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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. lol memories eh? I rather liked his shoes when he came over in Manchester too.
  2. yarrr tis mine and yarr he DID ask for us to caption it mwahahaha:devil: glad he likes it, the guys got an awesome sense of humor, ALWAYS a big bonus in guy that lol. (PS, no need for sorry's you wern't to know it was mine), it doesnt have a watermark dunno how to do them lol, also I sent it to HIM, HE reposted it, it's all jolly good fun, no serious theft going on or anything lol
  3. you STILL need help, but then so does he lol xxx

  4. My pic I took in Newcastle I tweeted it to him cos I thought it was a funny one lol, so did he since he INVITED captions for it lol bet he didn't bank on it being wonkafied and Mary'd quite in this way though lol but he obv likes the new version since it's his D/piccy now lol.
  5. yes I do from time to time cos I used to like the captions thread we had before this one came about, I like silliness
  6. ME wants a moooooooving avi thingy tooo(tho maybe not Mikas face starring at me doing private things (perv)
  7. heh heh how chuffed was I that he used my pic that I sent him lol, and now he has the doctor'd version as his avvie thing on Twitter lol. (was a hilarious stance though lo).
  8. NOT everyone thank goodness, I didn't even KNOW about all this till recently, but tbh we have NO say in who Mika chooses for his band, I think Mika usually chooses great people for his band members, I have liked all of them, I don't know them well enough NOT to, a fan is just a fan after all. (some of us know our place lol ).
  9. me too but I have to control myself him being my almost son and all, wouldnt be right would it I hadnt seen much of the band in a while I always thought they left really quickly for some reason. Lessons for ppl on here, dont judge on heresay, facts and fiction can sometimes turn into chinese whispers. I can't understand it really I thought ppl here would be taking a leaf out of Mika's book, I find him SOOO accpeting of people himself.
  10. hellooooooooooooo glad you enjoyed your first Mikaring antics, it WONT be your last lol, it becomes quite addictive lol, lolvey pix xx

  11. My nickname for David is Son (he probs doesnt know it), but he gave me the idea in Newcastle after appologizing for staring at me from the stage cos I look soo much like his mum, he certainly looks more like he could be a child of mine than my OWN kids (my daughters got long dark curly hair), lol think I picked up the wrong ones from the hospital, (blame it on the drugs ). I spent a lot of Bristol watching David and listening to him harmonizing etc, cos I was at his side of the stage, its always interesting when you notice different things. I like him he seems a decent and friendly bloke, (Jazzy decided he is very stylish and I agree).
  12. ME too I need a ticket for AMSTERDAM too, can't believe it, only decided (got persuaded pfft FD lol) and Ive been too busy Mikaering to have time to get any others arranged, (well apart for Bristol that was a last minute.com thingy lol), but I thought like Jazzy there wud be lots of time left to get them still poocakes
  13. Hmm interesting, it looks like it will be really silly and hilarious, I like that better than blood guts and gore, so I probs wont be able to stiffle my curiosity so I guess I will go watch it. It's all publicity at the end of the day, hope the song's a good un
  14. I agree, it was fab to see the into and doesnt it look even MORE spooky and atmospheric in B&W PS has anyone else got anymore of the backstage pix, I had my arm around him for aaaages while John took all the pix, I'm sure there was about 6 cameras lol, also has anyone got the link etc to the ones the photographer from the newspaper took?
  15. Thank you but I managed to get one already, I didnt think you were going to get back to me in time. now I just need to get one for Amsterdam lol. (FD is a baaaad influence lol).

  16. haha that will teach her to keep calling his puppet ugly, bet he KNEW it was her..PAYBACK lol
  17. yeah found it hanging around my daughters bedroom, it demanmded I smuggle it into a Mika gig, it doubled up as a very warm scarf, had to keep tucking it's leg back in my jacket though as it kept trying to escape
  18. think it was more like, can this puppet go on a date with your puppet cos it fancies it rotten...or somethign equally as barmy as that lol. (mind you it could sure shake its hips couldnt it lol).
  19. yeah me too, I LOVED that gig, my fave too, though this one is pretty close up there too. (think Jamsterdam will be a blast though, what shall I be what shall I be lol, probs a doormouse, sounds very fitting for me lol). PS. where's best place to get a gig ticket?
  20. Mika said "maybe" when I asked him in Leeds, so probs John & mummy I reckon. But it WOULD have b een tricky since backstages are so small and Freddie would have had to get changed witht he laaaydies, not as black and white as it appears when the ideas pop up in the first place eh He's very protective of his little mini-me puppet isnt he bless. and you DO need help haha
  21. whataguy whataguy (maybe they were worried Mika might find you irresistable in a pink corsette and frilly knickers )
  22. I just noticed your sig piccy and the little quippy thing siiigh I'm too busy planning my NEXT gig to upload my pix yet but I WILL. Though I CAN tell you that after the gig and Mika had gone, David came out, and appologized cos he couldnt stop looking at me at the gigs, he said it's cos I remind him so much of his mum, I said "what a batty old biddy" and he said "NOOO you look soo much like her only 20 years younger and more beautiful" haha I think he was worried I would be offended that he thought I might be old enough to be his mum...BUT I AM old enough to be his mum lol, so wasn't offened at all, he's a good looking guy after all lol. (I can acctually see what he means though looking at the pic Daisy took of us, he looks more like my offspring than my OWN offspring do ). (That made up for Mika giving my puppet dodgy looks from the stage lol).
  23. Agreed one of the best ones, for me cos I acctually SAW the gig (only saw it from the side as a SBG in Glasgow) and missed part of it ..yes THAT part of it lol, so Newcastle was ROCKIN' he performed his heart out. It never ceases to amaze me when I see and hear him hitting those notes, when I see his body contort as he uses every muscle to sing and give us a night to remember, it fills me with pride and appreciation of his talent in the words of Freddie (and this is why he says it so much) WHAT A GUY WHAT A GUY!!
  24. I only heard of 2 people who wern't entirely happy with things at this gig, 2 upset people....friends.... and friends comfort friends as best they can, (sometimes the comfort is rejected but we still try, its nature really), so its a bit harsh to say we shouldnt comfort our friends when they are upset. This does NOT mean molly coddle, I think everyone who tried to console these dissapointed upset people tried to point out the reasons and the why's, but when people are upset they don't always HEAR reason until they take stock and think about it. I would have been VERY dissapointed to read bad vibes on Twitter or anywhere about Mika over these matters because as has been mentioned time and time again, Mika does SO much to please us, sometimes I feel he and TM do TOO much pandering to peoples whims and demands and I find it annoying that he/TM may feel obligated to grant their wishes time and time again. WE choose to come to see Mika, WE choose to sit in Q's for rediculous amounts of time, WE choose to put ourselves forward to be BG/LPG's (that is one HUUUUGE privilege, so I am of the ilk that they should NOT take up front row, we didnt when I did it and I didnt feel robbed I felt it was fair for those who had Q-ed up longer than I had). WE choose to buy the merch, he gives so much back to us constantly and I am grateful for every scrap of it, even just a glance in my direction during a gig is a gift. I hope he never changes treating us well, but I wish the demands and expectations from him would get under control, I fear we may bleed him dry one day and that would be shameful of us.
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