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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. how crazy is this thing (Rose Daniel radcliffe is not even showing on the same page as Mika is on MINE!) and I voted again (4th or 5th time tonight lol), it went up to 372 I refreshed the page and it went back to 370 I don't get it.
  2. my 1st vote and counting (I'm bored lol so I will vote till I get bored of that too )
  3. I rather like him, his songs, his voice the way he sings, and it helps that he is easy on the eyes, a bit like someone else we all know lol.
  4. OH!! you have made me look at those lyrics in a different way now lol (how cool), cos I interpreted "The dirt in which we are stepping is the one in which we will be found" as meaning... well over here there is a saying and it goes "it's only the depth that varies" and it means, always in the poop(dirt)with things, but it's only the depth of poop that varies. So I took it to mean that..... the poop we are stepping in is the poop we always seem to be found in, as in no change there then, kinda thing. But I like the other interpretations too.
  5. I think FROCK is a kinda old fashioned word, and probs northern cos I use it all the time though I am originally from South Shields I didn't start to use it until I moved to Teesside, where everyone seemed to use it lol. But it's so much amusing to say Frock instead of boring dress lol.
  6. You stole my word caroline!!! (and if I can't squeeze into any of MY frocks I wont be wearing one (no no don't be rude I WILL wear something lol), and I aint gonna buy a new one when I have 400 in my wardrobes, (I hoard stuff lol got some original 1950's frocks, wish I was a size 6 lol I have NEVER fitted into it but I can't just chuck it out cos it's pretty lol).
  7. oh well, at least they said quite good stuff about it T4P
  8. I like the tune and his voice, I like how he sings it and what he sings about, I love the whine/wine reference, I love the irony in it, I don't find it patronizing cos I get irony from it. I like the mediocre writer part too and craving to be heard (reminds me of a poem I wrote, http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5969&highlight=sparkly+poetry&page=5 not the whole thing lol I WISH... no just the mediocre writer craving to be heard bit). But my very fave part is "the sh*t oops I mean DIRT on which we're stepping, is the one in which we will be found.
  9. awww I wish we didn't have to wait for ours, I thought we would have got ours first before you could get it anywhere else, so why the big rush to pr order it if you can buy it off the shelves? I wanted it before I go to his gig as it's the only one I am going to and it's ON 8th oh well what's done is done. ( I know, he can send me it signed now then to make up for me having to wait I am an impatient cow lol
  10. and Vix and I will be in this one, i don't know if anyone else has booked up here but it's next tube stop to City road Travel lodge. When I booked it it was £45 per room per night, today it has gone up to £52 per room per night but still very cheap for a twin/double room in London. http://www.travelodge.co.uk/search_and_book/rooms_rates.php?hotel_id=355&from=list
  11. thanks Rose I'll PM you my mobile since everyone has booked up to a diff travel lodge to the one I suggested in the thread pffft I went and booked up first too cos I thought it was the nearest one, it IS only the next tube stop the the city one but never mind wots done is done, it's only a bed for the night after all.
  12. how is that going to work when we will not be attached to our pc's with the mouse umbilicus? I don't have a phone that can go on the internet, and I am usually kinda out of the clique so don't get to find out the goss and shizz.
  13. aww man that sux big time no wonder your gutted.
  14. they obviously go in for hysteria more than here then eh.
  15. well that would be far better a show than having to suffer while some woman removes her undergarments in a public place zzzzzzzzzz how BORING!!!! lets just strip Mika instead (ARTISTICALLY of course).
  16. But Mika will be so disapointed... he will be expecting, maybe testing your decadence to the max (bet you cave in and go lol). :naughty:
  17. eye em up all you like, you know you can't really sell your granny to go, but maybe if you offered your services as a stripper he would let you in for free, or maybe he will hold a comp to be a stripper on stage with him...
  18. "1Sparkly1@mikasounds think all your fans on MFC need surgery since they have been glued to pc screens, some for nearly 2 days...CODES Mika CODES!"
  19. when you spend hours and hours in front of a pc in the vain hope that constantly refreshing your page will produce a long awaited email with a secret code to a secret that will have expired by the time the secret is revealed, and you know mIka will be laughing his socks off at the thought of 50 thousand fans in the same predicament at the same time. (oh he is such an attention seeker)
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