when it's too hot as well, we Brits are hard to please when it comes to the weather) PS Sari, no need to explain yourself chuck, (though I do feel a bit better knowing you aint cancelled an UBER marvellous holiday on the off chance his lord ship might grace you with his shmiiiiles lol).
  14. Blimey just a load of mad Mika fans then who enjoy a gamble lol. (thanks Babs).
  15. There's a heck of a lot of people risking it travelling to London WITHOUT actual tickets for the gig, some even changing their holiday plans... have I missed something vital here, have you all been given a nod and wink in my absence (I have a family funeral to attend to this Friday (24th), I have missed so much while I have not been able to keep up, not that I could ever keep up with this place at the best of times mind you).
  16. so how do they know we have bought them ages ago if we didn't get codes since they wern't invented then and ALSO I can't even log in to the dam thing (I can get onto MS), but not this codes validation points bit, I don't even remember getting or making a password or even making an account with them, I thought I bought everything via sandbags
  17. OMG he is releasing it on MY 25th SILVER wedding anniversary lol I should change it to GOLDEN wedding anniversary in honour of it lol.
  18. I tried to enter on 3 different email accounts cos I didnt get any confirmation, then, noticed I had got one ont he 2nd email address, so one of my emails is registerd to MS and the other 2 not... here we go again guys, de ja vu. (and yes Daisy I DO remember what happend to you, it was not so nice to win NOTHING at all, bit like my daughter Vix, she won NOTHING AT ALL TWICE lol. I won tix to Leeds '07 my 1st gig and the start of the hypnotic Mikamagicness. That didn't run very smoothly either, but non of these things ever do, I have almost come to expect and accept it now. ah well, all we can do is wait and hope.
  19. OMG I need to see all the pics and vids of him getting the jacket woo hooooo is it on utueb or anything? bet it was amazing to see his face for real as he got it. YEEEHAAAAh lol.

  20. OH WOW 20th July!! day before my hubbys big bday and 22nd... MY 25TH SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!! what a thoooopah anniversary pres (wont pre order it from sandbags/sandwhich/hamburgers w/e its called cos I wont get it until my RUBY wedding anniversary.
  21. So it's FRIDAY.... has anyone else got emails about winning tickets? :crybaby: I havn't yet, I need to book up trains and shiz c'mon hurry up I need to win some like NOW
  22. haha me to I just sit there with a swoony face going on and a BIG grin like a Cheshire cat lol.
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