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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I didn't like rain when I first heard it, it was waaay to repetitive, but it's grown on me, not one of my faves but its ok. Blue eyes HAS grown on me it's my 2nd fave on the EP, Toy Boy still my very fave. my least fave is BIOTG.... dunno why I just aint keen on it. I would like to hear mostly new stuff on the album but that is cos I am greedy and just want MORE MORE MORE
  2. I think I may ask my hubby to buy this for me for a 25th wedding anniversay present,(on 22nd September) I am sure he will think he has got off very lightly indeed (I will have to think of some other decadent "gift" he can give me to go with it).
  3. What an astonishingly thoughtful wifey you are Ruth, he's a lucky man (so is your hubby ).
  4. oh great news, some of us will get them in time for xmas maybe and some might find Santa leaves 2 or 3 copies when they only ordered 1. Some might just get a sack of coal instead of the album they ordered and some might get secret codes and some might not get any at all, but we will ALL get an email to let us know the date they will tell us what the secret codes are for, just... it's all in the world of Mikaizm and it's a law unto itself, but dont we just LOVE LOVE all the hype and shizzle.
  5. me too, it's just too far to go on spec cos also need trains and room for the night cos I would NEVER try to sleep in a train station (used to in my muspent youth, but its way too dangerous nowadays). Well I hope some more MFC wins tix cos it Mika will miss us if there arn't enough of us to support him as only WE know how to WELL DONE TIA so pleased you won and found out so soon, great stuff you lucky duck lol.
  6. ok I have a go (tired to post this for about an hour,s ee if it lets me post it now) Way up high in the sky on the eye I saw Mr rhinoceros his horn stuck on with glue at London zoo, could you? blamanche piccalo sunbeam
  7. Oh dear I feel one of his famous competitions coming on (they never seem to go to plan do they
  8. I reckon they are BOTH coming together in an ice cream van lol. how the hell do u try to watch it via that link posted, it's confusing I cant seem to get to different cameras or rooms its just the same vid keeps playing.
  9. I reckon he has had one two many already either that or his jet lag is worse than he first thought.
  10. aww Sari maybe you had the wrong accent hun.
  11. lmao I read it as sh!tty appartment and I thought nothing of it, making Mika do a private gig in a sh!tty doss house hovell lmao!!
  12. Yeah that was MY first thought lol then we can afford him sooner, he seems to like being for rental after all so not only a Toy Boy but also a Rent Boy mwahaha:teehee: BTW I only got codes with my gig tickets, NOT with the EP I ordered and received from sandbags, sandbox, sandwiches etc
  13. I didn't order the sownload I ordered the EP and I got the EP the day after I got back from Sadlers Wells ONE ep NO codes I gues I have to think myself lucky that I even got my Ep at all.
  14. god I totally HATE rap with a vengeance of 10 zillion scarab beatles
  15. has something weird happend to Twitter it looks different today have they changed the format of it?
  16. me too it's hard after reading all that hate cr@p not to respond in some way his royal curliness needs protecting.... well it just feels right to try to defend him since he won't himself cos he is uber sweet lol.
  17. this reminds me of the "I have ocd, I am dyslexic, I have culry hair" etc etc we get on here from time to time guess it's all part n parcel of it.
  18. I must admit I hate the impromptu things too cos ppl need to book time off work, hotels, trains etc etc, but.... sometimes we have to put up with it if it's all we can have. If anyone wins tickets (a miracle I know) then it would be nice to put names on front page and if ppl need to share rooms etc... then that too.
  19. oh WOW I AM jealous he will be sooo impressed at the limitedness of it when you ask him to sign it with an invisible pen. Don't be surprised if HE is invisible also when you rent him out with all your invisible limited edition fake money for a limited invisisble private non gig in your bathroom. it's gonna be awesome I am soo Jealous (can I sit in your bathtub under a towel, I will be so quiet he will never know I am there, I will appear .... as if .... invisible.
  20. oh nice an invisible ep with invisible secret codes, whereas I GOT the ep eventually but the codes are so secret they are still invisible
  21. :naughty: sorry I can't help it... they are really "professional" arnt they lol
  22. I wonder if they ever get used to this kind cr*p, when what you say is twisted to suit what THEY want to write about, it would infuriate me for sure.
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