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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. she sure has, now who is gonna make the "Mika's next dodgy attention seeking headline" thread lol I am sure we could help them think some up lol.
  2. awww how lovely I am really proud of Brian May for "getting" Mika and really proud of Mika FOR Mika lol if you get me, I guess I just feel dam proud of it all lol. I saw BM at Sadlers Wells but I don't think I would have been able to go up to him and speak lol. I think it's really sweet that he can still see a part of Mika that reminds him of his great friend Freddie (not OUR Freddie though he is also great lol)
  3. awww poor Meeks, he did appear a bit peeved by the intrusion, his smile wasnt genuine you can see that in his eyes but he tried non the less and was polite as ever, it must be pretty hard to remember not to tell ppl like this to naff orf, he must be a pretty patient kinda guy. Was this in Paris?... say no more.
  4. They are not alike at all, though A has got wavy hair too but not as dark as Mika's. He's a really nice chap though
  5. :wub2:oh it makes me go weak at the knees, LOVE LOVE LOVE this one, I adore all the instruments they are...(I was gonna say music to me ears lol) I dunno the sound they make just makes me MELT!!! fangurl:
  6. it's almost like they have practised that, sounded fine to me (hard to tell on the vid cos it's poor quality but defo better than nothing). very cute though and soon his whole band will be made of of MFCers who will do it for free lol now THAT would be so funny.
  7. I think A should hold out for a wage... he's part of the act now you know.
  8. He does too, (although not me cos I am the invisible type lol) he has nowt better to do between writing albums and touring and going to wild parties and the like.
  9. not so A is doing something with Universal and going to live in Canda for a while (exclusive on A lmao)
  10. I think Mika should steal the diary room chair from Big brother UK
  11. More than likely, wonder if it will be as GOOD!!!! as Brixton. Wonder if he will be in a big rush this time. He looks tired to me on the pics and maybe that mark is where he fell asleep against the window drooling.
  12. Fab and IF he doesnt turn up... there is always the other shizz OH and probs a lot of rain and MUD:sneaky2:
  13. yea I'm not greedy I don't mind sharing (I go shy anyway if I have no one to bounce off lol). Do you think Mika would let me bounce off HIM I DO think it would be a good idea though to do some MFC only gigs, now THAT would make us ALL feel special )
  14. I am really angry that my EP arrived the day AFTER Sadlers Wells, I felt really bad when he was signing every one elses, it looked like I hadn't bought one I mean I already have his sig on other things, but I would have liked it on that EP and it also gives me (cos I can go really shy at times) something to say to him instead of the nervous poop that came out of my mouth at the time, (worse is someone has video evidence of it too ).
  15. Also does he think we ALL have HUGE rooms big enough to accommodate his band, instruments, that MAHOOOSIVE silver ball lol, his cameramen, and think of the cleaning after all that confetti....hell it would be sooo worth it lol (tries to work out ways to get MORE points lol).
  16. I got the impression from the vid that it was the MORE "points/fake money" you get the more chance you can afford him (he seems to be FOR RENTAL after all) Maybe we could ALL pool our points together, hire a place and have an MFC ONLY gig, now that would be a great idea don't you think, or even an MFC per country gig and only ppl from THAT country allowed to go, that would seem fairer and less stress with HUGE crowds at once. but I am sure there are also very RICH ppl on MFC that can afford to rent out Mika all to themselves for the afternoon lol, we shall see eh. ( I don't know if I could be arsed to tidy up my living room, he might have to just do it in the garden lol.
  17. awww M&G's are maybe bad for his health (think of all those germs you lot have got, I mean HELLO... swin flu )or maybe he was out partying waaay to late after S/W lol.
  18. I don't buy cd's full stop apart from Mika's lol so it's "Songs for Sorrow" ep of course
  19. Well I got my EP the day I got back from S,Wells no code nothing in there apart from the EP. I did get codes when I bought my gig tickets, do we get them for BOTH?
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