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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I just got this in my inbox tonight (all my details under it etc etc and telling me what to do if I can't recieve them etc.) let you know when they get here, should be soon though
  2. he's just soooo used to being given freebies, you really have to keep a hold of your possesions around him you know, he just comes right out and asks if he can keep it (like teddy in my D/P (but being fair it WAS for him , I made us both one lol)
  3. oh is that the pretty chimey sound I hear during it :wub2:
  4. awww that is not nice...well it IS nice but not when you wanted to get your ordered CD "JUST IN CASE" :crybaby: I mean I do have his sig already but.... it will give me summit to say to him "JUST IN CASE" you know
  5. me too he is such a nice guy, guess that is cos he actually talks to you unlike some who ignore ya
  6. my god she has taken to removing her HAIR as WELL as her frock
  7. OH thank god for that, I really like her sound by the myspace songs really nice better than some of them he's had for sure. (well sounds like it anyway) T4P Debs
  8. Better safe than sorry I guess, there are a lot of werido's in London (especially when WE lot turn up ) (at the Brixton gigs Vix and I had been all over London on tubes ect and she was dressed in full BEE get up yet it was in Kennsington near our B&B dressed casually that we got called WEIRDO'S!!! pffft London for ya huh). and Thanks for letting me know about the camera's Rose (it was me who was asking about that), wonder if they will throw ppl out if they get their cameras out lol. /also, I bet our view is spoilt by nasty bald big round security guards with no necks right in front of us, cos they don't want us rushing the stage with our zimmer frames asking Mika to sign our bus passes.
  9. looks like your on the one after me then cos mine leaves Darlo Sunday about 9.59am and arrives as 12.43 and on Tuesday it leaves KC at 11am and arrives in Darlo at 13.20, oh well have a good journey, might see you at Kings Cross at some point lol.
  10. OH and since it's a THEATRE does that mean no camera's cos usually u aint allowed em in Theatres?
  11. Yeah I come back on Tuesday, Kings cross 11am arrive at Darlo 13.20 lol (Didn't wanna stay in London with a suitcase etc on my own cos Vixter will be back at Conti early that morning.
  12. yes I am going on Sunday morning, train leaves Darlo just before 10am and I arrive at about 12.45 ish, I'm spending that night at Vix' digs then Tuesday I have to go to Travel lodge at Aldergate east, don't think I can book in though till after 2ish. Vix is still at Conti and not sure what time she will get done etc, need to make plans with her next time she can get online etc. How bout you, what trains you getting and wot Hotel you in?
  13. PAH! typical, why get it legit when you can cheat pfft!! he looks like he has gone back to page 3 now and has 524 votes (if the bleeding thing can be trusted.)
  14. There is a small chance that I have a spare ticket Sadlers Wells gig next to me (2nd row centerish), but I won't know till the day, just depends if the sprog can come, she may have rehearsals or summit. either PM me or gimme a shout at the venue or something.
  15. There is a small chance that I have a spare ticket for this gig next to me (2nd row centerish), but I won't know till the day, just depends if the sprog can come, she may have rehearsals or summit. either PM me or gimme a shout at the venue or something.
  16. PPl just buy those designer TOY dogs that fit in a purse so they can drug them and hide them in their purse to smuggle into UK so we will get rabies...you know how it goes, I mean jeez we got pig flu thing here already, whatever next?
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